Nathen Kross |

Ok in a game i am running at the moment i have a character who got ahold of a Evil intellegant weapon with an Ego of 27, the character is level 8 allmost level 9 and he is (Chaotic Good) so i was looking at the rules and what have you and i started to worry about what was going to happen to the party with this CE ( Chaotic Evil ) weapon hanging around. it dominated the character for allmost a full year ( witch i roleplayed out with him ) till he finaly was able to take control of the weapon and he is now able to reagularly make the save (due to some ingame stuff gained ) this characters main goal in this game is to destroy this blade but he does not want someone else takeing it because of what it might do Etc... anyway questiopn i had was there is a class in i dont remember what book called "The Anointed Knight" i think it was that at 10th level was able to create a intellegant weapon that matched his alignment and my player asked me if he where to go that path could he force the weapon ( or have a chance at ) makeing the blade Change alignments? i mean it is a really cool idea i like where it is going, but at the same time i worry that this weapon will end up destroying my party. at current they are in a Temple with a paladin who has a feat to give his allies his Devine Grace bonus to saves so he cant risist the sword much more easily.. anyway what do you think about that idea?