Trick Attack Questions

Rules Questions

Can an operative draw a weapon as part of the action you take to trick attack? Also, can you be flying and trick attack at the same time?

Sovereign Court

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Scottybobotti wrote:
Can an operative draw a weapon as part of the action you take to trick attack?

No. They're not taking the "move action to move" which specifically allows that (if you have BAB+1.

So, lacking an ability that says they can, they can't.

This is one of the weird things about operatives, that they actually have some trouble in combats that break out unexpectedly. There are some workarounds:

- You can build a Shoulder Laser into your armor.
- The Death Strike exploit lets you make trick attacks with your unarmed strike.
- With the Shuriken Assassin exploit you can make trick attacks with shuriken, which have the quick reload ability.
- A level dip in vanguard allows you to make Entropic Strikes, which are operative. But you'll be stuck at a low damage die.

There may be some other tactics. But much of the time, you'll want to be holding a weapon already when combat starts. Try putting a Glamered fusion on your gun and making it look like a datapad.

Scottybobotti wrote:
Also, can you be flying and trick attack at the same time?

Yes, all you have to do to remain flying is to move around a bit, it doesn't specify which kind of action has to be used to move. So the movement that's included in the trick attack action is sufficient to stay airborne.

probably not

Exception: If you have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, you can combine drawing or sheathing a weapon or weapon-like object with moving up to your speed as a single move action.

While trick attack has an ability to move up to your speed its done as part of a full round action, not as a single move action. The rule seems to be going out of its way to specify the move action move, not just any generic movement.

Quickdraw won't help unless you're throwing weapons, it reduces drawing to a swift, BUT a swift action in starfinder
prevents your full attack (sometimes i don't think they realized how limiting that is on some abilities)

No, trick attack takes your full round of actions, no room for anything else in them, including drawing a weapon.

You can indeed fly, as long as you moved during that trick attack to keep yourself steady in the air.

I have houseruled that my player can draw when TAing however, since he got the quickdraw feat. Otherwise that feat is close to useless outside of throwing weapons.

You can get the operative alternate feature: quick trick from the COM page 82. It lets you trick attack as a standard action. That way you can do trick attacks in the surprise round.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Yes, if Quick Trick is allowed at your table, it enables trick attack to be done in the same round as quite a lot if things.

Do you think it over powered? Or did you generally mean, if the PCs are allowed to use the COM? I would like to hear your thoughts.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Oh, Quick Trick is absolutely overpowered.

First, because the standard action trick attack still includes movement, Quick Trick is better in EVERY way than the movement speed increase that it replaces. Not great.

Then you have the combination moves made available by adding an extra action to your turn, when trick attack already did a pretty crowded turn worth of things (move, damage and debuff, with the possibility of also grappling, if you include a garrotte).

Now you can add intimidation up front, and sickening on the back end, with a Cruel weapon. Or just add greater feint as an alternate option to double up your debuffs. You can use the extra move action just to move, making shot on the run shenanigans worse. You can have operatives with cloaking fields popping out, trick attacking, running away and re-entering stealth in the same turn.

Action economy is power, so gaining extra actions is a benefit that should never be underestimated.

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Nimor Starseeker wrote:
Do you think it over powered? Or did you generally mean, if the PCs are allowed to use the COM? I would like to hear your thoughts.

It's banned in SFS and its more powerful than it looks.

Since the trick attack is technically the attack and the ability to move your speed [move+attack], having a real move action AND your trick attack gives you [swift+move action+move+attack]

Even read as its probably intended , the trick attack plus real move action lets you do some pretty wonky stuff: Like trick attack someone and then ghost operatve stealth away. This gives you nearly improved invisibility levels of combat invulnerability.

I thought the purpose of it was to be able to trick attack in a surprise round- as you have pointed out, it is a lot more! Thanks for sharing.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

There are a whole range of less egregious quality of life things, like the surprise round, that are also enabled by gaining extra actions, including: Surprise round trick attack, Draw and Trick Attack, Tumble and Trick Attack, Hover and Trick Attack, and Reload and Trick Attack. If only these sorts of options were opened up by Quick Trick, it wouldn't be an option that I would expect to see banned at many tables.

Hover and trick attack isn't that big a deal. Trick attack lets you move, moving lets you fly. it would only matter if something was in your face (in which case, land, flying isn't doing what you usually fly for) and you didn't take uncanny mobility.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

That's... why I had it on the list of "less egregious quality of life things" that don't seem like they should be banworthy

EDIT: I will note, though, that I have noticed moving while flying on tighter quarters occasionally becomes a bit more difficult if you use the full fly rules, including the often ignored parts like turning limitations and maximum climb angles. It still isn't usually an issue, but sometimes, so I think it's still worth mentioning as one of the unobjectionable benefits if Quick Trick.

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