Kurocyn |

Last night was my first attempt at creating my own monster, and I have to say, I'm really liking the way it turned out. But, I can't help but wonder if I've got the CR balance right...
Progress so far...
"Vulcan Dragon"
size: small - 2' tall, 5' long, 60lb.
Type: magical beast
HP: 28 (3D10+12)
AC: 16 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural)
Abilities/bonus: STR 9 / 0, DEX 14 /+2, CON 18 /+4,
INT 5 /-2, WIS 12 /+1, CHA 6 /-2
Saves: Fort +8, Reflex +6, Will +4
Initiative: +2 Dex
Speed: 30'
Base attack/grapple: +3/-2
Attack: Breath weapon: Vulcan +5 (see below) or cone of fire, bite +3 (1D6), or claw +3 (1D4)
Full attack: Breath weapon: Vulcan +5 (see below) or cone of fire or bite +3 (1D6) and 2 claws -2 (1D4)
Environment: grasslands, or temperate
Organization: solitary or pack (3-8)
Other stuff I don't have organized yet:
Resistance to fire 8
Immune to sonic attacks and effect that rely on hearing
Immune to gaze attacks and effect that rely on sight
Feats: Track, (bonus feat) Ability Focus: Vulcan (see below)
Tremorsense 30'/120' (see below), blindsight 15', and scent
2 breath weapons*:
/Vulcan - ranged touch attack; 100' range; target struck by vulcan takes 1D6 bludgeoning and 2D6 fire damage (no save) and must make a strenght check (DC 17) or be pushed back 5' and knocked prone. If the attack misses, treat as a splash weapon on adjacent corner to target for 1D6 fire (DC 17 Reflex for half)
/15' cone of fire; 2D6 fire; DC 15 Reflex for half
*the breath weapons can be used for 2 consecutive rounds, must then wait for 1D4 rounds to use them again.
The Vulcan Dragon has tremorsense 30', but can extend it's range to 120' by using a standard action to sink it's claws into the ground.
Skill bonuses: +4 hide (becomes +8 in tall grass due to coloration), +4 jump, +4 move silently, +4 survival (for tracking)
CR: 3?

Kurocyn |

The basic idea behind the creature is a bipedal, blind, deaf, long range fire-spitter (loosely based on meteor shower's effect) that senses vibrations in the ground through a large claw it has on each foot. This combined with it's highly-advanced sense of smell allows it near total awareness at short ranges, even allowing it to target fliers (thus the blindsight).
My main question is the damage with it's breath weapons. I want them to be powerful. (specifically, the Vulcan) Enough so that a direct hit blasts the target back. That's why I gave it a high CON and the bonus feat, Ability Focus.
But I'm also wondering if I should make it a dragon type instead of magical beast. My main hesitation, is the immunities and other benifits that dragons have. But if I advanced the Vulcan Dragon to medium/large ( <-- the largest I would go ), it doesn't seem right for it not to be a dragon.
Would it be possible to give it the dragon type and just re-vamp the benifits?
Any help would be appriciated. Thank you.

Jeremy Mac Donald |

'Vulcan' does not really convey much information to me. I might work on making the terminology tighter.
I'd also look how modern monsters are formatted in the most recent editions. If your looking for posters to critique your material put it in a form that posters are used too. If we have to work hard to to figure your monster out - well a lot of us probably won't bother.
The ability to sink the monsters claws into the ground in order to gain tremor sense out to 120' seems rather odd. Having used a standard action to acquire information it has nothing but a move action left and can't really use the information. By the time its next turn comes about the information it has will be out of date.
Its cumbersome and seems to have little real value. I'd streamline this - either it has tremour sense 120' or it does not, having monsters futz around in the middle of combat is usually a bad idea. They should do something for every one of the few rounds they have left to live.
Another example of cumbersome rules in the +8 to hiding if it is in tall grass due to coloration. Find some monster with some kind of Chameleon ability and use these rules. Or just give the monster a +4 racial adjustment to hiding or something. DMs have enough on their plate that they should never have to think about the grass height and whether it ought to qualify as 'tall'.

