Kudos for the Grey Shiver (issue #343) - compliment and campaign diary of sorts...

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Dark Archive

The "Creature Catalog" is a very excellent feature. I love finding new creatures that aren't just rehashes of older beasties. I must say that the "Grey Shiver", while catching my eye as an awesome concept, just gave my gaming group the heebie-jeebies last night when they realized that the 'evil mastermind' they've been trying to find out about wasn't a vampire, but (as one player put it) "a spider on a newfound power trip?" I just wanted to pass on the compliment to Nicholas Hudson, and find out if anyone else has had fun in using it yet.
I'll post later as the campaign continues; despite the CR9, I have used the Grey Shiver as the hidden enemy right from the outset at level 1, because of the role-playing potential to combat it's schemes without having to face off against him right away. At level 3, one of the PCs has managed to become dominated, work within the confines of her domination to put a wrench in his scheme, and the party even found a cure for the domination effect (albeit a rather expensive one). Now the tables may become turned in their favour ... though they still know he's out of their league for a head-on confrontation right now.

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