Epic Monsters

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Ok, I think we need to see some epic monsters in the pages of Dragon Magazine.

I miss them. I haven't seen an epic monster since Monster Mayhem on the D&D Website when they gave us that awesome Gravewyrm monster. Remember that beast? Here it is for those that missed that article:


We need to see more monsters like this. Creatures like this, equal to the Colossus, Abominations, Devastation Vermin, and Primal Elementals.

I can see an article devoted to new Abominations or new Colossi or just something entirely unique.

Would an epic breed each from the chromatic, metallic, and gem dragon families interest you (and no, not merely advanced true dragons)? Coz I've got them written up already and just waiting to send 'em.

Epic breeds huh? That I have to see.

At this point, any sort of epic monster will fly. I just enjoy seeing CR 30+ monsters and reviewing their epic abilities. Then siccing them on the players to toy with, heh.

I've got a couple of ideas myself, though they're not dragon-related - are y'all alright with me submitting a query about this?

Sure man, go through wit' it! It seems as if epic material is slowly vanishing, I don't remember the last time I saw any epic material, least in Dragon. There was some in Complete Psionic, one epic spell in Power of Faerun prior to that and past that I don't even know.

Razz wrote:
Sure man, go through wit' it! It seems as if epic material is slowly vanishing, I don't remember the last time I saw any epic material, least in Dragon. There was some in Complete Psionic, one epic spell in Power of Faerun prior to that and past that I don't even know.

The January issue of Dragon had an epic prestige class.

The thing is, epic games don't need much exclusive material since you can just advance monsters, extrapolate PrC progressions, create your own spells with the guidelines, and so on, whereas material designed for epic play is hard to scale down, if not impossible because of the crazy abilities involved. At least, that's the biased view of someone completely uninterested in epic play.

Gabriel N wrote:
The thing is, epic games don't need much exclusive material since you can just advance monsters, extrapolate PrC progressions, create your own spells with the guidelines, and so on, whereas material designed for epic play is hard to scale down, if not impossible because of the crazy abilities involved. At least, that's the biased view of someone completely uninterested in epic play.

As one who is interested in Epic Play, I'd have to say that I can see where you're coming from, and you're more or less right on most counts: you can advance most monsters, extrapolate PrC progressions, and so on.

BUT, I really like seeing new things designed for Epic Levels. An Epic Prestige class will have new, Epic abilities while an Epic Progression of a Prestige class will only have progression of some of its original abilities and some bonus feats. New monsters with new abilities are more of a surprise to the Players (assuming they haven't already seen them) and more useful to the DM (hey, I could give that ability to the new monster I've been working on!)

I can understand not running the articles if there's not demand enough to justify it, but it's still something I'd like to see more of.

The White Toymaker wrote:
Gabriel N wrote:
The thing is, epic games don't need much exclusive material since you can just advance monsters, extrapolate PrC progressions, create your own spells with the guidelines, and so on, whereas material designed for epic play is hard to scale down, if not impossible because of the crazy abilities involved. At least, that's the biased view of someone completely uninterested in epic play.

As one who is interested in Epic Play, I'd have to say that I can see where you're coming from, and you're more or less right on most counts: you can advance most monsters, extrapolate PrC progressions, and so on.

BUT, I really like seeing new things designed for Epic Levels. An Epic Prestige class will have new, Epic abilities while an Epic Progression of a Prestige class will only have progression of some of its original abilities and some bonus feats. New monsters with new abilities are more of a surprise to the Players (assuming they haven't already seen them) and more useful to the DM (hey, I could give that ability to the new monster I've been working on!)

I can understand not running the articles if there's not demand enough to justify it, but it's still something I'd like to see more of.

I agree whole-heartedly.

I mean they even had the chance to throw in some new epic feats in Dragon #344 with the Age of Worms article on acquiring epic level, and yet it still wasn't done. I think that proves that there either truly is a small demand for it, or those that play epic games don't need/don't care to make demands for more epic material.

Having new epic monsters beats having my players fight deities when they're bored and don't want to wait for the DM to "breed" an advanced monster with 4 or more templates. lol

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