An Online 3.5 Post Game that has lasted for over 10 years.

Gamer Connection

Greetings Gamers!

We are excited to announce that we have a few openings in various games right now. The Wold is here to stay! We are not one of those games or sites that will disappear just as you are getting interested in the game and your character. So if you’ve been looking for that quality game that does not go away, we’re your site!

The Wold is a D&D3.5 Original Campaign World, originating in the early 1980's. It went online about 7 years ago and it has evolved into a very large website with several hundred pages of campaign information.

We currently offer 14 ongoing games with over 100 current players. There are a surprising number of women playing with us. In fact, several of our best DMs are women. Play occurs on our self-made java programmed message boards with their own dice mechanisms, and auto-archiving features. We offer a Message Board called The Giggling Ghost where our gamers can chat "in character." There is also several private boards that allow the players to talk and discuss just about anything in an "out of character format." These boards helps us create that all important sense of community and friendship which is a part of any good group of gamers. Also added is a board called The Catacombs where all character shopping occurs and The Black Genie Center where Woldians may go to help develop new original things for our campaign world.

To visit the Games Page to check out the ongoing games, go to:

Please contact me if you are interested in joining us or if you have any questions and I’ll fill you in on exactly which openings are left.

Thanks for your consideration,
Jerry Phelps

"An Online 3.5 Post Game that has lasted for over 10 years."

Good trick, that, considering 3.5 has only been out for 3 years.

Yah, we're good like that. :) It began as a 2nd edition campaign in 1985. We actually wrestled for awhile about whether to change over to 3.0 when it came out. We bit. I like the options that 3.0 and 3.5 present, but I do not like the way it suddenly seems to embrace power gaming. The rule set is too bulky and hurts roleplaying overall. The number of rules also makes strategy more of a "find the obscure rule" rather than natural evolving strategy to fit the roleplaying or combat situation.

Anyway, we've recruited several players from this message board. Good ones too. :) So if you're looking for your...

--Five-minute D&D fix--

Or you can't find a local group, email me and join our gaming community!


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