Dark Heresy (1st Edition) Interest Check


So, I've got some ideas for Dark Heresy. I was curious to see if anyone was around who might wanna play.

This would be a path of my own creation, occasionally bulked out by pre-written scenarios that I've edited to fit (it takes a little less creativity to do that than constantly come up with all new materia).

Players would start at 400 xp (not including the 400 xp a starting character gets that doesn't count towards you rank) and would have three months worth of cash on top of the starting funds. This may seem a touch generous, but it's nice to have players who survive...for a while.

Fate Points will be recharged at the end of each section, along with XP, although each scenario will likely comprise two or three sections.

Don't get too excited and start forming characters, since this is just an interest check - I'd want a party of at least 4 Acolytes.

Yes, this will be using 1st Edition as I'm not familiar with 2nd. Most resources will be allowed, although nothing too insane - the Crimson Guard, Grey Knights and Deathwatch will all be strictly NPC's in this.

Would definitely be interested, love 40K and haven't had a chance to play any RPGs in the universe.

You'll be welcome to try if you can grab the rules. Sadly there is no SRD or the like, but the books are not too hard to hunt down and I'll be happy to explain anything you need. That's assuming 'no chance to play' doesn't mean 'collect and obsessively re-read the books' like I do.

Yeah I've managed to find a copy of the rules and am currently doing just that hahahah.

Always interested in Dark Heresy.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Interested and I have the rules.

Dotting. Really like the 40k universe but haven't visited it in a while. I'll see if I can find a copy and apply when it's time for that :)

Dotted. I have a lot of the books.

Oooh, interested; not played first edition in a while but still have all my old books.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'd advise adding Verispex Adept from the Book of Judgement or at least clarifying as a GM... I think they forgot all the knowledge skills are investigation skills.

Always interested in a bit of heresy....

Huh, that's more interest than I thought there would be. I'll wrangle up a proper recruitment thread once I've eaten and done some other bits.

Actual Recruitment Thread. Enjoy, and look forward to seeing you there.

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