Kurocyn |

'Vulcan' does not really convey much information to me. I might work on making the terminology tighter.
A vulcan is a vehichle mounted, anti-air/anti-personnel cannon. What's wrong with the terminology?
I'd also look how modern monsters are formatted in the most recent efitions. If your looking for posters to critique your material put it in a form that posters are used too. If we have to work hard to to figure your monster out - well a lot of us probably won't bother.
Sorry, this is my first monster, I don't have access to my MM right now, and I don't know the "format." Pordon me.
The ability to sink the monsters claws into the ground in order to gain tremour sense out to 120' seems rather odd. Having used a standard action to acquire information it has nothing but a move action left and can't really use the information. By teh time its next turn comes about the information it has will be out of date.
I don't see what's wrong with it. I may knock the action down to a free action, but the idea behind it is that it's extending it's range, "spotting" it's target, then firing. Besides, can't you take a standard and attack if you don't move? But I might be mistaken on that one.
Its cumbersome and seems to have little real value. I'd streamline this - either it has tremour sense 120' or it does not, having monsters futz around in the middle of combat is usually a bad idea. They should do something for every one of the few rounds they have left to live.
It's not like it's "futz'ing" around blind. It still has tremorsence 30', blindsight 15', and scent. Still fully capable of moving and defending itself.

Frats |

Vulcans don't exist in D&D, thus the terminology is a little strange.
You can make a single attack as a standard action, and you have only 1 attack per round, so you can't attack if you use your standard action for something else.
Strength 9 means it has a -1 modifier, so you should recalculate attacks and damage accordingly.
3 HD is fairly high for something small, and 28 HP is to.
Beyond that, I have little to add... It might be something, but right now it doesn't look like something I'd use.

erian_7 |

A vulcan is a vehichle mounted, anti-air/anti-personnel cannon. What's wrong with the terminology?
When I hear Vulcan, I think, in this order: (1) god of fire and metalworking, (2) a statue of said god in Birmingham, AL, (3) process for making steel; (4) radio station in Birmingham, AL; (4) a company in Birmingham, AL. I don't think about a vehicle mounted cannon at all. IF I did, I don't think I'd want that term attached to a fantasy creature.
Sorry, this is my first monster, I don't have access to my MM right now, and I don't know the "format." Pordon me.
You can access the monster stat blocks for free/online as well.
I don't see what's wrong with it. I may knock the action down to a free action, but the idea behind it is that it's extending it's range, "spotting" it's target, then firing. Besides, can't you take a standard and attack if you don't move? But I might be mistaken on that one.
One generally cannot take a standard action and attack in the same round. You get one standard action (which may be an attack) and one move action, one full round action and a 5' step, two move actions, etc. but not a Standard and an Attack. If you want to keep the concept, it needs to be a move action to allow an attack.
It's not like it's "futz'ing" around blind. It still has tremorsence 30', blindsight 15', and scent. Still fully capable of moving and defending itself.
It's an interesting creature, seems a lot like the destrachan in concept. You could actually use that creature as a base for modeling this one. As such, it also seems a bit more like an Aberration than a Magical Beast or Dragon. Find a type that matches the concept, rather than using a type and changing its characteristics if possible.

