Monsters of the Future

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Since i read the article about chronomancy the only thing on my mind has been timetravel,mostly to the future.In my world chronomancy plays a big part,i've created a Chronomancer base class,and a specific race to manipulate the time stream,I need to be able to pit these people against creatures from the future without haveing to go out and by a new book.I'm sure other people would like to have some futuristic baddies running around there world too.And if not it would still make for an interesting article at the least.Imagine creatures like Aliens and predators or maybe something from starwars, or any other extraterestrial you can imagine alongside robts and mechsuits etc.

Silver Crusade

You could use clockwork horrors (yay for the ecology article!), or any number of abberations (mind flayers are supposedly from the future anyway; you could have a similar background for neogi).

Those seem to have the right flavor in my opinion.

If the future involves an apocalyptic magical cataclysm (and what future doesn't?), consider using the article on magical pollution from the same issue, applying the corrupted template (also the same issue (yay!)) to the survivors.

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