Allen Stewart |

In the 8th session of the Age of Worms campaign, things got back into form with FOUR (4) Player Character FATALITIES. That brings us to a total of 21 (TWENTY-ONE) PC deaths during the campaign thus far:).
During the game, the PC’s finished the Encounter at Blackwall Keep by defeating several Spawn of Kyuss. At that point the PC’s were all 6th level, but were well short of 7th level (recommended for beginning the Hall of Harsh Reflections). I opted to make use of an optional encounter to get the PC’s some needed XP’s prior to their beginning the Hall of Harsh Reflections.
During last game’s session while the PC’s were finishing their demolition of the Lizardfolk lair, the Lizardman Shaman told the PC’s about a meeting he secretly observed the day before between the dragon Ilthane and 3 humans. The dragon presented the 3 human couriers with a lead coffer (containing Kyuss worms for use in creating Spawn of Kyuss in the Free City) and instructed them to meet a man called ‘Volesku’ in a designated location (an abandoned Keep) near the Free City of Greyhawk. Seemed simple enough for my less-than-clever players, to intercept the package before it was delivered…. Not quite…
The Players opted to go into the encounter trying to arrive at the rendezvous Keep before the real Volesku, and to bluff the 3 couriers that one of the PC’s was the messenger Volesku, whom the coffer was intended for. The players however neglected to even attempt to learn anything about the real ‘Volesku’ before heading to the rendezvous point to meet with the 3 couriers (notwithstanding Turin the Mad’s suggestion). This unfortunately proved to be an insurmountable problem due to the fact that the real Volesku was in fact a vampire…
The PC’s arrived at the Rendezvous point BEFORE sunset, and after being admitted into the keep by the guards without a struggle, walked in front of several mirrors (casting reflections), and the fake PC Volesku even drank a toast that was spiked with Holy Water, revealing that he was not the genuine Volesku. Even I was amazed that my players didn’t get suspicious when I had them be escorted by several guards, into the main tower chamber without incident, but they didn’t seem to suspect a thing… Even when they had to wait about 1 and ½ minutes before being escorted into the main tower chamber while the Villain Couriers cast spells, read scrolls, and drank potions in preparation for beating the PC’s like red-headed step children.
** Note: all EIGHT of the PC’s were 6th level during this encounter.**
Once inside the circular tower chamber, they were invited to be seated in chairs by 2 of the 3 villain couriers. They did so as directed and asked a few questions before being informed by the 2 villains present (a 7th level DMG-NPC & an 8th level evil PC Fighter) that the charade was over. Without warning, the 8th level Villain FTR threw a 10 HD fireball gem from a Necklace of Missiles directly at his feet, which exploded, enveloping the entire room, and incinerating the idiotic Drow Cleric/Sorcerer PC, that I’ve wanted to annihilate ever since the player started using him:)
Initiatives were then rolled, and after the PC Rogue attacked the 8th level FTR, the 8th level FTR took a 5 foot step and began to deal out death and dismemberment gleefully. First to go was the PC Wizard, who already being very crispy from the aforementioned fireball was dropped to –9 HP courtesy of a Greatsword to the head (she died the next round, as no one was able to cure or stabilize her:) The 8th level FTR then immediately CLEAVED through the Wizard into the Hexblade PC, who stupidly challenged me to go after him. I gladly did so, scored a critical hit, and left him with only 6 HP and wishing he was somewhere else at present. On the following round, the 8th level FTR killed the Hexblade and then went on to also kill the PC True Necromancer, both courtesy of Greatswords to the head:)
This left only 4 PC’s remaining, and a TPK appeared very likely, but then my luck ran out. During the next four rounds of combat, the 8th level FTR missed on 7 of his 8 attack rolls, leaving the PC’s time to cure lost hit points and whittle away at his Stoneskin, as well as drop the 7th level NPC Cleric. The 8th level FTR opted to run away and live again to fight another day:(
After tying up several loose ends, the PC’s went to the Free City to deal with the associates of the 3 couriers, get the other half of the part Raised, and talk with Eligos the Sage. Next game session the PC’s will begin the Hall of Harsh Reflections.
See you in 2 weeks.

Allen Stewart |

In this, the 9th session of the Age of Worms campaign, the PC's began the Hall of Harsh Reflections, but decided to first head off to the Greyhawk City Arena to make some extra XP's and gold before continuing with the scripted adventure.
No problem. After two fights with two Hill Giant/FTR 1 gladiators (CR 8's each); TWO (2) more of our brave PC's (FTR & Hexblade) were FATALY Pulverized into the consistency of Tomato Sauce... That brings us to a total of 23 dearly departed characters for the campaign thus far.
The PC's did actually begin to explore the gang's fun house and will be reaching the hall of Mirrors fairly soon. I'm quite looking forward to the PC's first "appointment" with Zyrxog to "get their heads examined." Probably a few more entries in the deceased catagory will result.
Best wishes to all:) ~AS

![]() |

Hey, Allen! I read a thread over at enWorld where this guy was running a Valhalla campaign and letting people run their favorite dearly departed characters...I immediately thought of you. You should get them to save up their pc's for Ragnarok or some such.
After all, it seems a rare thing indeed for your p.c.'s to die the strawdeath.

Allen Stewart |

Hey, Allen! I read a thread over at enWorld where this guy was running a Valhalla campaign and letting people run their favorite dearly departed characters...I immediately thought of you. You should get them to save up their pc's for Ragnarok or some such.
After all, it seems a rare thing indeed for your p.c.'s to die the strawdeath.
Heath, my friend, that's a wonderful idea. Back in the early days of 3.0 edition, I severely limited raising characters from the dead, and thus I had a collection of slain PC Sheets (two campaigns of Return to the Tomb of Horrors for 3.0 can produce a collection :). What I've found in 3.5 (and with some of the players I now have in my group) is that some players lose enthusiasm when they have to spend time during the game rolling up new characters. To help my 'sometimes-less-than-enthusiastic' players, I've loosened up on the raise dead spells and now provide them for the players fallen characters pretty readily. There are still a few stalwarts in my group that refuse to have a PC raised, and will roll up a new one, but they (and I) are a dying breed. However the more generous policy on Raise Dead Spells means I have fewer dead character sheets in my box (I've kept many for years as war trophies:)to use in a 'Ragnarock' but that doesn't mean that the ones I have won't be a smash in a campaign of this type.
I think that a campaign that allowed my players to use some of their fallen heroes is a WONDERFUL idea. I don't think the PC's actual "Cause of Death" is a problem for using the PC in the 'afterlife'. I'm going to have to find a way to make use of your suggestion Heath.

