Issue 348, Vecna humor

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

On page 26, under Relics of Faith, Fragments of Vecna.

"...possibly even his head still linger[s], waiting to be found and attached by the power hungry."

Head of Vecna story

Scarab Sages

Nice story. I'm almost afraid to ask, but I wonder what the end result was in the fight between groups 1 and 2.

Dark Archive Contributor

We're glad you like that wink and nod. There's even more Vecna humor in that issue, but I'll leave it to you to find it.

Who knew the evil god of secrets could be so much fun? :D

Ah, the Head of Vecna. That and the gazeebo are two stories that almost everyone claims to have been the original for. I'm forced to wonder if those stories aren't gaming apocrypha...

Very funny.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Those are the two minis I'd really love to see.

The Head of Vecna (tiny mini on a cute little pedestal)

and the Gazebo - imagine this as a Gargantuan mini, hollow so you can fit the PC minis inside!

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