Arjen |

Name: Anso
Race/Class: Human cleric 3rd of Wee-jas
Adventure: 3FoE
Catalyst: see below
This thread is started for those characters that left the campaign for other (and happier) causes than character death. The last session she played she helped the rest of the party fighting the grimlock chieftain, healing partymembers and even getting a good hit and providing flanking opportunities.
We all knew that she wouldn't be able to play through the whole campaign almost from the start. It wasn't that noticable from the start but gradually everone noticed that she took more space on the couch, ate more than her share of M&M's (leaving us with the pickles we bough for her), wasn't able to be there each week and/or left early.
We did appreciate every time she did come (especially the last few times), driving herself to the session even though some of the players asking her whether she wanted to be picked up and brought home. She bashed baddies as before even though some sessions were stopped by the message:"he's kicking", or when (a Vampire session this time) she would grap your hand put it on her belly and whispered:"do you feel him kicking?"
Well she did, 2 weeks ago she delivered a healthy baby boy and all are doing fine. We're debating if he will take up roleplaying (as his mother) or computer gaming (as his dad) but we think he will take up sports (as eh neither).

Hastur |

Name: "Dizzi"
Race/Class: Human Monk
Adventure: just before Whispering Cairn
Catalyst: player leaving group
The group's monk escaped from the Scarlet Brotherhood's training ground in Highport, to find a life elsewhere. On the way he found a pair of elfs, and met two other companions in Greyhawk City. Unfortunately his player decided he didn't like the group dynamic, and quit just after the first big adventure, Mad God's Key.
Name: Valanthia, aka "Val"
Race/Class: Elf Druid
Adventure: c. end of 3FoE
Catalyst: player leaving town
The group's full-time druid left us when his player re-located cities to go back to studying. At the time, the group was just about to go off in the the mist marsh. His character is now an NPC and makes the occasional guest appearance, once as a messenger for Alustan, and coming up soon as a spectator in the champions games.

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Name: Ironfoot
Race/Class: Warforged Fighter 2
Adventure: Whispering Cairn
Catalyst: New PC
Ironfoot had been recruited by another PC during the time we only had 3 players and me, the DM. I was running Ironfoot to make sure the XP share matched the adventure progression and so they wouldn't all be killed (no player had gone as a combat orientated or as a type of healer...). After the PCs had headed to the Observatory, we managed to pick up a new PC, for we had just gotten a new player, so Ironfoot managed to get intercepted by a mine worker and he slowly faded away from the plot and the PCs.
I'm considering bringing him back for a whole bunch of special appearances/guest starring in later adventures. He is too much of a protector to work at the mines in Diamond Lake for too long. I can't wait to see the look on the faces of my players when they realize the Warforged 'Dignitary' sitting across the table from them at Zeech's party is none other than an old friend who has managed to do quite well for himself.