Allen Stewart |

In the 10th session of our Age of Worms Campaign, my gang of hapless heroes finished the Doppleganger fun house and sadly sent its diabolical leader home via air freight...
Alas, yes the gang played extremely well and intelligently today...
However, that intelligent play didn't save the PC Drow Cleric/Sorcerer from getting incinerated by a Flame Strike spell by the Drow Cleric (I increased her to 9th level from 8th, due to having 6 player characters present). That brings us to a total of 24 Player Character DEATHS thus far in the campaign. (And that's with no cheating on my part, otherwise I'd have killed hundreds by now...)
Next game session should see a showdown with Zyrxog, and perhaps several of the gladitorial fights in the Champions Belt. I'm hoping for a record Death Count next time!
Tune in again soon!!!!!!!!

Allen Stewart |

Good evening Friends,
A very sober and sad report from the Killer GM on this, the 10th day of February, 2007.
In the Eleventh session of the Age of Worms campaign, I DID NOT KILL EVEN ONE MISERABLE PLAYER CHARACTER ALL AFTERNOON. Those hapless rat bastards lucked their way out of another likely TPK.
This is truly a catastrophic day in my GM'ing career. I deeply appologize for my failure to waste my pathetic players for your sadistic pleasure, and sincerely regret any distress and disappointment that my failure to do so may have caused. This only the 2nd session of the entire campaign that has not seen at least 1 PC death, but additionally, Turin the Mad was not present (and without his brainpower the other players are at a disadvantage), AND Zyrxog failed to snack on a single PC, notwithstanding their wounded status prior to combat beginning. I'm going to have to take some time to myself these next two weeks to try to revitalize my sadistic efforts. Otherwise, I think I'll step down in favor of a really sick puppy who can live up to the billing of this campaign journal thread, and waste my desperately-needing-to-die Player Characters. Any cards, letters, prayers, etc. to help me in this venture are most appreciated:)
In the encounter with Zyrxog, All of the PC's except for 1 made their saving throws against his DC 23 Mind Blast (and yes, I'm aware James Jacobs made a revision on this website to only a DC 20). I elected to screw my PC's and they ended up all saving anyway and screwing me!!!! Even though Zyrxog had his displacement up, before the mind flayer could act again, he was down 68 of his 98 Hit Points. My players just plain got lucky. Not many of these kind of days. I'm going to be looking for a little payback next week when the group begins the Champions Belt. Owing to the number of players (6-9 depending on the week), I've done a little revising of the villains, and I'll be substituting a few half-ogre Fighter PC's into the fray. With any luck, I'll have them ALL screaming in agony and reaching for fresh character sheets in short order.
See you folks in two weeks...

Bocklin |

And I felt bad when I killed a PC during a d20 Modern session. This Age of Worms campaign is going to be "murder" for my group.
It's important to note that not all encounters in "Whispering Cairn" are to be solved through violence. E.g. the module specifically provides for the characters to make a deal with Smenk's thugs.
Just seems Allen like to throw the baddies straight at his players! :-)

Allen Stewart |

As described, I seriously doubt this is a real campaign with real players.
Believe it Mr. Laeknir. This is a real campaign with real players. I have neither the time nor the interest (and far too much integrity) to write about a non-existant campaign merely to humor myself or the reader.

Turin the Mad |

And do not let the underlying humor fool you. Although I do "ham up" my posts to add a certain comedic element to the reporting about the campaign, a genuine campaign it is none-the-less.
Be assured gentlecritters, this is a bona-fide campaign of carnage in progress. Last I was present for was in the December time frame, so I imagine that the Dwarf with No Name will shortly be joining the ranks of the messily deceased when next I am able to belly up to the table and find myself lacking in XP, character levels and major items of schwag.
On the other paw, at least I have the satisfaction of not getting wasted through any form of player stupidity on my part ...

Allen Stewart |

Turin the Mad wrote:Be assured gentlecritters, this is a bona-fide campaign of carnage in progress...I'm not buying it. Sorry.
Which therefore means you are saying I am lying.
We play at the Woodbridge, Virginia Game Parlor on every other Saturday. Consider this an open invitation to stop in and witness it personally, otherwise, spare me the diatribe.
Allen Stewart |

On this, the Twelth session of the Age of Worms campaign, Turin the Mad and six of his other challenged cohorts began the Champions' Belt. I adapted the scripted gladiator fights to accomodate the presence of 7 PC's, (which putting it blatantly, gives me the opportunity to make use of my own home-brewed killer gladiators). Those home brewed killer gladiators sadly only managed to kill ONE player character during yesterdays session. The beloved True Necromancer character once again assumed the consistency of compost, at the business end of Keen Gladius weilded by an otherwise minimally remarkable NPC 6th level Fighter (the PC was 8th). The PC's have began the 2nd gladitorial fight, which I imagine might produce one or two fatalities at most. We halted due to time. I'm more or less giving the group quite beatable encounters, and I'm expecting that when they get to the 3rd and Final rounds of the tournament, they'll be expecting more of the same, and then they'll get carved into swiss cheese by what I've got in store for them:D

Laeknir |

Which therefore means you are saying I am lying. We play at the Woodbridge, Virginia Game Parlor on every other Saturday. Consider this an open invitation to stop in and witness it personally, otherwise, spare me the diatribe.
Curious... on their Calendar of Events schedule for Saturdays, I see a weekly Unearthed Arcana game (but yours is every other week, so this can't be it), a Pokemon game, one for Advanced Squad Leader, an Iron Fist game, a couple of UFS games. Don't see any with your name on it, actually, for the other days.
Maybe they just forgot to list it!

Allen Stewart |

Allen Stewart wrote:Which therefore means you are saying I am lying. We play at the Woodbridge, Virginia Game Parlor on every other Saturday. Consider this an open invitation to stop in and witness it personally, otherwise, spare me the diatribe.Curious... on their Calendar of Events schedule for Saturdays, I see a weekly Unearthed Arcana game (but yours is every other week, so this can't be it), a Pokemon game, one for Advanced Squad Leader, an Iron Fist game, a couple of UFS games. Don't see any with your name on it, actually, for the other days.
Maybe they just forgot to list it!
The game is reserved under one of the players names, Mark D. I do not know what name the game is listed under, as he has had the back room reserved since before he joined my group. Our next game is on Saturday March 10 at 10:30 AM. If you live in the area, you can be present to witness it and put your doubts to rest.

