Dragon and Dungeon article index

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Is there such a beast already out there, and if not, is it possible to get one? I know it is frustraitng for me to have an article on a given subject *somewhere* in the pile of mags but then to never be able to actually find it is irritating - said irritation only being exceeded by coming across it the day after I actually needed it at the gaming table.

So far, my only solution is to scan in then print out all the ToC for each issue, and hope that I can find the article title quickly. But that is still a hundred pages long - a searchable list by topic would be GREAT!!! Maybe a wiki-style effort maintained on the Paizo boards - so we can add keywords to each article entry in terms of searchable database?

Dark Archive Contributor

I don't know about Dungeon, but there is an online index for Dragon called DragonDex.

I use it every week; sometimes as often as once per day.

(Now I feel like one of those celebrity types pitching a product. "Drink Slaad Cola. A little chaos in every sip!")

Mike McArtor wrote:
(Now I feel like one of those celebrity types pitching a product. "Drink Slaad Cola. A little chaos in every sip!")

Brilliant! If you ever get out of the magazine game, you've got a real future in advertising. :)

I bet it will easily outsell this competitor:

"Drink Rilmani Cola. Or don't. We don't really care. Meh."

Dark Archive Contributor

Shade wrote:

Brilliant! If you ever get out of the magazine game, you've got a real future in advertising. :)

I bet it will easily outsell this competitor:

"Drink Rilmani Cola. Or don't. We don't really care. Meh."

LOL! Awesome!

"Drink Yugoloth Cola. Because you remember when it was good."

I'd be more than happy to put up a Dragon article index and Dungeon adventure search on my site - seems there is quite a demand for it. :)

Mike McArtor wrote:

LOL! Awesome!

"Drink Yugoloth Cola. Because you remember when it was good."

I'll drink to that! :)

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