Hangfire |

I'm looking for some help with an excel file that I'm building to track XP for my group. I have the basic file built, but I need help with one part of it. I need to be able to compare the current XP of each party member to the XP table, and generate the actually level of each character. As it stands now I have a table that adds up the XP gained at each session and gives me a total at the top - which makes life much easier for me. But sometimes I look at the totals and can't remember how much is needed for 17th level. One cell in each column would calculate the level based on the XP table on another sheet of the workbook. Sounds complicated, and I'm sure with enough trial and error I could figure it out, but someone that really knows excel could probably generate the formula that I need in no time. I'm not even sure at this point whether to use IF(), AND(), OR(), COUNTIF() or whatever. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I would be willing to email you the file after for your own use. Thanks.

Asberdies Lives |

I'm looking for some help with an excel file that I'm building to track XP for my group.
I'm a pretty advanced Excel user, working with it nearly every day for the last 14 years. I'd be glad to help, but it would definitely be easiest if you could e-mail me the file with a specific description of exactly what you need it to do. I'll nail it down in a jiffy.
I also created an Excel file to evenly split the treasure haul from an adventure. In our campaign, found magic items can be sold at half price. If a character wants to keep an item, he must deduct half of its value from his/her total haul. That can get complicated for multiple characters vying for multiple items. I'd be glad to send that to you, if you think it might help your campaign.
E-mail me at csenick@yahoo.com if you are interested.
- Chuck