Weekly Greyhawk Chat on mIRC (5 / 11 8pm EST to ???)

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Roll for initiative and gird your loins 'cause its another Thursday Nite Greytalk with your host Gary Holian and the Greysages comin' at ya'!

This weeks round of chat and Greyhawk topics are:

1. The Ring of Five: Who? Why? This infamous band might need some fleshing out, put forth your ideas on just who they might (could) be.

2. The Outside outsiders: Yeah, yeah we know all about demons, devils, deomodands and the lot but what about the Djinn, Efreeti, Dao, Marid, Rakshasa, Githyanki, Githzerai, Lilends and other lesser known outsiders from the planes and their goals on Oerth?

3.Seas and Great Lakes of Oerik: From the Aerdi Sea to Wooly Bay theres a lot of water in this topic from trade and warfare to monsters and undersea adventures. With the upcoming Savage Tides AP in Dungeon coming up what are is the siren call to the vast waves of Greyhawk in your games?

As usual, the chat takes place on the Psionics.net irc server, and there
are two basic options for those wishing to come by:

Point your irc client to:
Server: chat.psionics.net
Port: 6667
Channel: #greytalk

Irc clients are advanced chat programs, such as mirc, pirch, trillian,
etc. Visit http://mirc.com/get.html if you don't have an
irc client and would like to download one for free.

If you don't have an irc client, Psionics.net and Canonfire.com have
joined forces to make the chats accessible to you! Visit
http://www.psionics.net/chat/java/cf.html to use the handy Java

So don't be shy! Show up talk some 'Hawk!

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