Easy Metamagic Feat

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Question for the writers or other readers. I could not find anything on the website and I am looking for feedback.

Easy Meta Magic is from Dragon Magazine # 325 p62. And since it is considered official material for DnD, we allow it in the campaign.

Here is the text on the feat:

Easy Metamatic [Metamagic]

Pre-Reqs: any other Metamagic feat with at least a +2 level adjustment

Description: Choose a Metamagic feat you know. When preparing or casting spells with this feat, treat the Level Adjustment as being one lower than it actually is with a minimum of +1. You may take this feat multiple times. Each time it applies to a new Metamagic Feat.

So this leads to the question I had below...

Character has: Quicken, Divine Metamagic Quicken, and Easy Metamagic Quicken

Normally he could prepare a quicken spell at only three levels higher than normal (instead of the normal four from quicken)

Now does Divine Metamagic use five turn attempts (1+4 for quicken) or can he apply the Easy Metamagic Quicken feat to make it four attempts (1+3)?

It basically comes down to does the Divine Metamagic feat count its cost as the basic feat cost (i.e. 1 + 4) in turn attempts. Or can it use level costs adjusted by Easy Metamagic.

Thank you for your assistance.

- Hamakto

Mind if I ask where divine metamagic quicken comes from? Might be able to help if I can get the exact wording of that feat, and chances are it's probably in a book I own but haven't read enough of yet.

Divine Metamagic is from Complete Divine (page 80). It lets you spend turn/rebuke undead attempts to apply one metamagic feat, without increasing the spell level (at a cost of spell level adjustment +1 ). So, you'd normally spend 5 turn (4+1) attempts to apply the quicken feat.
The important text in Divine Metamagic description is: "plus an additional attempt for each level increase in the metamagic feat you're using".
As you've gained Easy Metamagic (thus reducing the level increase to +3), it should cost the cleric 4 turn attempts (not 5) to use a Quicken effect. Besides, you've used 3 feats to do so- and possibly more, if you've gained the Extra Turning (or several)feat as well.

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