Ideas for a psionics themed issue of Dragon...

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Well, I don't know if there will ever be an exclusively psionic issue of Dragon (the closest was the Dark Sun issue). But while we're at it...

I'd like to see a 3.5e update of all the psionic powers from 1e onwards that have appeared in Dragon and that either have been updated yet or don't have equivalents by another name. I cribbed a list of all such powers and put it on this Wizards thread. This would be a start.

I'm still rallying some volunteers over at the Third Eye to submit their ideas there to Paizo for psionic article requests. Though I would love to do The Legend of Sardior stuff (and already have some at the Third Eye and in-house, as derivative material it would need the approval of Mark Jindra and Scott Brocius over at Wizards who are the authors of that long-standing Mind's Eye series.

I'll share in the psionic love!

While I would enjoy any articles, I am just not as interested in converting old material. It is great stuff, and I already have it. I would *much* rather see brand-spanking-new material.

To that end, I have some queries already submitted and more to follow. I am reticent to post many ideas publicly simply as I have just queried them or will soon. Much love though to anyone willing to post ideas for public consumption!

A psionic issue would be great. Let's get those queries in!

Yeah, I have seen stuff one Dragon's covers like "40 New Divine Spells" or "40 New Monstrous Spells" in the past.

But to one day see "40 New Psionics Powers", "20 New Psionic Feats", "New Psionic Mantles", and "Soulknife Lovin'" or something will probably give me brain damage from the greatness. LOL

Play with my mind, please! More psionic stuff!

Silver Crusade

As somebody who'd like to write some more psionic articles for Dragon, I'm curious if there are any specific types of articles people would like to see.

(Or any type of psionic material you wouldn't want to see.)

MatthewJHanson wrote:

As somebody who'd like to write some more psionic articles for Dragon, I'm curious if there are any specific types of articles people would like to see.

(Or any type of psionic material you wouldn't want to see.)

Hmmm...more "flavah" - that is, more psionic items, organizations (Eberron, Greyhawk and Faerun-themed), monsters, psionic-magic integration, psionic-incarnum integration, things like that. Not so interested so much in feats, classes and prestige classes myself.

Alas, I am the opposite. I prefer psionic PrC, feats, and powers. Psionic items and integrations like Incarnum and such come in second. Fluffy stuff is not even third, more like negative 10 on the list LOL (I make my own fluff, I'm creative like that ;)

LOL! As least we can all agree that we want more psionics. :)

Lilith: I love the idea of an Eberron psionics article, but that's like "crossing the beams"! If Eberron is "fringe" and psionics is "fringe" then that's... "fringe^2": it could never happen I tell ya! Unless... well they certainly won't do it if they don't have the proposal. I'll check with the 8-ball later.

deClench wrote:

LOL! As least we can all agree that we want more psionics. :)

Lilith: I love the idea of an Eberron psionics article, but that's like "crossing the beams"! If Eberron is "fringe" and psionics is "fringe" then that's... "fringe^2": it could never happen I tell ya! Unless... well they certainly won't do it if they don't have the proposal. I'll check with the 8-ball later.

Actually, psionics are "core" in Eberron. In fact, one of the four races in the ECS book (the kalashtar) is naturally psionic, with bonus PP and a mindlink psi-like ability. The Inspired (a major group of villains) are all about psionics, as are the Quori (dream-dwelling outsiders) who control them.

That's just one of the many things that make Eberron awesome. It's spread a little thin, but pretty much every Eberron book has new psionic material, and a lot of people are hoping for a Sarlona sourcebook which would naturally focus heavily on the psionics favoured by the inhabitants of that continent.

Gabriel N wrote:

Actually, psionics are "core" in Eberron. In fact, one of the four races in the ECS book (the kalashtar) is naturally psionic, with bonus PP and a mindlink psi-like ability. The Inspired (a major group of villains) are all about psionics, as are the Quori (dream-dwelling outsiders) who control them.

That's just one of the many things that make Eberron awesome. It's spread a little thin, but pretty much every Eberron book has new psionic material, and a lot of people are hoping for a Sarlona sourcebook which would naturally focus heavily on the psionics favoured by the inhabitants of that continent.

Yes, psionics do play a large role in Eberron and are scattered throughout the ECS, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love the Kalashtar and Sarlona and the Quori and the Dreaming Dark and all of it. However, I would argue that it is not core to the setting and is actually built into the margins. Sarlona is completely isolated geographically and culturally and psionics do not play a major role on the mainland. It is designed to be marginalized for those strange-people :) that just don't like psionics. I hold no grudge for this, for I feel it was the smart way to do it.

As much as we'd would like it to be otherwise, psionics are not "core" to D&D. Psionics are not in the "corebooks" and neither is Eberron; therefore, both are "non-core". As "non-core" concepts, each has that much higher a barrier to entry in Dragon & Dungeon as their stated mission is for utility for the masses. The two together would prove (I suspect) even more difficult to get published: of course we should still try. Though it means less material on Psionics and Eberron, this is likely a smart model for Paizo. Therefore, if we want to see more material on Psionics and Eberron, the burden is on us to write great proposals and tell our friends about it.

I am right there with you hoping for a Psionics of Eberron and Secrets of Sarlona sourcebook from WotC. Those, however, would not be bound by the same restrictions that our two favorite magazines are.

Hope that cleared up my position. Happy mind blasting! :)

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