Rufus Reeven |

I'm running the Shackled City and my players have just descended into Jzadirune.
It's been a while sense we played, and they claim to have found the J and I keys. Now, I've been going over the adventure, and they certainly have found the J key, but I can't even find the I key, certainly not in the parts of the dungeon, they already visited.
So I read through the entire dungeon again, and can't find either the I or the D keys. On the other hand, there are two Z keys. This might not be a problem, just wanted to know, if someone else have the I and D keys and I'm just going blind.
Thanks in advance!

Shimrath |

Link to an older discussion: Keys of Jzadirune
Location of D key:
Yauthyb, the leader of the dark ones, has the D key around his neck. It's only listed in his stat block, but not in the adventure text.