Saern |

Paizo ate my first attempt at posting this, but, somehow anticipating this, I used my spells, copy and paste to save the post from falling into the Cyber Plane.
Anyway, here it is:
The "+8 to Hide when in tall grass" doesn't seem out of place at all to me (although a picture or detailed description of its physical appearance would be nice, while we're quasi-on-the-topic). I'm pretty sure there are several creatures in the Monster Manual that get a bonus almost exactly like this. I say keep it.
Also, I don't mind the 120-foot blindsense as a standard action. It has to take some time, but then it knows the basic direction to its foes, and then sprints off towards them. It can take a move action after doing this to close a little distance, then go into a full run the next round. You may even want to consider giving it the ability to double its speed for a round or so once an hour or some such, similar to a cheetah's burst of speed, so that it can maximize the effect of its "sighting" ability.
I think it's got a pretty good visual to it, that way.
Trudging through the mountains, the heroes clamber over a rock and see a strange form in the distance. Bipedal and somewhat lizardlike, it has a clear line of sight to them. Everyone freezes, hoping it doesn't sense them, and the creature continues to aimlessly amble about. It comes within fifty feet, but passes right by them. Everyone begins to breathe a little easier as they realize that it isn't going to attack. But then, the form hunkers closer to the ground and seems to grow intent. All of a sudden, it whirls back to look at the party, taking a few tentative trots and sniffing the air. Suddenly, it bursts towards them with meteoric speed, screeching as it charges.
You have two attacks for it, a cone of fire and the "vulcan" attack. I would ditch the cone of fire. Too many abilities, too similar. It's redundant, unless you want to make multiple breath attacks this thing's "schtick."
As for physical attacks, it's strength is low, so maybe giving it Weapon Finesse would be a good idea (perhaps as a bonus feat- it's your monster, so you can gimmick with the rules however you want!). Also, dropping it to just a bite or just two claw attacks (by the way, unless it only has one clawed limb, there should be two claw attacks) seems smart, to reduce the penalty it takes from using "secondary" natural attacks.
Or, you could up it's strength. In this case, you could give it all three attacks, or just a bit attack and consider it a two-handed weapon for the creature (giving it 1.5 x Str bonus to damage).
If you do decide to up it's magical attacks, I'd definitely change its type to "dragon," as it seems to fit the mold better. As it is, you can keep it as a magical beast. My personal preference would be to either increase it to Medium size, or keep it small but make it travel in groups.
I can see you keeping it as a powerful CR 3 if you tone down the attacks and keep it a magical beast. If you make it a dragon, it should be about CR 4 or 5, I think.
In any event, I like it, particularly as your first foray into this type of endeavor. I don't typically make up monsters just because I don't like fidgeting with the mechanics that much. Thus, I greatly admire those who have a head for such engineering.
EDIT- Oh, and change that resistance to an intiger of 5. Setting it at "8" just doesn't happen in the core rules. There's probably nothing wrong with it, but still....

delveg |

For help on monster formatting, I suggest visiting dmstools.org. I linked directly to the CR3 critters page, so that you can compare your creature more easily to creatures of similar power. (The Drakin is another small dragon type critter, so look at it as a guide and a gauge.)
I'd go with the other posters in advising that you pick a fantasy name for your critter's breath weapon: I like Molten Rock, but lots of other names would work just fine.
I don't think you can pick ability focus and apply it to an attack roll-- it's probably better to pick something like Weapon Focus (Molten Spit), even though the bonus is less. (Though, by my math, you'd have +6 on your attack: +3 BAB, +2 Dex, +1 Weapon Focus.
I'd give your critter a Special Quality: Extend Tremorsense (to 120') as a move action. That way, you get the "stationary tracking" feel you wanted... and you can still attack.
Good luck.

