The heroes delve into a subterranean dungeon complex beneath the caldera of a dormant volcano in the Mindspin Mountains, where they must infiltrate the elite military academy that trains officers for the Storm Tyrant’s giant army.
Edlin the Foreseer
Perception +26, Init +13 (always act in surprise round) Fort +8 Ref +10 Will +13 HP 67/67 AC 19 T 15 FF 16 Images: 7 played by
Grymm Bloodstone
Dwarf Fighter 10|HP 130/130|AC 32 T 13 FF 30|CMD 27/31|F+11 R+10 W+12|Init +5|Perc +20/22| +2 vs. poison and fear/+4 vs. spells/spell-like abilities
played by
Uraisa Ellsworth
Human female Universalist wizard 1 | 14 AC | HP 16/16 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | Initiative +0| Perception +4 | 25’ speed |
played by
Wulfric Stonehelm
male, human, Bard 6 | HP 51/51 | AC 16 (t11, ff15) | CMD 15 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | bardic performance 14/17 | perception +10, sense motive +14; initiative +1 | active effects: flagbearer, lucky number (3)
played by
Giant Halfling