Peruhain of Brithondy |

James is probably used to me asking about minor details and nitpicks by now, so I'm sure he'll look at this thread and give me a clarification soon!
First--thanks for another excellent AP adventure James and Dungeon staff. I really dig urban adventures with lots of politics, intrigue, and skulduggery, and this definitely fills the bill, especially with the backdrop and player's guide which plant lots of seeds for ways to enrich the adventure for one's own campaign.
Second, a very small question. The hidden water entrance to the Lotus Dragon lair (I love this room--hidden entrance under the pier, and my first ever chance to use ixitxachitls! cool). I don't have the module handy so can't cite room number, but the description mentioned a secret door on the south wall. The map doesn't indicate one. Is there supposed to be a secret door hiding the entrance to the 5 foot passage into the rest of the lair?

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Thanks for the kind words; it's good to see that people seem to like "There Is No Honor." I was (and kinda still am) a nervous wreck regarding it, hoping it starts the Savage Tide adventure path off right and all that... I know fully understand Erik Mona's frantic state of mind in those months between when he finished writing "The Whispering Cairn" and the reviews & reactions started coming in...
ANYway. The missing secret door was originally supposed to be in the tunnel leading south from area D17 to area D16. Looks like that secret door got left off. As the map stands now, it's just a plain old open passageway. Nothing wrong with that, I guess, but I still recomend putting a secret door there. The intent is to force intruders who enter the guildhall via the entrance under the pier to continue up the tidepool into area D18 and thus fight more ixitxachitl, but I suppose it's just as fun to send th em in through the more standard approach.

Joseph Jolly |

Another clarification point: According to the Monster Manual definition of Improved Grab, "unless otherwise noted, improved grab works only against opponents at least one size category smaller than the creature." Both the rhagodessa and the small monstrous crabs have improved grab, but the rhagodessa is medium, meaning it can only IG small opponents, and the crabs are small, meaning they can only grapple tiny opponents. This essentially makes these abilities useless for these creatures. Any thoughts?

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Another clarification point: According to the Monster Manual definition of Improved Grab, "unless otherwise noted, improved grab works only against opponents at least one size category smaller than the creature." Both the rhagodessa and the small monstrous crabs have improved grab, but the rhagodessa is medium, meaning it can only IG small opponents, and the crabs are small, meaning they can only grapple tiny opponents. This essentially makes these abilities useless for these creatures. Any thoughts?
The rhagodessa should certainly be able to grab Medium creatures. As for the monstrous crabs, I suppose I can take it or leave it. Makes the crabs less dangerous, which is certainly not a bad thing since there's a LOT of them.
But the rhagodessa should and can use improved grab on Medium foes.

Joseph Jolly |

Joseph Jolly wrote:Another clarification point: According to the Monster Manual definition of Improved Grab, "unless otherwise noted, improved grab works only against opponents at least one size category smaller than the creature." Both the rhagodessa and the small monstrous crabs have improved grab, but the rhagodessa is medium, meaning it can only IG small opponents, and the crabs are small, meaning they can only grapple tiny opponents. This essentially makes these abilities useless for these creatures. Any thoughts?The rhagodessa should certainly be able to grab Medium creatures. As for the monstrous crabs, I suppose I can take it or leave it. Makes the crabs less dangerous, which is certainly not a bad thing since there's a LOT of them.
But the rhagodessa should and can use improved grab on Medium foes.
Duly noted. I will quote you to my players during those encounters, during which they will certainly curse your name again!!

MeanDM |

Just to add to the problem....
I am a little confused about the situation in room 9 of the Dragon Lotus stronghold. The development section explains that the rogues stationed behind the illusionary wall turn the valve which funnels water to the room, raising the water level to within 8 feet of the ceiling or so. My question is, it is not clear how high off of the ground level of room 9 the arrow slits in the hallway, and the room with the illusionary wall are. The illusionary wall will obviously not stop the water, and that means they will possibly be flooding their own room as well. I assume, then, that the hallways leading up to this area slope quite a bit, and that they are, in fact, pretty near the ceiling of room 9?
By the way, this was a great adventure, and I can't wait to use it to kick off my Savage Tide campaign!

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The floor of room 9 is about 8 feet, 6 inches above the water level below, so when area 8 is filled up, the water is about six inches below area nine. Of course, it's highly unlikely that the room will ever fill this high before whatever's in area 8 has either died or escaped. The primary reason for the cascading water isn't to flood the room as much as it is to make it difficult to hear the guards moving around in the secret passages (and to make those trapped below more nervous).

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Duly noted. I will quote you to my players during those encounters, during which they will certainly curse your name again!!
Excellent! Of course, having read your story hours avidly through the years, it seems obvious to me that your players are more than up to the majority of the challenges we throw their way. And if if makes them feel any better, one of my DMs (and some-time Dungeon contributor Jason Nelson-Brown) takes a weird, perverse glee in using monsters I've designed against me. As it usually works out, someone else in the party gets their weapons crushed by a rukanyr or their skin flayed by a kaorti or something like that, for which Jason'll say, "Blame James, it's not my fault his monster ate your halbard! Now make me a DC 20 Fortitude save!"

Joseph Jolly |

Joseph Jolly wrote:Duly noted. I will quote you to my players during those encounters, during which they will certainly curse your name again!!Excellent! Of course, having read your story hours avidly through the years, it seems obvious to me that your players are more than up to the majority of the challenges we throw their way.
You've actually rendered me momentarily speechless...
I'm beyond flattered that you are a reader and a fan of our story, that we could never have put together without the invaluable contributions of you and yours. My players constantly moan and groan about the challenges they face in your AP's, but they are literally drooling for the next one. Each of them has already come up with no fewer than five character possibilities already for Savage Tide. Keep up the good work, and we'll keep singing your praises (with the occasional expletive thrown in)!