Lilith |

How about "inferna dragon" or "fierons" for a name instead of "vulcan dragon?" (I think of a green-blooded alien myself when I hear "Vulcan?")
Here's a rough "blank" of the new stat block format. It is fully explained in detail in Dungeon Master's Guide II, and this is my crib sheet that I used when making the DM Tools site
Name - CR X
Race Class Lvl
Alignment Size Type
Init X; Senses Listen +x, Spot +x (darkvision, low-light vision, scent, tremorsense, blindsense, blindsight, etc)
Aura (blackguard's aura of despair, fear aura, radius effects)
AC x, touch x, flat-footed x (if creature has feats or other abilities that modify its AC under specific circumstances, noted here as well as in the feats section)
HP Full hp (X HD) (include fast healing, regeneration, DR or some other ability that affects the amount of dmg it takes)
Immune Any immunities (energy, poison, sleep effects etc)
Resist resistance to energy first (ex, acid 10), altered saving throw bonuses for specific circumstances, SR
Fort, Ref, Will
Weakness Light sensitivity, vulnerability to damage type
Speed Land speed, other information
(The order, melee or ranged, depends on the creature's preferred attack method)
Melee Preferred physical attack (ex mwk longsword +8/+3 (1d6/19-20)
Ranged Preferred ranged attack (ex <i>+1 longbow</i> +8 (2d6+2/x3) with Manyshot)
Space/Reach (omitted if it occupies a 5-ft sq)/Natural reach (omitted if it occupies a 5-ft sq)
Base Atk BAB w/o modifiers; Grp Grapple Bonus (BAB + size mod + Str bonus)
Atk Options Special abilities that modify normal attacks (ex Power Attack, Combat Expertise, smite evil, trip)
Special Actions Any special attacks that the creature can use on its turn in place of making attacks
Combat Gear Possessions that the creature can choose to employ on its turn as an action appear here. Includes scrolls, potions, wands, staffs, rods, wondrous items
Spells Known (sorcerers only) (CL XXth, x% arcane spell failure chance, spell pen (x)):
3rd (4/day) - blah (DC xx), blah
2nd (3/day) - blah (CL XXXth), blah, blah
Spells Prepared (those who prepare spells) (CL XXth, x% arcane spell failure chance, spell pen (x)):
3rd - blah (DC xx), blah
2nd - blah (CL XXXth), blah, blah
1st - blah (D)
D: Domain spells. Deity: Pufnstuf. Domains: A, B.
Spell-like abilities (CL XXth)
At will - blah (DC xx)
Abilities Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha
SQ Class features or abilities that are not generally relevant in combat
Feats All feats
Skills Skill modifiers for skills that the creature has ranks, racial modifiers, synergy bonuses, or other modifiers
Possessions combat gear plus Wearing or carrying
Spellbook spells prepared plus rest of spellbook
Explain special abilities, in the order which it appears
Hook You killed my father, prepare to die!

Darkjoy RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 |

The above contain a few good points.
I can see where you are going with the monster, I would drop the vulcan name and name it differently.
My suggestions:
The 120 feet tremorsense is only active once when it digs its paws into the ground, after that "lookaround" it does what Saern suggested and closes the distance to engage.
Keep the 15 feet blindsense and the scent ability. It uses those abilities once it has closed to engage to rend the party apart.
On the breath weapons: lose the fire breath weapon.
The "vulcan" breath weapon needs a gimmick to explain the bludgeoning.... so why don't you add that it take a bite of earth out of the ground and then uses the fire part of it's breath to accelerate that piece of rock, dirt to hurt the enemy?
Breath weapon is usable every 1d4 rounds.
Give the monster multi-attack (you attacks are off by the way).

