About those Eberron (and Forgot Realms) Articles

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Silver Crusade

So I hear there's going to be regular Eberron and Forgot Realms articles gracing the pages of Dragon. Are these open to general submissions, and if so what are you looking for in terms of content and length?

(For what it's worth I play in Eberron, so I'm more interested in that, but there're probably others who are equally curious about FR)


MatthewJHanson wrote:

So I hear there's going to be regular Eberron and Forgot Realms articles gracing the pages of Dragon. Are these open to general submissions, and if so what are you looking for in terms of content and length?

(For what it's worth I play in Eberron, so I'm more interested in that, but there're probably others who are equally curious about FR)


Indeed. What's the scoop? Are they flavored Class Acts containing player material (mmm, Eberron flavored)? Are they mini-features where anything is fair game? Dying... to... know...

Dark Archive Contributor

The Eberron and Forgotten Realms articles, "Dragonmarks" and "Volo's Guide" respectively, are the only article-types in the magazine that follow a sort of quasi-commission format. We have a list of Wizards-of-the-Coast-approved authors for each column whom we can turn to for articles.

We are not currently accepting applications from our general contributor pools, and I don't know that we ever plan to, but if we do the announcement will appear on these very messageboards, I'm sure. :)


I got a little overzealous and sent a few queries for them already. Maybe I can file off some numbers and make them generic. O well.

Mike McArtor wrote:
...but if we do the announcement will appear on these very messageboards, I'm sure. :)

I'll be watching. :)

Dark Archive Contributor

deClench wrote:


I got a little overzealous and sent a few queries for them already. Maybe I can file off some numbers and make them generic. O well.

I saw them in my Inbox. ;)

Hmm, I may be reading your comments wrongly Mike, but does this mean that FR or Eberron article pitches outside of your 'author pool' won't be considered, or that only those in the 'author pool' can write for the Volo's Guide and Dragonmarked columns? In other words, can we submit FR or Eberron proposals independent of these columns?

-- George Krashos

Paizo Employee Director of Games

George Krashos wrote:

Hmm, I may be reading your comments wrongly Mike, but does this mean that FR or Eberron article pitches outside of your 'author pool' won't be considered, or that only those in the 'author pool' can write for the Volo's Guide and Dragonmarked columns? In other words, can we submit FR or Eberron proposals independent of these columns?

-- George Krashos

You most certainly can submit general FR and Eberron proposals. We do reserve the right to put them into their respective columns, but they should be submitted instead as a feature.

Jason Bulmahn
Managing Editor of Dragon

Ah good. Then the feature article queries I sent in after GEN-CON went to "the right place". I wanted to make sure as I reckon I've got another article in me which going on past history is likely to be published in #415.:)

-- George Krashos

Sounds like Mona and crew finally gets serious about FR content. :-) I just renewed my subscriptions on both magazines.

George Krashos wrote:

I wanted to make sure as I reckon I've got another article in me which going on past history is likely to be published in #415.:)

-- George Krashos

George, as a fan of your work, just let me say that I am SO there in fifty issues or so . . .

Dark Archive Contributor

George Krashos wrote:
I wanted to make sure as I reckon I've got another article in me which going on past history is likely to be published in #415.:)

George, my friend, we're hurt. We wouldn't do that to you again. :\

We've scheduled your article for #414.

(I'm completely kidding. We haven't had a submissions meeting in a few months.)

Hehe. That wasn't a reflection on Dragon, it was a poke at myself. With a track record of two articles published: one in #277 and one in #346 I just did the sums ... :)

-- George Krashos

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