Sharoth |
Earlier Erik Mona said that the 24 & 36 month subscriptions to both Dragon & Dungeon mags will be cut, but they will be putting a 6 month subscription up for grabs. Then both posts were pulled. Is that still going on? I was wondering because next year during tax time, I was going to get the 3 year subscription to both. ~grins~ Isn't getting a tax return fun? ~resumes serious look~ The main problem quoted by Erik was the spiraling increase in EVERYTHING. However, I know just what a quality magazine these folks offer and I would honestly not object to paying more, especially when I get such value for what I pay for. Besides, it would be cheaper and get here quicker than the local hobby shop.
So fess up Erik, James, or Lisa. Whatz up?
Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
Erik Mona Chief Creative Officer, Publisher |
Mike McArtor Contributor |
Heathansson |
Are you sure that the 2 and 3 year subscriptions aren't available in all US States? I'm pretty sure all us internationals can get them so why not all of the US?
Olaf the Stout
I was just joking. There's a college U. S. football rivalry between Florida and Georgia, so having learned that Sharoth resides in Georgia, it is of great importance that I, a former resident of the Great State of Florida, periodically mess with him about it.
Stebehil |
Dear paizoites,
please take foreign subscription offers into account as well. I don´t want the info before you have calculated it thoroughly, I just want to remind you to take the foreigners into consideration as well. If the result would be that it is not possible to offer this, its all right, I just want to know the result.
Gary Teter Senior Software Developer |
The announcement has now gone up here. And yes, foreign subscribers can get the 6-month subscription.