Kurocyn |

It's an interesting creature, seems a lot like the destrachan in concept. You could actually use that creature as a base for modeling this one.
Yes, it did play it's own part. It gave me the idea for it using senses other than sight.
Trudging through the mountains, the heroes clamber over a rock and see a strange form in the distance. Bipedal and somewhat lizardlike, it has a clear line of sight to them. Everyone freezes, hoping it doesn't sense them, and the creature continues to aimlessly amble about. It comes within fifty feet, but passes right by them. Everyone begins to breathe a little easier as they realize that it isn't going to attack. But then, the form hunkers closer to the ground and seems to grow intent. All of a sudden, it whirls back to look at the party, taking a few tentative trots and sniffing the air. Suddenly, it bursts towards them with meteoric speed, screeching as it charges.
That's a great intro for it! Thank you. Mind if I use it?
By the way,
In any event, I like it, particularly as your first foray into this type of endeavor. I don't typically make up monsters just because I don't like fidgeting with the mechanics that much. Thus, I greatly admire those who have a head for such engineering.
Thank you Saern. I thought it was fun. ^ ^
I do have a sketch, but no access to a scanner or the like. But for a more in-depth visual...
It's bipedal, with muscular, reverse-jointed legs each with three forward facing claws. The center claw is very large, almost sickle-like. A long rigid tail gives the creature balance. No forearms. It's maw is lined with small jagged teeth, with two large tusks on it's lower jaw pointing upward, almost giving it the profile of having horns. The creature has black daggermarks from head to tail along its back. It's scales range from mottled browns and greens to black on the daggermarks. It's claws, teeth and tusks are a charcoal black.
Several have suggested dropping the secondary breath attack. Can be done.
I wasn't for sure about what the action limits were. Making it a move action sounds good though. That way, it can either attack, or run depending on what's there...
I gave it resistance 8 because 10 sounded too high and 5 too low. I though that there were monster with 8. Didn't know. I guess I'll make it 10.
As for it's melee, I didn't notice the miscalculations before. Haven't worked with multiple attacks very much.Sorry about that, it was late.
The creature focuses on using it's breath weapon and doesn't use it's bite unless there's a target right there, or is helpless. It only uses it's claws if panicking or unable to use it's breath weapon. Should I just drop the claw attacks? I think I will.
The "vulcan" breath weapon needs a gimmick to explain the bludgeoning.... so why don't you add that it take a bite of earth out of the ground and then uses the fire part of it's breath to accelerate that piece of rock, dirt to hurt the enemy?
I was just imagining the blast having the force to knock you back, but I really like that idea Darkjoy. Thank you. As for a rename, would slag work?
I don't think you can pick ability focus and apply it to an attack roll-- it's probably better to pick something like Weapon Focus (Molten Spit), even though the bonus is less.
I'd give your critter a Special Quality: Extend Tremorsense (to 120') as a move action. That way, you get the "stationary tracking" feel you wanted... and you can still attack.
I gave it ability focus to increase the DC of it's breath weapon. My math was off anyway, sorry about that.
And I was for sure what it's range extention would be, but that makes sense. Thank you.
And btw, the computer's where I'm at have alot of websensors, and DMtools, for some stupid reason, falls under their "block" category. Thanks for the links, but I can't use them.
I'll re-work the critter and plug in the format Lilith posted. (Thank you btw Lilith)

Kurocyn |

Oops, I was going to add pact tactics.
I gave it a moderate INT primarily to know when/how to use pact tactics, with rare cases even learning to speak somewhat. ( A few very basic words. Standard sentence = noun + verb. Not complete speech, simply due to it's throat not being built for it. What, if any, language do you think they'd know? I say Draconic. )
When alone, it uses it's tremorsense and the range of it's breath weapon to snipe. If outnumbered, the creature continues to move, "zero in" with it's tremorsense, and shoot; thining the numbers.
In a group, they will try to encircle the enemy and co-ordinate their fire. If retreating, they will cover each other with their breath weapons and try to get into the brush to regroup.
I'm not familiar with Int scores and how smart a monster is/should be in relation, but I figured that 7 would work for this.

