
Dragon Magazine General Discussion

sorry i hit enter before i meant to what i would like to see are more class combinations such that you could play other classes with more of an incarnum twist. such as monks with soulmelds or some thing like that.
more soulmelds, expansion on binding magic items or even infusing items or other class abilities would also be very cool.

Dark Archive Contributor

Well I'm certainly a fan of Incarnum and will run any good Incarnum Class Act articles I receive, so I'm with you on that. :)


* wonders if it's too late to get MoI for Christmas *

Zherog wrote:
* wonders if it's too late to get MoI for Christmas *

I'd give you my copy but I'm not sure I could throw it that far dispite all the eneergy and strength I get hating it. :)


My experience from what I've read about MoI is that people either love it, or hate it. There doesn't seem to be any sort of middle ground at all. For whatever reason, I find that completely fascinating.

Dark Archive Contributor

Zherog wrote:
* wonders if it's too late to get MoI for Christmas *

Yeah, I wouldn't advocate getting a book just on the off chance it inspires you for a single Class Act I might or might not decide to accept. That's like playing poker while wearing a mirror shirt. Sure you might get lucky, but the odds are stacked against you.

I'm actually in the middle-ground with MoI. Particularly because I know it's a system that wouldn't get much attention, but should so more people would be interested in it.

For one, I think they should've offered extensive guidelines on how to create your own soulmelds.

Two, I think they should devote more material towards Incarnum. A Complete Incarnum may draw a bigger crowd.

One last thing, I don't like how it was a "test" product. They wrote and released it to see what it would do. I don't believe they should've done it like that. They should've gathered more info from the communities first.

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