Just finished Age of Worms - Kyuss is dead!

Age of Worms Adventure Path

Our Warforged Exorcist of the Silver Flame exploded during the final battle when Kyuss killed him. I rolled a natural 1 and the blast was enough to put Kyuss over his hp. Just in time, because blashemy almost killed everyone!

We played the entire last module in exactly 12 hours in a final marathon session today.

FYI, this was session 58. Each session is 4 hours, for a total of 240 hours for the entire campaign. That's 12 hours per level.

Here are some major spoilers for the campaign with info about our party:


We finished just in time. I haven't received issue 139 yet to start Savage Tide, but I'm hoping it comes in on Tuesday.

Congratulations, Takasi. Great timing as well, like you said, since STAP is coming out. Are you going to dive right into the new campaign or are you guys going to take a little break and let the first few magazines come out?

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Congrats, Takasi! I love that Kyuss was killed by an exploding warforged. Perfect. :)


farewell2kings wrote:
Congratulations, Takasi. Great timing as well, like you said, since STAP is coming out. Are you going to dive right into the new campaign or are you guys going to take a little break and let the first few magazines come out?

One of the other guys wants to DM Shackled City during our 4 hour Wednesday games.

I'm going to run Savage Tide once a month. I plan on running each module as a marathon session once a month. We're going to play There is No Honor during the first weekend in October. We will be done with the game next September.

I'm afraid 4th edition may be coming out after Savage Tide and I want to be finished with this campaign so our group will be ready to try a new campaign when it comes out.

I'll be running Savage Tide in Eberron. The other DM is going to run Shackled City in the Old World of Warhammer. We're taking a break until October though; one of the players is going to run a few sessions of a short Star Wars campaign set in the Knights of the Old Republic setting.

I like what you've done with your website. I bought miniatures for my players to represent their PCs. I added two NPCs recently, and I just bought minis for them as well:

male half-orc ranger (wields double axe) - eye of Gruumsh mini
male elf scout - graycloak ranger mini
male lizardfolk druid - original lizardfolk mini
male human rogue/invisible blade - daring rogue mini
male half-orc fighter (wields spike chain) - Rask half-orc chainfighter mini
female human cleric - arcanix guard mini

Sadly, I'll never have enough minis to accurately portray gaming scenarios, but it's fun doing it with PCs and NPCs.

I must say that I was surprised to see only monster stats on your sessions. I was hoping for some dialogue concerning what happened during those sessions.

A round of hearty cheers--raise a glass to one of the first DMs to complete the campaign. Sounds like a good campaign was had by all, despite conversion headaches?

P.S. Didn't know you were gaming up the road from home. (I assume your website indicates that your group bestrides the Feather River and lies in the shadow of the Sutter Buttes. I lived in Davis for 10 years, and miss the Central Valley!)

Takasi wrote:
Our Warforged Exorcist of the Silver Flame exploded during the final battle when Kyuss killed him. I rolled a natural 1 and the blast was enough to put Kyuss over his hp.

Awesome. Why/how did the warforged explode?

Peruhain of Brithondy wrote:
(I assume your website indicates that your group bestrides the Feather River and lies in the shadow of the Sutter Buttes. I lived in Davis for 10 years, and miss the Central Valley!)

Yep, we're right near the Buttes.

Obscure wrote:
Awesome. Why/how did the warforged explode?

Righteous Aura from the Spell Compendium.


I had no idea you were here in Yuba City! I've read several of your posts and threads, and I never noticed anything that you were here.

I've been out at the Air Force Base for the past year and I go to Harlequin Hobbies quite often. I knew that there was "someone else" running an Age of Worms game there, but I never bothered to find out more since I've been too terribly busy keeping my campaign going.

Oh well... maybe we'll meet sometime and compare notes.

Congrats on your campaign!

Takasi wrote:

I'm going to run Savage Tide once a month. I plan on running each module as a marathon session once a month.

That sounds like a blast, actually. Congrats again to you and your gaming buddies, Takasi. I just finished reading the Eberron campaign setting and I would probably enjoy playing in a STAP campaign in the ECS quite a bit. Let us know how it goes.

Dark Archive

Grats! That is cool that the group stuck together to the very end. We are just finishing EABK so who knows if I will get to experience the joy of completing a whole AP.

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