Lightless Depths and Lords of Madness

Savage Tide Adventure Path

Now that we've run Tides of Dread I am patiently waiting for my copy of #144. In the meantime I'm reading about Aboleths in Lords of Madness.

The party really enjoyed the Kopru druid battle. I bumped Skephilipika's monstrous humanoid hit dice until he was large and then gave him a few more druid class levels. I also gave him all spell compendium spells, like greater water elemental, drown, owl's insight and bite of the wereshark (weretiger). I also gave him the Eagle's Wings, Oaken Resilience and Elephant's Hide feats that would allow him to take advantage of those extra wild shapes that he won't be able to use during the encounter.

Is this the last Kopru the party will see? Will the aboleth city in the next adventure have ixitxachitls or kopru? I think they are enemies, yet they are both aboleth allies right? Will this be a real aboleth city like the ones described in Lords of Madness or will it be an underwater city that's controlled by one or two normal aboleths?

Can't wait, can't wait!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

There are going to be a LOT of koprus in the next two adventures. They're actually the main bad guys of "The Lightless Depths," and while they aren't the main bads in "City of Broken Idols" they'll be there in force as well.

As for the aboleth city in "The Lightless Depths," it's a real, full-on aboleth city as described in Lords of Madness (although the aboleth are far from in control there... don't wanna spoil too much, but it's a pretty messed up place these days). The map of said city is pretty crazy. It almost looks like a piece of abstract art. There are, in fact, more koprus in the adventure than the aboleths. There's no ixitxachitls in the adventure. They might show up later in the campaign, but for now they're off stage.

The aboleths and the kopru in "The Lightless Depths" are most certainly not allies, though...

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