Allen Stewart |

You are my hero. It takes real DM'ing skill to kill that many players and have them coming back week after week. If it was a straight out kill fest I'm sure no one would continue playing but obviously you are doing something right!
Correct. If it was a 'straight out kill fest' my players wouldn't stick around long. I don't know how much skill it takes to be a 'Killer GM' but given my profession in the psychological field, I have a decent grasp on how to 'push people's buttons' and if you can do that in a slightly mean-spirited, yet humorous and respectful way, they'lll actually enjoy the "Adversarial GM". I think the ultimate things that keep my players having fun and coming back are that they understand that I treat them respectfully (even if I whore their characters), I use enough well times humor and wit to entertain them and allow them to have fun, and that the established rules of the game always prevail. I may try to murder their characters with sadistic glee, but I do it completely accordance with the rules, and I tell them so. I don't give them encounters that are 5+ CR's above the average party level, so the harshness of the encounter is always tempered with what is fair and gives them a reasonable chance for survival. The previous poster who has a somewhat dour view of my game as reported, made a point in a previous post that may have suggested "how can players be dumb enough to get killed so often". This is due to several things. For starters, many of my players have played RPG's for years, but are much more familiar with other game systems such as GURPS, RIFTS, etc. d20 is comparatively new to them, and at times they do things that would be quite spactactular in other games, but if/when those things go wrong, serious problems occur. Combine that with the fact that many of my players are used to having GM's in the past "take it easy on them" and let them off the hook. I simply slaughter them with a smile and then commiserate with them as they whine...
All in all, it's a juggling act, but if you want to rack up a body count, it's a necessary evil...
Laeknir |

The game is reserved under one of the players names, Mark D. I do not know what name the game is listed under, as he has had the back room reserved since before he joined my group. Our next game is on Saturday March 10 at 10:30 AM. If you live in the area, you can be present to witness it and put your doubts to rest.
Looks like a Pokemon Championship is scheduled at that time. I'm done with this, and this is my last post.
Seriously, enjoy whatever it is you play.
Sat Mar. 10
10:30 a.m. Pokemon Virginia State Championship

Turin the Mad |

Allen Stewart wrote:The game is reserved under one of the players names, Mark D. I do not know what name the game is listed under, as he has had the back room reserved since before he joined my group. Our next game is on Saturday March 10 at 10:30 AM. If you live in the area, you can be present to witness it and put your doubts to rest.Looks like a Pokemon Championship is scheduled at that time. I'm done with this, and this is my last post.
Seriously, enjoy whatever it is you play.
Sat Mar. 10
10:30 a.m. Pokemon Virginia State Championship
Might want to consider that the Parlor staff does NOT post room games on thier website, and if they do, it is under the name of the person who reserved it, not the GM. Come in person to peer through the window. The Pokethulhu critters won't be in the back little room, they'll be occupying the main playing floor.

Allen Stewart |

Allen, commiserate ? rofl ... *wipes the tears from his eyes*
ahh, if only they new ... ^_^
Thanks old friend,
if only indeed...And on the next game session, I'm not walking out of the store until I've killed at least two or three of those nimrod's PC's... or my name isn't A.S.

Allen Stewart |

The Thirteenth Session of the Killer Age of Worms campaign happened this last Saturday. The group was dealt a curve ball, which stangely enough, should have been called to my attention by Mr. Laeknir of all people. I received word from one of my players that we had been uncermoniously relieved of the gaming backroom by the Game Store we play at so that the little Pokemon creeps who had descended on our humble game shop could have some sort of tournament. As a result, we had to relocate in order for me to slaughter more player characters, but we're back to our beloved shop for March 24, for any spectators that care to join us.
This session saw TWO(2) Player Character fatalities, bringing us up to a grand total of 27 for the entire campaign. The PC's completed the second round of the Champion's Belt tournament and began the third round. Owing to the number of players, I opted to use home-brewed villains for the gladitorial encounters. In the second round of the tournament, the PC's squared off against a group of renegade knights. The PC's did quite well against the naughty Knights. One PC had his beloved bastard sword sundered for the second consecutive fight, and that PC, the beloved Hexblade was then killed--again (his 5th demise I believe:) by the same villain, via a greatsword to the cranium:) The biggest tantrum by the player however came when I sundered the sword. I highly recommend the use of the Improved Sunder feat to aspiring Killer GM's. Any respectable Half-Ogre with a large weapon (preferably Adamantine) will make your PC Fighters cry... repeatedly.
In the third round of the tournament, which has not yet been completed, I thought I was going to wipe the PC's out completely. I suppose that's a testament to the player's abilities in the game. The 5 PC's were all 9th level, the 5 villains they fought were all 8th level with PC stats/gear, (I opted not to use the recommended Froghemoth). I had two 8th level Wizards, both with the Double Wand Weilder Feats-very useful in splattering PC's, a Gnoll Archer, a Half-Ogre Ftr8 (can't use them enough:), and a scythe wielding cleric 8. One wizard opened up a can of whoop-ass on the PC Hexblade with double wands of Maximized Rays of Enfeeblement (10th level) and proceeded to bleed the Hexblade of 22 Points of Strength damage in one round:). Turin the Mad (plays the group's Cleric) rained on my parade by dispelling the Strength Damage. This went back & forth with me draining various PC's, and Turin casting Dispel Magic to eliminate the effect. The Players did some very clever things and turned what I thought would be a likely TPK into a potentially winable fight--But don't worry friends, I'll kill them yet. When we left off, there were 4 remaining PC's and 4 remaining villains. One of the two villain Wizards was killed, and the highly irritating PC Rogue/Sorcerer was perforated to death by the Gnoll Archer by 6 arrows doing roughly 16 hp damage EACH (a 28 Strength with enhancements can do that:)
See you in two weeks kiddies:)

