Six-Month Subscription Option?

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Earlier Erik Mona said that the 24 & 36 month subscriptions to both Dragon & Dungeon mags will be cut, but they will be putting a 6 month subscription up for grabs. Then both posts were pulled. Is that still going on? I was wondering because next year during tax time, I was going to get the 3 year subscription to both. ~grins~ Isn't getting a tax return fun? ~resumes serious look~ The main problem quoted by Erik was the spiraling increase in EVERYTHING. However, I know just what a quality magazine these folks offer and I would honestly not object to paying more, especially when I get such value for what I pay for. Besides, it would be cheaper and get here quicker than the local hobby shop.

So fess up Erik, James, or Lisa. Whatz up?

Oh. I also forgot to include Gary Teter and Cosmo! Come on, weez wantz toz knowz!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Erik's posting was a bit premature. We need to dot a few more i's and cross a few more t's before we make an announcement.


Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Yeah, I posted the release a little early. Stay tuned. Shouldn't be long now until I can repost the announcement.


Thanks Vic and Erik for the reply. However, it is almost a done deal? ~sighs~ Fare thee well, oh 2 and 3 year subscriptions. We barely knew thee!

Liberty's Edge

Sharoth wrote:
Thanks Vic and Erik for the reply. However, it is almost a done deal? ~sighs~ Fare thee well, oh 2 and 3 year subscriptions. We barely knew thee!

But they're only available in the 49 states that are not Georgia.

Are you sure that the 2 and 3 year subscriptions aren't available in all US States? I'm pretty sure all us internationals can get them so why not all of the US?

Olaf the Stout

Olaf the Stout, that Lunatic Lupine is trying to con the Paizo people into making Georgia a place that does not exist! I should have known that he was up to his dasterly deeds after our last encounter! After him, my penguins of DOOOMMMMMM!!!

~grins~ Olaf, Heathansson was just kidding!

Dark Archive Contributor

Sharoth wrote:
Olaf the Stout, that Lunatic Lupine is trying to con the Paizo people into making Georgia a place that does not exist!

Wait... Georgia exists? :O

Mike McArtor wrote:

Wait... Georgia exists? :O

Don't start spreading rumors, Mike.

Liberty's Edge

Olaf the Stout wrote:

Are you sure that the 2 and 3 year subscriptions aren't available in all US States? I'm pretty sure all us internationals can get them so why not all of the US?

Olaf the Stout

I was just joking. There's a college U. S. football rivalry between Florida and Georgia, so having learned that Sharoth resides in Georgia, it is of great importance that I, a former resident of the Great State of Florida, periodically mess with him about it.

Dear paizoites,

please take foreign subscription offers into account as well. I don´t want the info before you have calculated it thoroughly, I just want to remind you to take the foreigners into consideration as well. If the result would be that it is not possible to offer this, its all right, I just want to know the result.


Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

The announcement has now gone up here. And yes, foreign subscribers can get the 6-month subscription.

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