CoA: Loose Hordlings?

Maure Castle

The adventure hooks and some rooms in Chamber of Antiquities implies that the hordlings appearing from the box can somehow escape. Checking the rooms though, the hordlings can't get past the door at area 28. Did I miss something? Would you just remove the door at area 28 so that the hordlings can get out?


The door has to be opened to get into the room to open the box, unless my logic is askew. Thus if the PCs enter, open the box, then retreat, this leaves the hordlings free (at least in my submitted MS that was the case). Arodnap would then have to put them back into the box whilst possibly dealing with the Juggernaut as well, depending whether it was dead and/or whether the hordlings subsequently activate it by their presence.

Unless James J. changed something, that's the gist.


Paizo Employee Creative Director

If you use the "hordlings on the loose" hook, you'll have to assume that they were set loose by someone; perhaps Eli Tomorast, perhaps another adventuring group. Certainly, they've gotten out in the past, only to be killed by Arodnap (who then closed the door); a few hordlings managed to survive the Juggernaut and escape Arodnap's wrath (which explains the few that are lurking elsewhere in the dungeon). They don't need to eat or drink, so a hordling can survive forever hiding like a coward in a tiny little dungeon room...

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