Allen Stewart |

In the fourteenth session of the Killer Age of Worms campaign, there were THREE (3) Fatalities, bringing our grand total up to an even Thirty (30) for the campaign thus far.
The lads and the lady finished the Champions Belt today. During the third fight which was partially unfinished from last session, my personal Hero, the PC Hexblade died, yet again, (this is the 7th time the Hexblade has died, and the player previously had a ninja character that died three times also:) when he attempted to move through a space threatened by a half-ogre with a great axe, with only 1 HP left:) Word to the wise, don't try that friends. His cranium was 'divided and conquered, Lucy Liu style':) Sadly, they did win the fight eventually:(.
The Players surprised me by not losing any PC's on the fourth and final fight, sending the bad guys packing and winning the champions belt.
Then, they began A Gathering of Winds. Well friends, you know what's coming don't you. Owing to the number of players expected (8), I opted to raise the dragon to from a CR13 (designed for 4PC's) to a CR 15. As it turned out, only 6 players showed, so I dropped the dragon back to a CR 13 but made him a Red Dragon instead, that I affectionately named 'Scorch', instead of the scripted Ilthane.
The boys arrived at the Whispering Cairn at around dusk, with a thunderstorm brewing, winds howling, and waning visibility. They decided to take the round about approach to skirting up to the cairn entrance. Naturally Scorch the dragon was waiting in the described location, with an invisibility spell up, as the PC's hadn't been subtle as to their approach. The group allowed one player to be in charge of moving all the miniatures on the map, and when the PC's arrived near the cairn entrance, he for some reason lined them up neatly in an almost perfectly straight line. Spot checks were made, and no PC spotted the immobile and invisible dragon, sitting but ten feet away from them. At that point, Scorch the dragon proceeded to incinerate every one of those sorry bastards like ducks in a row (save the PC rogue who was just out of range). The powerful elven wizard, and the ever irritating drow cleric/sorcerer were burned to a cinder and both died instantly, and their players whined mightily:D The rest of the four players were trying to rally and defeat the beast when we concluded for the afternoon.
Join us in two weeks my friends, when I pass the player of the Hexblade a pepper shaker and suggest he sprinkle pepper ON his character sheet. See you then.

Allen Stewart |

In the Fifteenth session of the Killer Age of Worms campaign, SADLY we saw ZERO PC Fatalities. Yes folks, a very dark and depressing day in the gaming group. There were several PC's that were within an inch of their worthless lives, but I was always robbed by bad luck or rare player ingenuity at the last moment. Curses...
The PC's were able to drive the dragon off, but did not finish him. Mr. Dragon will definitely stew over this one and likely turn up again to serve the PC's a good dish of klingon stew (that's revenge for me and the other non-star trek folks) and I think that the ideal time will be when the boys are riding the boat back across Diamond Lake following their completion of the Tomb of Icosiol:D
Speaking of the tomb of Icosiol, the Hexblade nearly died twice, once to the dragon, and again to the elder black pudding, which would have absolutely crushed him, had not one of the PC clerics (damn his hide) landed a Freedom of Movement spell on the Hexblade and made it impossible for the puddin' to keep on crushin':( The same PC cleric, aided and encouraged by Turin the Mad, then popped off a Slay Living spell and I blew the save, the pudding died horribly, and my evil laughter was briefly silenced.
Alas, can't win 'em all. Join us next time folks. If the PC's can get through the tomb, our friend Scorch the dragon will be waiting for them. We'll see how many of them bothered to take any Skill ranks in the Swim, when the dragon merrily sets their boat on fire in the middle of diamond lake while incinerating them in the process. The dragon's got several invisibility spells and can approach the boat likely undetected:D Should be a memorable one,... for me, naturally:)

Allen Stewart |

Greetings everyone.
In the Sixteenth session of the Killer Age of Worms campaign, the group managed to complete 'A Gathering of Winds'. Long story short, there were 9 players present at todays game. They largely steam-rolled over all opposition in the tomb of Icosiol. The final encounter area gave them some problems and one character fell off a pillar and was at -8 HP, but the lucky creep made his stabelization check and survived:(
Only 4 PC's were clever and adept enough to get up into the final chamber where the Rod fragment was located. The Occulus Demon gave the group of 4 PC's major problems as no PC had a reliable missile weapon with them, and the demon would have picked them apart with his eye beam attacks from above had not a tragedy occurred. Sadly, one PC (with the Seal of Law) made it to the sarcophagus and opened it and grabbed the loot. The adventure text states that the creatures in the tomb stop attacking PC's when they get the loot so I was robbed of 4 likely PC fatalities. Tragic.
At the close of the afternoon, the PC's returned to the shores of Diamond Lake triumphantly, deciding to return across the lake instead of taking the long way walking around it. I told the group, they'd need to signal or somehow communicate with the ferry on the other side of the lake. A player decided to fire off a Fireball to alert the boat crew that the PC's were ready to return... but the boatmen were not the only ones to hear & see the fireball blast...
If my kind reader will read the above posts for the two previous game sessions, they will note that the PC's did not finish off the Red Dragon 'Scorch' (a CR 13 Red dragon substituted for the scripted CR 13 Black Dragon Ilthane). But the PC's (6 at that time) did drive off the dragon. Well Mr. Dragon had a little time to lick his wounds and plan his revenge. I recall thinking how can my nasty beast tangle with not 6 but 9 PC's and not get carved into sushi? The answer came to me; and I admit to grinning evily to myself as I comtemplated it...
The PC's were half way across the lake on the boat on their return trip from the tomb of Icosiol. The dragon having seen their fireball and watched them board the boat from a distance waits for the group to reach the near mid point of the trip across the lake. Mr. Dragon casts invisibility and flies off to intercept the boat. He attacks with surprise and catches all off guard and completely unprepared. After two breath weapon attacks, two PC's are dead (the Binder and the True Necromancer), a human Fighter (in full plate armor) and his unconscious (-2 HP) Dwarven Wizard buddy (a new player in the group) are in the water, rapidly sinking to the bottom:D The elven wizard and the Hexblade are at about 30 HP each and quaking mightily in their boots and complaining about how unfair this all is. Another new player in the group (playing a half-red dragon Fighter) is sitting in the boat trying to fire non-magical crossbow bolts at the dragon to little effect (he has no other practical options), and the remaining two other unarmored characters dove off the now burning boat, to attempt to reach the shore with their lives. And none of them can do much of anything to Mr. Dragon. That's where we left off, and it's my expectation for at least 3 or 4 of the remaining PC's to be killed off when we resume next week. The two dead PC's for this session brings us to a grand total of 32 PC kills for the campaign. Join me next time, friends, for more exciting happenings:)
And now for the even better news kiddies. I am expecting count 'em THIRTEEN (13) players next game session. Granted some probably won't show, but I'm setting my sights on wasting every last one that does:D Hasta.

