Thursday Nite Greyhawk Chat on (6 / 8, 8pm EST till ???)

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Dust off the tomes, gather the scrolls and open the librams of lore of Greyhawk antiquity and join your host Gary Holian and the Greysages as they search topic both obscure and common in the World of Greyhawk.

The Topics this week in the table of contents:

1.Baklunkish Places of Mystery

2.Druidical Secrets

3.Feind Knights of the Great Kingdom

As usual, the chat takes place on the irc server, and there
are two basic options for those wishing to come by:

Point your irc client to:
Port: 6667
Channel: #greytalk

Irc clients are advanced chat programs, such as mirc, pirch, trillian,
etc. Visit if you don't have an
irc client and would like to download one for free.

If you don't have an irc client, and have
joined forces to make the chats accessible to you! Visit to use the handy Java

So don't be shy! Show up talk some 'Hawk!

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