Dragon 344 web enhancement?

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I was reading the article on the Ecology of the Dracolich and on page 90 in a blue box maked "Alternate Dracoliches" it says to "go to paizo.com/dragon to find Sakatha the Dreathless, a half-black dreagon twelve-headed hydra dracolich in this issue's web enhancement". Where is it? I looked and looked but couldn't find it! Help please! :)

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

The online PDF supplement to Dragon #344 is now available. This supplement contains errata and additional content. 132KB PDF

Thankee-sai, Dragon staff. Is this a new monthly tradition?

The extra NPCs in Dreadhold are very cool, as was an extra stat block for a another dracolich. There was a little part of me that was hoping to see a planar dragon from Arcadia in the suppliment. Did Mike McArtor write one up? Will there be any plans for a future issue that includes this elusive beasie?

Dark Archive Contributor

Chris Wissel - WerePlatypus wrote:

Thankee-sai, Dragon staff. Is this a new monthly tradition?

The extra NPCs in Dreadhold are very cool, as was an extra stat block for a another dracolich. There was a little part of me that was hoping to see a planar dragon from Arcadia in the suppliment. Did Mike McArtor write one up? Will there be any plans for a future issue that includes this elusive beasie?

An Arcadian dragon was indeed written. Sadly, it was too similar to another dragon we had just run and got cut. I'd love to write a new version of the Arcadian planar dragon, though, so I guess I'd better start bugging Jason about that. ;D

Don't forget a Baatorian one. The Elemental and Energy ones too. ; ) The Hellfire Wyrm isn't a true dragon, in the sense that it has 12 age categories. It's more like a planar linnorm.

You know, seeing an article on linnorm dragons, specifically the ones from 2E like Land Linnorm, Flame Linnorm, Forest Linnorm, etc. would be a nice draconic article to publish before the end of the Year of the Dragon.

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