Allen Stewart |

As a side note, included in those 13 players for next session, are several returning players that have been away from the group for some time due to non-game related scheduling problems. Most notably, Don "the Dying One" (last name omitted to protect the guilty), the President of our 'Red Folder Gaming Society' is expected to make his long-awaited and anticipated return. The "Dying One" has more PC deaths than most players I know combined. You've got to love the ADHD players who's impulsivity and inattentiveness to important details results in chronic repeated casualties. I shall be welcoming our president back with honor:)

Allen Stewart |

Evenin' Good People,
In today's Seventeenth Session of the Killer Age of Worms Campaign, there were THREE (3) character fatalities, bringing our grand total up to 35 for the entire campaign.
There were a total of Eleven players today, although not everyone played in all combat encounters. Given the total number of PC's, I had hoped for a higher body count... oh well...
The group finished the encounter on Diamond Lake with the red dragon Scorch. One PC (who was already at -2 HP from past use of breath weapons) drowned in the water. The PC fighter in full plate was helped to the surface, only to be flame blasted by yet another breath weapon by the dragon, who had cast Invisibility several rounds before and waited around for someone to poke their head above the water, and died horribly:) The rest of the PC's could either magically breathe water by this point, or could hold their breath for an extended amount of time. The wizard and the Hexblade teleported back to the town (I didn't know that the wizard player had bothered to memorize Teleport, and I was criminally robbed of two other likely PC fatalities:( at this point, I decided to relent and end the encounter with the dragon flying off triumphantly. He took a mere 15 HP damage in the entire encounter and killed 4 PC's altogether counting this week and last.
The PC's met with Tenser at Magepoint and traveled to the Spire of Long Shadows. Most players were impressed with the intro to the city of Kuluth-Mar. The fight with the first Kyuss Knight and the Evicerator Beetles was very entertaining. The PC Half-Red Dragon/Half-Lizard Folk Fighter was mauled by one of the beetles, and then utterly CRUSHED by the Kyuss Knight, ending up at around -30 HP, and dying Horribly:D The players eventually defeated the undead and decided to rest outside the city limits. Seemed safe enough, but the 'Seekers of the Rod' arrived to find them anyway.
The encounter with the Bateezu who were looking for the PC's piece of the Rod of 7 Parts happened after the fight with the first Kyuss Knight. The PC's got a full nights rest (okay-I felt generous for once-sorry), and were in tip top shape when the bad guys teleported into their camp, as the adventure suggests. I opted to use one Bateezu, an Erinyes with several levels in Fighter, and some human 'helpers' (a human Wizard 11, a human cleric 11, a human Druid 13, and a Half-Ogre Fighter 10/Blackguard 2, instead of all Bateezu as the adventure presents. Numerically, the odds were in the PC's favor. The villains scryed on the PC's periodically, and prepared before teleporting in. The group (and the Druid's Dire Bear companion) was teleported in by several high level evil NPC wizards who don't appear in the campaign. The Druid was teleported first, who already being hidden by an Improved Invisibility spell, casts a Silent Summon Nature's Ally 6 and gets 3 additional Dire Bears on standby for help. They wait quietly for the next round and the arrival of the other villains. The villains then arrive and initiatives are rolled. Combat ensues, the Druid, still invisible casts Summon Nature's Ally 7, and summons a T-Rex. After one round of combat, a PC Fighter is at -8 HP and likely to die next round. That was where we halted for the afternoon. Hard to predict how this one will go. With nine 11th level PC's, I'd put the odds in their favor, but the addition of the T-Rex seems to be diverting the PC's attention away from the more dangerous villains and onto the T-Rex. And the invisible Druid has one more scroll of Summon Nature's Ally 7, for another T-REx:)
Guess we'll have to wait and see in two weeks. Join me then everyone:)

Allen Stewart |

It's days like today that make me glad I'm a GM. We had FIVE (5) Player Character Fatalities today, bring us to a grand total of 40 (Fourty) for the entire Age of Worms campaign up through the Spire of Long Shadows. All five fatalities occurred in the fight between the PC's and the "Seekers of the Rod." There were NINE Players/PC's present during the encounter, and a 10th arrived half-way through it. The fateful events were as follows:
During the first round of combat (see the post before this one for details), The Erinyes Bateezu and her human & half-ogre allies appeared to have the upper hand. One villain, the evil cleric, remained to act before the completion of round one. He was being attacked by the PC Hexblade :)you know what coming already, don't you:) Evil cleric (11th level) casts defensively and hits Mr. Hexblade with a Harm spell for 110 points of damage. No problem, Hexblade makes his save and takes 55. He needs a Natural 2 or higher on the d20 to avoid death from massive trauma. And he Rolled a Nat ONE, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, and died horribly:D:D:D
2nd round (today's game), the very powerful and dangerous PC Fighter/Barbarian (who had yet to be killed since his player returned to the group, was hit by a Fire Seed, and then stabbed twice by the evil Half-Ogre Blackguard, dropped to -6; the Half-Ogre Blackguard then Cleaved through the Ftr/Bbn, into another PC Fighter, who was currently dying at -8 HP, and that PC Ftr was killed immediately. Lest some deem me cruel (which I am), Turin the Mad had at least 2 Heal Spells, and a character at -6 HP immediately goes to 120 HP in one spell, any smart killer GM, makes sure the good guys stay down for the count!!! Turin would subsequently rob me (temporarily) of several PC by doing just that... The Barbarian/Fighter did force the Erinyes to flee for her miserable life before the round ended with multiple arrows to the kidneys. Turin the Mad's cleric further rained on my parade by Dismissing my summoned Dire Bears and T-REx:(
In the third round of combat, the Barbarian/Fighter finally did buy the farm, courtesy of a flame strike from the evil Druid, followed by several stabs to vital areas courtesy of the Half-Ogre Blackguard. About this point, the Half-Ogre was being attacked by several PC's and needed some help. The PC Elf Wizard, assuming all was lost, teleported out of the fight, probably saving the day for me:)
In the fourth round of combat, The (otherwise unremarkable) evil Wizard UTTERLY laid the smackdown on the PC Half-Dragon FTR with a Sudden Maxamized Orb of Acid for 66 HP of damage. Mr. Half-Dragon ended up at -30 or worse and died instantly:) Shortly afterwards, the evil Cleric went down to the remaining PC's. Then, yet another PC FTR 11 was then Flame Strike'd by the evil Druid, and killed. The evil Wizard was Blinded, grappled, and taken airborne by a PC cleric with the ability to Fly. The evil Wizard surrendered and was then out of the combat.
At that point, Turin the Mad and the Drow Sorcerer, minus the second PC cleric who was flying away the the blinded evil Wizard, remained, and managed to Nat 20 a Diplomacy check on the two remaining villains (Half-Ogre Blackguard & Druid) into calling a truce. The two leaders of the villains (Erinyes & Cleric) fled or were killed, thus there was no 'leader' present to insist that hostilities continue. We called it there for the encounter. And the PC's got to keep their precious fragment of the Rod of 7 Parts.
The rest of the afternoon saw the PC's mop up the top level of the Ziggurat, and they actually ate the Knowledge enhancing worms before descending to the lower level where we haulted things for the afternoon.
Truly a memorable afternoon, fellow Killer GM's join me in two weeks to see if we can repeat our barbarous afternoon with yet more droves of PC's headed for the circular file we lovingly know as the waste paper basket:D

