Looking for an online game

Gamer Connection

I'm looking to join an online D&D game such as over chat or through a Mac-compatible client like OpenRPG. I'm open to any type of campaign.

err... bump.

Klooge.werks is java so will run on your mac. Try looking on their message board.

still looking...

I am running a chatbased game on Saturday Nights from 7 PM EST to whenever basically, probably on average from 7 PM to 11 PM, maybe longer if enough people stay after some leave. We are doing Shackled City on a website that is normally a play by post site, but the private games that you set up do have chatrooms, so that is where we will be playing. I wish these messageboards have private messages, but you can email me at rns_bellamy2 at yahoo.com if your still looking.

Check us out at Woldiangames.com I also have a post above which gives more information.

14 Current games and over 100 players. D&D 3.5 by message board post. All games in the same campaign world. Nice community of online gamer friends.


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