Barbatos Kem interviews some of the Top-Dogs of Ptolus.

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

With the pending release of the cyclopean Ptolus Campaign sourcebook and based on the Eiditor in chief's ongoing escapades in the campaign of the same name, I think it would be an interesting look at (arguably) the best non-wizards game design companies products. Perhaps a candid interview with Jevvica Nor, or the Iron Mage? A snapshot of the city from the view of a player. Worst of all it could be a simple braodsheet, perhaps the Midtown Partisan.

The possibilities are nigh infinite, and the outcome would most assuredly not fall short of what Dragon is truly about - Players playing a great game.

Every time I see the name Barbatos Kem I think of Barbados Slim from Futurama . . .

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