Turin the Mad |

If you ever run a PbP here on Paizo count me in.
Weell, vas is dos ? (Please pardon any horrendous butchering of the German spelling in advance.)
Anyhoo, yes, Allen racked up quite the magnificent body count despite my stubby-legged cleric's best efforts to retain upright-standing party members. Even with an item of continual Healing Lorecall (use-activated, as in, triggered by casting Conjuration (Healing) spells) and Augmented Healing, plus the Healing domain (bringing a caster level 12 [for an 11th level cleric] Heal spell to a grand total of 132 hit points' of *pouf* you're healed - although now that I think of it, I probably need to refresh my memory of Healing Lorecall, which swaps the base caster level to ranks of Heal skill ... which, at 11th level plus the 1 additional CL from the Healing domain, I believe translates into the max. of 150 hp plus the additional 12 hp from the Augmented Healing feat (+2 hp per level of the curative spell) ...
In either case, Heal spells rawk ^_^. I look forward - work permitting of course - to aiding and abetting my fellow PC's in butchering more of Allen's coveted bad guys ... and taking thier schwag !
Oddly, I've gotten very few magic items of late ... hrm ... think we shall soon see who gets picks from the next prominant corpses we make eh ?

Allen Stewart |

Arctaris wrote:If you ever run a PbP here on Paizo count me in.Weell, vas is dos ? (Please pardon any horrendous butchering of the German spelling in advance.)
Anyhoo, yes,
In either case, Heal spells rawk ^_^. I look forward - work permitting of course - to aiding and abetting my fellow PC's in butchering more of Allen's coveted bad guys ... and taking thier schwag !
I'm terribly Sorry Turin my friend, but butchering my Coveted Bad Guys is not a viable option, but you may try, naturally :D

Turin the Mad |

Turin the Mad wrote:I'm terribly Sorry Turin my friend, but butchering my Coveted Bad Guys is not a viable option, but you may try, naturally :DArctaris wrote:If you ever run a PbP here on Paizo count me in.Weell, vas is dos ? (Please pardon any horrendous butchering of the German spelling in advance.)
Anyhoo, yes,
In either case, Heal spells rawk ^_^. I look forward - work permitting of course - to aiding and abetting my fellow PC's in butchering more of Allen's coveted bad guys ... and taking thier schwag !
Oh, it is always possible my friend. After all, there are many warm bodies ... er, fellow player characters, available with which to swarm your bad guys under and facilitate the forking over of valued xp and of course, schwag.
Now, if I can badger the friggin' mages to get wands of Dimensional Anchor, your baddies will have to ... umm .. on the other paw, I might just resort to letting the others serve as damage sponges...

![]() |

One villain, the evil cleric, remained to act before the completion of round one. He was being attacked by the PC Hexblade :)you know what coming already, don't you:) Evil cleric (11th level) casts defensively and hits Mr. Hexblade with a Harm spell for 110 points of damage. No problem, Hexblade makes his save and takes 55.
Ummm... was this a multiclassed Hexblade? Because, around level 4 or so, Hexblades get an ability called 'Mettle' that is basically like Evasion but for Fortitude and Reflex saves. If the Hexblade made the save, he shouldn't have taken any damage at all.
I think you may have killed one illegitimately...

Allen Stewart |

Allen Stewart wrote:One villain, the evil cleric, remained to act before the completion of round one. He was being attacked by the PC Hexblade :)you know what coming already, don't you:) Evil cleric (11th level) casts defensively and hits Mr. Hexblade with a Harm spell for 110 points of damage. No problem, Hexblade makes his save and takes 55.Ummm... was this a multiclassed Hexblade? Because, around level 4 or so, Hexblades get an ability called 'Mettle' that is basically like Evasion but for Fortitude and Reflex saves. If the Hexblade made the save, he shouldn't have taken any damage at all.
I think you may have killed one illegitimately...
Fatespinner, I think you're right:( Good thing the player in question doesn't know the abilities of his own character. Ignorance isn't always bliss...
I don't recall how many of the PC's levels are of the Hexblade class (I don't think all are, but it's probably more than 4). I'll take a peek at the book, and if it turns out the player made a mistake,... well,... like the kind and benevolent GM that I am, I'll wisely keep my mouth shut and let him come to the revelation himself:D
Allen Stewart |

