PDF Downloading...

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Two quick questions I haven't seen the answers to...

1. Can the PDFs be downloaded multiple times? ...on multiple PCs? I just purchased 2 PDFs and would like to view them, but I'm not at home. ...but if you can only download them once, I don't want to put them exclusively on a friend's PC.

2. How do you download them anyway. I purchased them and it says to check out my downloads page. When I do, there is a link to "personalize" them - the clicking of which doesn't seem to do anything. ...the other place that looks like it should be a link (it's not clickable, just green text) says "download". /shrug Color me confused.

Scarab Sages

Q1: Yes you can download multiple times and on different PCs. I appreciate this for i have a copy on my home computer and another on my work computer. This way i can prepare modules on my breaks, as well as before and after my shifts, so when i get home i am prepared to play.
Q2: Just 'personalize,' then 'check back' in a few minutes. It will give you a link to 'download file.' Sometimes it takes a few minutes for the download to begin so just exercise some patience. Hope this helps.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

You can download the PDFs as many times as you like. There is no copy-protection on them, so there's nothing that will prevent you from copying them to, say, your desktop and your laptop.

To download them, go to your downloads page, then click the "personalize" link. In a minute or so, check again. The "personalize" link should be gone and the "download" link should be active. (If it never turns into a download link, contact customer.service@paizo.com, as that's an indication that there's a problem with that particular product.)

The personalization process is where we "watermark" the PDF with your name and email address. The intent is to prevent people from uploading the PDFs elsewhere on the internet.

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