Campaign Workbook article submission questions

Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

So I'm about to submit my first Campaign Workbook article in a long time, and I want to make sure I'm not breaking any rules, or doing anything the editing team doesn't like.

It's a full article, 2 1/2 pages. I've used the official style sheet, and formatted it as appropriate. All the pages are numbered, and it is titled with my name underneath on the first page only. Should I title/author the other 2 pages? I included the word count on the first page, do you want that on the other 2 pages as well? Any other things I am missing?


The Finn wrote:

Should I title/author the other 2 pages?

Not necessary but never a bad idea.

The Finn wrote:

I included the word count on the first page, do you want that on the other 2 pages as well?

No, as long as it's on the first page, that's fine.

The Finn wrote:

Any other things I am missing?

I hope not, but you might want to check under the sofa.

Good luck!

Thanks for the clarification Jeremy.

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