Today's Nineteenth Session of the Killer Age of Worms campaign was a bit of a retreat from last session's glorious events. Today we saw ONLY TWO (2) Player Character Fatalities. Both of these demises were to the wonderful (Kyuss) Worm Naga/Sorcerer 4, who first layed a Finger of Death spell on the PC Rogue/Sorcerer. I don't know whether the player has fudged his rolls or not in the past (he's never failed a save that counted) but he proudly boasted that he rolled a 'Nat 19', and he needed a Nat 19 or 20 to succeed on the DC 26 Finger of Death spell. He smiled thinking he was off of the hook. Next round, his beloved Rogue/Sorcerer received ANOTHER Finger of Death, and his saving throw was NOT a 19 or 20... And there was much rejoicing:):P
On the following round, the Naga healed himself, as he was almost dead. On the 4th round of combat, the Naga was down low again, and I initially was going to move the naga up into the air (via a previously cast Fly spell), but the Player of the Hexblade complained mightily that he was due an attack of opportunity (which I thought I ought to be able to deny him). I became mildly irritated with the Player and elected instead to cast defensively, and then give his pathetic character the FINGER (of Death)--the creature can cast 4 per day. Naturally, the PC Hexblade rolled a Nat 4 on his save and DIED MISERABLY, as he deserved:D:D:D
Sadly, one of the PC Dwarf Clerics (not Turin the Mad)-[I now have THREE in the party] dropped a maximized Flame Strike (66 HP worth) on the Naga and turned him into bacon:(
The PC's were presently fighting the three Kyuss Knights when we finished, and stand to have several casualties at least when we resume next time. Join me then friends, as the PC Hexblade (12 campaign deaths and counting) quotes Eek the Cat and says: "When does the Hurting Stooooooooooooooooooopppp.":D

Soulforge |
Wow. This campaign sounds like the totally polar opposite of gaming I enjoy the most. I guess it's played quite "stuck in the 80's" style on purpose, but still. I would imagine it would be terribly hard just to keep the plot running if after three or four games there's hardly more left of the original group than a smoking pair of boots. Apparently you have handled that somehow, so thumbs up on that account.
Myself, I enjoy powergaming within the rules. Powerful characters with good equipment, classes and prestige classes chosen to get the most benefit you can possibly get while sacrificing as little as possible. All this while still staying true to the ROLEplaying as opposed to ROLLplaying. While D&D has been closest to my heart since 1st edition, through AD&D, to the modern 3/3.5, the game system most to my liking power-vise, has to be Feng Shui Shadowfist. A hero pokes an NPC with a toothpick. NPC dies. Multiple NPCs? Hero makes up a good manouver off the top of his head and kills a room full of NPCs with a toothpick. Now THAT's how I like things. Only the bosses should offer a moderate challenge, while everything else is a splatterfest where the most noticeable "damage" to PCs is the NPC's spraying blood as they scream to death while the PCs massacre them completely.
Anyway, good luck with your campaign... we are playing AoW as well, so I didn't read past the point we are on currently. I wouldn't like your version, but I'm glad you've found players who enjoy your style and keep coming back.
Cheerio, pip pip, old chap.

Allen Stewart |

Glad you enjoy the thread SoulForge (assuming you do). My players (I had eleven of them yesterday) enjoy the "Mildly Adversarial and Humorous GM approach" that I attempt to deliver. I suppose you could say the game has a bit of an 80's feel to it. In many games that people play, the players play against each other, with a clearly defined winner. I attempt to add a competitive feel of "beat the evil GM" (a fair one who plays by the rules, mind you) to make the game more entertaining for all.

Allen Stewart |

In today's Twentieth session of the Killer Age of Worms Campaign, there were TWO (2) Player Character Fatalities; and several more PC's were pretty much screwed (see below) as well. There were ELEVEN Players present for today's session and I had hoped for a much loftier body count, but was shamefully denied.
I believe each player's character was 12th level with one 13th somewhere in the batch. We left off last week with the PC's battling the naughty Kyuss Knights and the 12th level Cleric Lich. With the addition of several more PC's, I added an additional Kyuss Knight. Following the destruction of one of the original Kyuss Knights, the battle culminated in the 12th level Cleric Lich dropping a Quickened Flame Strike immediately followed by a Maximized Flame Strike (both via Divine Meta-magic feats) and doing 112 HP damage to 5 or 6 players in the group who were all clustered together. Sadly (yes folks, I said sadly) Turin the Mad's character was the sole PC to be killed by the blasts. Granted, he had just previously blasted the 12th level Cleric Lich with a Bolt of Glory for 84 bloody hit points of damage (more than 2/3's of the Lich's HP) in one attack, and I dare say 'payback' was due, but... I have not made a common practice of recording player character's lost HP, nor of witnessing their saving throws; but... I am suspicious that only 1 PC died from 112 HP damage from two Flame Strikes in the same round... Turin's character was the last PC I expected to go down from the damage, as he has more HP than EVERYONE in the group except the Hexblade (not that that ever does the Hexblade any good...) I'm going to have to keep a better eye on my sneaky players. At the risk of sounding sentimental, it was pretty lame to see Turin's awesome cleric go down when other players seemed to "weather the fiery storms" comparitively well, when they clearly shouldn't have.
On the following round of combat, another Kyuss Knight was 'walled off' by a well placed Wall of Stone spell. The remaining Kyuss Knight scored a critical hit and killed the PC Half-Dragon Fighter:D, and there was brief rejoicing. The Lich was down to 12 HP after having his protection from Fire literally burned off him by Scorching Rays from the PC Rogue/Sorcerer, and the Lich buggered off with a Word of Recall to the upper level of the dungeon. The PC's subsequently finished off the last Kyuss Knight.
The PC's then intelligently subdued the Overworm in the "Lake of Worms",... blast you Marcus... using a minion Shadow to drain the creature's strength to the point that he couldn't pose a threat, while not making the mistake of turning the Overworm into a Shadow himself.
The group then headed for the remaining area left in the dungeon, the Harbinger Makar's lair. Several of the group scouted ahead, and upon discovering Mak'ar (a Spellweaver Lich) and his two Wormcaller minions & a summoned demon, initiated hostilities. The rest of the player characters then started to make their way over across the 'lake of worms' to begin to engage the enemy. Each PC made use of a Fly Spell. I waited patiently until Ma'kar's initiative, then had him hit most of the group with an Area Greater Dispelling (specifically targeting the Fly effect), and three PC's saw their Fly spells fold up like a house of cards and plummet into the lake full of Kyuss worms:D:D:D One of the three, (Turin the Mad, True-Res'd after his demise in the first encounter of the afternoon) used a 1-use Dimension Door item to escape the worm lake. He'll likely cast Cure Disease on himself next round, and he'll definitely survive. The other two unhappily submerged PC's (the Half-Dragon Fighter [also True Res'd after the last fight] and the Hexblade [and NO, I do not go out of my way to screw the PC Hexblade, he does it to himself, or is just plain unlucky]) do not have the means to vacate the lake nor cure disease, and it may be but a matter of moments before both have lovely green worms coming out of many different orifices of their bodies and begin franticlly shouting out that beautiful word, "Braaaaaaaains".
That's where we halted it for yesterday. Do please join me in two weeks and see how many more PC's will join their unhappy friends in the lake, and from there on to the Prince of Redhand, and the only Painful (necessary) Role-Playing chapter of this otherwise glorious campaign:D

llaletin |

and from there on to the Prince of Redhand, and the only Painful (necessary) Role-Playing chapter of this otherwise glorious campaign:D
On the bright side, the PCs could end up provoking the Blessed Angels, and/or a large section of the townsfolk (aka mob). And then there's the question of who might end up eating something that disagrees with them, on PZ's behalf, so mayhem, fun and death isn't entirely out of the question... :-)

