Weekly Greyhawk Chat on Psionics.net (6 / 1 8pm EST to ???)

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Light the fires and gather 'round as the Greysages and your host Gary Holian tell tales of lore and glory from the World of Greyhawk. Join in on the discussion of Greyhawk topics and discuss matter of canon both common and obscure. Need a topic? Worry not, just choose a few of these:

1. Druidical Orders of the Flanaess: From lowly Aspirants to the mighty Heirophants, those in the druidical orders of the Flanaess have preserved and shaped Oerik from its earliest days. Diverse in their worship of deities and goals this openly secret order is has endured the ages, what are their secrets and goals from your campaign?

2. Giants in the Oerth: Both the brutish and the mighty, the giants of the Flanaess have great power, not only in strength but in age. From the twisted Formorian to the awesome Storm Giants, these mighty beings often are at odds with the smaller races, what tales do these mighty folk offer from their past and future in Greyhawk?

3. Strange Vistas and Horizons: Greyhawk lies at the center of it all, touching many places in the multiverse and in so being has many bizzare gateways and weird portals to paths less traveled than the simple dungeon or hostile wilderness. What wonders and horrors lie beyond the ken of the simple imaginings? Share a few that you have encountered in your travels.

As usual, the chat takes place on the Psionics.net irc server, and there
are two basic options for those wishing to come by:

Point your irc client to:
Server: chat.psionics.net
Port: 6667
Channel: #greytalk

Irc clients are advanced chat programs, such as mirc, pirch, trillian,
etc. Visit http://mirc.com/get.html if you don't have an
irc client and would like to download one for free.

If you don't have an irc client, Psionics.net and Canonfire.com have
joined forces to make the chats accessible to you! Visit
http://www.psionics.net/chat/java/cf.html to use the handy Java

So don't be shy! Show up talk some 'Hawk!

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