Abinadi |
I've decided to start posting everything that I like about each issue of Dragon this year. I was going to start with issue 351 because it is the January issue, but I was so busy in December that I didn't get to finish reading it until a couple weeks ago, so I have decided to start with the issue that I actually get in 2007.
Although I have not received issue 352 yet, I am posting this as sort of an accountability for me to keep my word.
I'll write mostly about what I like about each issue. I'll, hopefully, keep my criticism to a minimum as I don't like to criticize others. I'll also note some things I wish was in the issue or on the website.
I hope I get the issue in the mail today or tomorrow so that I can have the review up by Monday. I welcome any comments concerning the issue or anything I write.
I suppose I'll at least start with the preview of issue 352. I am not familiar with China Mieville. I do like articles about new cultures and such, but I have to wonder why they are devoting so much of the issue to a single campaign. The issues about Shannara and Dark Sun were not that interesting to me (and I am a huge fan of Dark Sun). Oh well, I am kind of sitting on the fence about this until I actually read the articles.
I really like Eberron, so an article about customizing warforged is right up my alley. I'm assuming that the undead abominations article is the Volo's Guide. Even when I liked FR, I never really liked any of the Volo books and such.
Ecology articles are always interesting. I have never used an Yrthak or been up against one, but maybe this will change after I read the article.
Looking at the webpage for this issue, I wonder why there are no descriptions of the articles there. It seems to me that Paizo is fairly inconsistent with their postings. Wish List: Downloadable pics from the magazine and web enhancements. The two web enhancements they had (or were there more? I seem to remember so additional stuff on the preview page itself or maybe it was just extra previews) were quite good, even the FR/Hordelands stuff. On each of my reviews, I will probably always add to the wishlist the two items above because I think they are very important.
I hope to post in a few days with my thoughts. Have a good weekend everybody.