Ending The Ptoltus campaign

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Erik greetings! really enjoyed your editorial in Dragon 350. Was wondering how many years you played in Monty's game?

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Thanks, Tobus! It's always nice to hear that people read the editorials rather than flipping right past them. I always enjoy writing them.

I joined Monte's campaign in the winter of 1999, by my best guess. It was before the Third Edition rules were published, shortly after the playtest of "Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil" (which was sort of my audition for the campaign).


Sovereign Court

Editorials and reader letters are some of my favourites of both magazines: They provide insights into other gamer's D&D experiences and often offer new approaches to everyone's favourite challenges of the game...

For the same reason I loved Gary Gygax's series of articles in some of the more recent issues, even though some people felt annoyed by them.

So none of your editorials is for vain... ;-)


Erik Mona wrote:

Thanks, Tobus! It's always nice to hear that people read the editorials rather than flipping right past them. I always enjoy writing them.


are you kidding? I read the editorials first, then the comics, then the rest of the magazine. I love 'm.

Guennarr wrote:

Editorials and reader letters are some of my favourites of both magazines: They provide insights into other gamer's D&D experiences and often offer new approaches to everyone's favourite challenges of the game...

For the same reason I loved Gary Gygax's series of articles in some of the more recent issues, even though some people felt annoyed by them.

So none of your editorials is for vain... ;-)


Yeah Gary's Tales were very cool!

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