Dagon is one Bad Mo Fo...

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Dark Archive

Wow great job on the Demonomicon article for Dagon guys. That is just freakin awesome. Dagon is one of the cooler Demon Princes IMHO, and this article was just amazing. At CR 30, Dagon tips the scales as the most powerful Demon Prince statted in the Demonomicon to date and I think that is fitting considering his age and status as an ancient Obyrith prince. Well done. The Demonomicon articles are my favorite part of Dragon and they along with the support articles for the adventure paths are the primary reason I got a subscription to Dragon along with my subscription to Dungeon. Huzzah and well done!!!!

P.S. Oh yeah, great artwork for Dagon as well. A much more dynamic picture than what is in FCI and a very satisfying depiction.

I think that the Demonomicon of Iggwilv should be a bi-monthly, or even tri-monthly article. 3 articles a year is not enough!

Liberty's Edge

I'd like to give a major second to Brent's praise of the Dagon art. I liked it a lot more than the one in FC I.

The article was good too. :-P
Dagon was one of my favorites in FC I, and I don't want to get all mushy, so I'll just leave it there and take out all the evil inspiration it gave me on my helpless players.

just got around to reading the Dagon article, and I felt compelled to add my own praise for the article. I really feel like a special mention must be made of the excellent quality of the writing by James. It was almost poetical.

As an aside, has anyone ever attempted to catalogue the critical events in the birth of the D&D cosmos? For example, the downfall of the obyriths and the rise of the tanar'ri?

Scarab Sages

I've only skimmed the article, but what I saw, I liked.

I especially like the concept of the obyrith, and think this should be developed even further, with multiple types of Abyssal denizens.

I never understood the reasoning behind making 99% of outsiders baatezu, yugoloths or tanar'ri, since there is little similarity between their shapes or powers.
I would be more likely to accept revised family groups, along broad lines; the 'gargoyles' (barbed, spined, horned & pit fiend devils), 'insectoids' (chasme & retrievers), etc, rather than the mish-mash groupings we have at present.
It may be too late to adjust material that has already been published, but could I ask for a freeze on new members of the 3 main sub-types?
Apart from making any new creatures more unique and characterful; it would also justify the internecine squabbling of the Lower Planes, if the inhabitants were not directly related to each other.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The obyriths were first introduced in Fiendish Codex I (by yours truely); there's a little bit more information about them in Rich Pett's adventure "The Weavers" in Dungeon #138, but the Dagon article's the next biggest source on them since FC1, really. Personally, I've got PLENTY more I'd like to say about obyriths, so you can expect more info in future Demonomicons or wherever I can slip in more infos.

Silver Crusade

Ditto to the praises here. I could not put that article down.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Celestial Healer wrote:
Ditto to the praises here. I could not put that article down.

Me either...a masterpiece!

James Jacobs wrote:
The obyriths were first introduced in Fiendish Codex I (by yours truely); there's a little bit more information about them in Rich Pett's adventure "The Weavers" in Dungeon #138, but the Dagon article's the next biggest source on them since FC1, really. Personally, I've got PLENTY more I'd like to say about obyriths, so you can expect more info in future Demonomicons or wherever I can slip in more infos.

That's great news, James. I've become really interested in the origins of the cosmos, particularly the primordial Outer Planes and their inhabitants. The Lovecraftian feel of the Obyriths seems like a perfect fit.

In the meantime, if you wouldn't mind directing me to any existing sources on the early cosmos, that would be much appreciated. ;-)

Brent wrote:
Wow great job on the Demonomicon article for Dagon guys. That is just freakin awesome.


Any Lovecraftian content is very appreciated. I'd LOVE to see a Cthulhu entry as well, but I guess that's a fevered dream in light of copyrights. I imagine him as a greater power than Dagon, no doubt.

Oh well, there's always my 1st Ed Dieties and Demigods with the awesome Erol Otis art.

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