Kurocyn |

Name Slag Dragon - CR 3
Neutral; Small; Magical Beast
Init +2; Senses tremorsense 30', blindsight 15', scent
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 14
HP 28 (3D10 + 12)
Immune Immune to sonic and gaze attacks, as well as any ability or effect that requires hearing or sight
Resist resistance to fire 10; SR n/a
Fort, Ref, Will +8, +6, +4
Weakness Strong odors (ex - a Troglodyte's stench) negate its scent and blindsight for 3D6 rounds, afterwhich it is immune to the same odor for 24 hours
Speed 30'
Melee Bite +4 (1D6/x2)
Ranged -
Base Atk +4; Grp +0
Atk Options n/a
Special Actions Slag
Combat Gear n/a
Abilities Str 9, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 6
SQ Extend tremorsense
Feats Track, Ability focus:Slag (bonus feat)
Skills +4 Hide (+8 in tall grass), +4 Jump, +4 Move silently, +4 survival
Possessions n/a
Environment Temperate any (usually grasslands)
Organization Solitary, pair, or pack (3-8)
Slag - The creature bites into the soil, reels back filling it's gullet with fire, and launches the superheated missile forward. Ranged touch attack +6 with a max range of 100' and no increment. If successful, the target takes 1D6 bludgeoning damage, 2D6 fire damage (no save), and must make a DC 17 strength check or be pushed back 5' and knocked prone. If unsuccessful, treat as a splash weapon attack on an adjacent corner dealing 1D6 fire damage over a 5' radius, DC 17 reflex half.
Extend tremorsense - As a move action, a Slag Dragon may drive it's claws into the ground, giving it tremorsense 120' until it makes an adjustment or moves from that spot.
Hook n/a
I'm not for sure where to put the slag attack. Ranged or special actions? Breath weapons are usually special actions, aren't they?
And environment/organization weren't in the format, so I added them in under possessions.
*edit* In my previous post, I meant to say Int 5 and "pack," not pact.

Saern |

Without a cooldown (like a dragon's breath weapon's 1d4 rounds), I'd personally put it under "ranged attack," but by and large, it doesn't matter. It could go either place. Also, shouldn't it's bite damage be 1d6-1, due to 9 Strength? Otherwise, looks pretty good to me. Int 5 seems about right for pack tactics. And as to your question about its language, as the DM, that's completely your call, but Draconic does seem a good choice. Ignan wouldn't be bad, either, since it seems to have about as much in common with fire creatures as it does with dragons. Perhaps the Fire subtype should be added?

Kirth Gersen |

Can't believe no one has mentioned this yet, but I would NOT call it a "dragon" if it's not a dragon. Notice that the fire elemental is not called a "fire demon" because it's an elemental, not a demon. (Not that I'm recommending it be called a "vulcan magical beast," by any stretch).
Also, "it's" means "it is." The possessive is "its." (Sorry, I have a grammar nazi gene. No offense intended; just trying to make your descriptions easier to read/interpret.)

Saern |

Can't believe no one has mentioned this yet, but I would NOT call it a "dragon" if it's not a dragon. Notice that the fire elemental is not called a "fire demon" because it's an elemental, not a demon. (Not that I'm recommending it be called a "vulcan magical beast," by any stretch).
Also, "it's" means "it is." The possessive is "its." (Sorry, I have a grammar nazi gene. No offense intended; just trying to make your descriptions easier to read/interpret.)
I thought about that at first and then decided to let it go. It is a good suggestion, however.
And, I, too, have the grammar nazi gene. I'm working on a BA in English at the moment, and can't wait until I get a PhD, which I will consider liscence to go full-tilt grammar police on everyone around me. I got enough rolled eyes and smart remarks when I tried to do it in elementary and high school. Misguided and pointless vengeance will be mine!

Kirth Gersen |

Misguided and pointless vengeance will be mine!
Right on, brother! I have received lucrative job offers based solely upon my ability to write in English (and I was a science major, no less). I'm sorry to say that, in the 6+ years I was teaching high school, not a single native English speaker ever won the English composition award.

Kurocyn |

Darn. Yes, it has the 1D4 round cool down. Forgot to scribble than one down when I was working on it. Thanks for pointing that out. My original idea was that it could use it more often than that, but that was when it had two breath weapons.
And I thought that it would get -1 at 8 strength, not 9. Like how 11 doesn't give +1, but 12 does. Or have I just been horribly confused this whole time... O.o?
I didn't want it to be totally immune to fire, so I didn't give it the fire type. I did want it to be able to handle some fire though, thus the resistance. Plus, I didn't like the cold weakness...
Komodo dragons aren't chromatic or metallic and tazmanian devils aren't outsiders from the Nine Hells... It may not be a real dragon, but farmer Bob would probably call it a dragon if he saw it wandering around his fields. If it's really that bad, then I can always change ITS (sorry about the improper usage earlier mein' furer) type to dragon.