Allen Stewart |

Allen Stewart wrote:and from there on to the Prince of Redhand, and the only Painful (necessary) Role-Playing chapter of this otherwise glorious campaign:DOn the bright side, the PCs could end up provoking the Blessed Angels, and/or a large section of the townsfolk (aka mob). And then there's the question of who might end up eating something that disagrees with them, on PZ's behalf, so mayhem, fun and death isn't entirely out of the question... :-)
A brilliant and well-timed comment Ilaletin, my friend. I think I shall heed your suggestion and prepare the lovely ladies to lay waste to my lame-brained brigade.
As always fellow readers, Ilaletin well illustrates that one always needs to look on the bright side of things and always look for possibilities... for PC destruction...
Allen Stewart |

Yes, sadly when I ran Prince of Redhand, the only party member who managed to anger Zeech was... the party monk, who was immune to the five attempts made to poison him throughout the night.
Sad tidings indeed Laphroaig. I'm already working on a few ways of addressing the "general non-lethality" of the adventure. I've decided to swap out some of the non-significant party guests in favor of former home-brewed villains from years past. As there are no weapons allowed at the party I'll have a pretty easy opportunity for enemy spell-casters to pop off Sudden/Stilled Fingers of Death/Slay Living type spells to 'liven the evening up a bit' for my dear players.
I've mentioned before in other threads that I have a player in my group who draws comicbook quality art and he has illustrated many of the powerful/important villains that I've used in this campaign and will yet use. I'm going to see if there is some way that I can scan and post these illustrations on the web and attach a link to them on this thread. More on this to come.

Allen Stewart |

The Twenty-First session of the Killer Age of Worms campaign was a major BUMMER, with ZERO PC Fatalities occurring:(
And while granted, the group only finished 2 combat encounters (the final encounter and then had the encounter with the Acid Wraith), while wasting the remainder of our time buying things and cashing in on selling their fragment of the Rod of 7 parts to Tenser; that's still NO excuse for failing each of you, my good friends and fellow sadistic GM's. I've let you down and I feel absolutely TERRIBLE about it. To make it up to you, I hope to absolutely anihiliate those idiots the next time we saddle up to the table. The only good news is that we are scheduled to play on this coming Saturday; so my dear readers need only wait for 6 more days before I can hopefully pass on the joyous news of more sad tidings and horrific player character death and carnage.
I had seven players yesterday, down from 12 the previous game session for a number of reasons. I opted to drop one of the wormcrawlers and a summoned demon, and have the PC's slug it out with only the Spellweaver Lich and 1 wormcrawler, to give them a modest chance of survival. Everything appeared lost for the PC's when Friggin' Turin the Mad made a turn check of the century and turned the Spellweaver Lich & the wormcrawler. After this utter travesty, the group had the opportunity to (and BARELY) managed to save the two PC's who were in the lake of worms (those two PC's had 2 and 3 points of Intelligence left respectively, and one more round would have dropped each below 0, killing each). I was Shamefully ROBBED; Turin you little rat bastard!
The Acid Wraith encounter hardly even merits mention; as Dwarven Cleric #3, as I like to call him, hit the acid wraith with a Ghost Touch Mace that had (spell storing) a Searing Light spell in it; and cooked my acid wraith for over 100 hp damage, and the rest became academic thereafter...
Join me this weekend fellow killer GM's. Although I don't hold too much hope for the Ebon Aspect, I suspect I can do a few of my lame PC's in at the party, and following that, in the Library of Last Resort, gives me more opportunities to whore my players shamefully:D See you then...

Allen Stewart |

Good evening friends and neighbors. The Twenty-second session of the Killer Age of Worms campaign saw but ONE (1) PC Fatality this past Saturday. That fatality came during the fight with the Ebon Aspect. One of my bold Player's had her Fighter bravely charge the Ebon Aspect during the fight. Said player failed to consider that a creature with +30/+28 multi-attack hit rolls, with a 10-point power attack included is not to be engaged directly. Additionally, said Fighter also boasted an Armor Class of only 21. Naturally, I power Attacked her for 25 and did in the area of 140 HP in one round, when I hit her on all four attacks:D And there was much rejoicing:D:P:D I was able to drop a second PC Fighter to -1 HP, but then Turin the Mad again figuratively urinated in my cheerios when he sucessfully blinded the monstrosity. Eventually, the group was able to whittle the monster down in HP and defeat him, before I could have my monster stomp the unconscious PC into toe jam... those dorks...
The rest of the afternoon involved the Prince's banquet. All 9 of my players present had a very good time and really enjoyed the macabre festivities tremendously--Full props to Mr. Pett for his moderately deranged sense of humor and immense writing ability. Two of the characters offended the Prince repeatedly. When I initially read the write up, I evidently missed the description of the poison used on PC's who insult the prince. In the absence of any obvious type of poison. I opted to go with a Drow-sleep poison, injested, with a delayed effect. One of the two PC's missed several of his Fortitude Saves, and will MOST LIKELY be murdered in his sleep later that night in his room at the inn by a Skulk Assassin that I've been waiting to use for such an occasion:D
We'll work out all the brass tacks when we resume in two weeks. The PC's will then begin the Library of Last Resort. Although the author, Mr. Logue, claims to be quite the Thespian in his own RPG's, the potential for utter PC death and destruction in this adventure (LoLR) is absolutely staggering. Even I am unclear if I am going to unleash the 20 Swords of Kyuss on my PC's (an almost guaranteed TPK). Eh', I probably will, who am I kidding.
See you next time, fellow kind hearted GM's:)