She-who-must-be-obeyed and my four kids got me a new kitten for Father's Day. What a surprise, since my wife seemed to be against the idea a while back when I was begging and whatnot. But here he is, and he's cute as a button.
Now the problem: What to name the little bugger? Aside from the obvious (a certain drow's frisky feline companion, who's a female, if I'm not mistaken) let's brainstorm some fantasy-inspired names for him.
All suggestions will be considered. If I get a bunch of cool names, I'll put them on a list and roll the bones.
Have fun!
Lets displacer beast.....hhhmmmm......what to name the babe.
Maralith "Mara"
Lolth or Lloth
what color is the little blood sucker? Give us some descriptives.
I can do better I swear!
FH (insert moniker here)
Also, Pyewacket is an awesome cat name.
If I have another kid, I'll name him Pyewackit.
Evilturnip wrote: Meepo?
Also, Pyewacket is an awesome cat name.
Meepo is such a perfect name for any pet.
Guenhenwyver (or however you spell it).
He's dark, dark brown (almost black, really) with lighter, grey stripes, and a long tale. His socks are white, and he has white around his mouth and neck. It's sorta like a mayonnaise chocolate cake with light Oreo-cookie and caramel swirls and splotches of white frosting.
Great suggestions, by the way. My son, who's the biggest kobold freak on the planet, instantly decided that Meepo must be the winner.
We'll see . . .
Well, the family has decided, and Meepo it is!
Thanks so much for all the cool suggestions, and happy Father's Day to all you who are shaping the next generation of gamers. Keep playing, have loads of fun, and never forget that these are just games we play. Make the moments count.
Yay! Meepo the kitten!
Very cool.
Blasted Saturday threads... Can't you guys see that I work "Monday - Friday, 10 AM - 5 PM Pacific Time" I didn't get a chance to suggest the best name ever!
That's right, Cosmo the cat. Best name ever. No doubt about it.
I was going to suggest "Dirktooth, the Fanged Slayer." No? Yeah, well, my wife didn't go for that one either...
Couldn't name him Cosmo; I'd think of Seinfeld every time I call him name. Not that there's anything wrong with that!
I'm partial to naming cats after gods and other Mythological figures.
Sif, Bast, Hera, Persephone, Euryale, Glasya for females
Thor, Loki, Lucifer, Perseus, Gilgamesh, Geryon, for males...
Pyewacket is an excellent cat name, but I know 6 cats named Pyewacket.
BAH...edited the entire post out of here.
Pyewacket works. I usually name my cats after gods and mythological figures.
How about Glasya or Geryon
That’s great about the new cat, I foster kittens for the APL and just received three of them on 6-21. We had the dilemma of naming them also and after much discussion they ended up being called Kyuss an black and white tabby, Dragothia (sp) who is white and was bone thin when she arrived after being neglected for 5 weeks, and Trouble name because the first thing he did when we opened the carrier is run and climb the drapes.
Fake Healer wrote:
Meepo is such a perfect name for any pet.
FH named my dog(meepo) and the little &^%&% has been nothing but trouble every day since then. Don't let him name your pet :)
Add Hill Giant Barbarian mini to the long list of destruction! ARGH!!!!
Hojas wrote: Fake Healer wrote:
Meepo is such a perfect name for any pet.
FH named my dog(meepo) and the little &^%&% has been nothing but trouble every day since then. Don't let him name your pet :)
There are no bad pets, Grasshopper, only bad owners.
Worked great for my Basset.
FH (pet-free since 12-25-05, sadly, I love you Truffles)
Meepo has been a wonderful cat. He's a bit hyper, but all-in-all, he's handling the new house and the kids and the dog well.
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