Kirth Gersen |

And I thought that it would get -1 at 8 strength, not 9.
Komodo dragons aren't chromatic or metallic and tazmanian devils aren't outsiders from the Nine Hells...
See the Players Handbook; 10-11 gives a +0 modifier, 8-9 gives a -1 modifier, 6-7 gives a -2, etc.
The name isn't that big a deal, except for the sake of clarity. Why confuse things needlessly? Although I must applaud you, sir, for not giving it an unpronounceable hash of letters like they started doing in the MMIII. Still, note that WotC uses "monitor lizard" in favor of "komodo dragon" in the Monster Manual (granted, a komodo dragon is a type of monitor, but the point is that GAME names eschew incorrect descriptors, whereas NON-GAME names--Tasmanian devil, etc.--obviously do not).

erian_7 |

And I thought that it would get -1 at 8 strength, not 9. Like how 11 doesn't give +1, but 12 does. Or have I just been horribly confused this whole time... O.o?
Ability modifier break points always occur at even numbers, e.g. 6 = -2, 8 = -1, 10 = 0, 12 = +1, 14 = +2.
EDIT: As Erik also said above...And I just realized my post might be what confuses some people, if you try to count down rather than up (i.e. thinking 10-9 = 0, 8-7 = -1, etc.). A more accurate guideline would be always count up, and the break point is always even.

Saern |

Modifiers change every other number, with the whole thing based on 10. So, every even number you go up increases the modifier by 1. This is described by the following: Ability modifier = (Ability score -10)/2 (round down) (heh, heh- I sound smart!).
However, since "10 and 11" are a two-number set that give +0, that makes "8 and 9" the next set. Under 10, modifiers change on the odd number (9 = -1, 7 = -2, 5 = -3, 3 = -4, and 1 = -5), so the above equation doesn't work. It gets confusing, however, since we start with a base of 10. You typically "read," in your mind, the progression of numbers just like you would on a left-to-right number line. When you dip below 10, you are "reading" backwards, which is harder, although if you start at 1 and count up, the pattern is apparent. However, you rarely have reason to do so in D&D, which makes memorizing the modifiers for low scores more difficult. Luckily, there's a very finite number, unlike "high" scores (10+), in which knowing the formula is extremely helpful when you get into things with scores of the high 20's or more.

Kurocyn |

Ability modifier break points always occur at even numbers, e.g. 6 = -2, 8 = -1, 10 = 0, 12 = +1, 14 = +2.
I've always thought it was like that.
You start at 10. Then, for every two numbers you move, the bonus adjusts...
Up: 12 +1, 14 +2, 16 +3, 18 +4, 20 +5, and so on...
Down: 8 -1, 6 -2, 4 -3, 2 -4, 0 -5
I'll read through my PHB tonight to check, but that's the way I've always done it.
Adjusting the bonus on even numbers one way, and odd numbers the other way is just confusing though...

erian_7 |

Definitely don't start at 10 and work up or down--that would give you a 0 modifier from 9, 10, and 11. Start at 0 and work up (pretty much as Saern said).
This chart should give you everything you need to know, and is exactly what you'll find in the PHB.

Kurocyn |

Man, I've been off this whole time. Y-Y It was explained to me like that from the beginning. I never thought to double check it when I got my own books... Oh well. Easy fix. I just bumped its STR to 10.
I went ahead and made it a dragon. Still 3HD, but it's around 31 HP now and has the added immunities to magical sleep and paralysis effects as well. Haven't alloted the additional skill points yet, but otherwise, I belive the Slag Dragon is finished.
Thank you all for the input.