Brood Mother

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

I am thinking about using an older monster from Dragon 298 in an upcoming game: the brood mother, a very cool, very nasty drider-like thing.

But there's something really wonky with its stats -- it's a Large 18 HD monster with 26 Str and a primary attack bonus of only +14. By my math, that ought to be +13 BAB, +8 Str, and -1 size = +20. The AC is 21, but it's +3 Dex, -1 size, +12 natural. Also, the advancement line goes right to Gargantuan with no stops at Huge.

It looks like the monster was heavily edited from the original manuscript. Perhaps someone made a size change but failed to catch all the other changes. Was errata ever published, or was this monster ever updated to 3.5?

I believe that's a 3.0 monster.

That would make a very interesting WE on this site. A 3.5 update of all the monsters since #274 to the last issue of 3.0E

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