The Dragon Magazine Resources page can be found here.

From the publisher
Dear friends, in April, Wizards of the Coast and Paizo Publishing announced the conclusion of Paizo's license to publish Dragon and Dungeon magazines. The magazines will cease publication following the release of the September issues, which ship to subscribers and newsstands in August. The final issues will be Dragon #359 and Dungeon #150. ... [more]
From the CEO
Dear Paizo Customers, First off, I want to thank you so very much for all of the support and encouragement you have shown to us at Paizo Publishing since the announcement of the end of Dragon and Dungeon as print magazines. We had hoped that you liked what we have been doing for the past five years, but we've been overwhelmed by the support you've been giving us! Your enthusiasm drives us to produce the best gaming products that we can, and if you could feel the energy at Paizo, you would know that we're ready to keep giving you great products for years to come! ... [more]

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