Bob the fighter |

The D&D cartoon sereis form the 80's is back on the air!!!! I was flipping through the channels last night and nearly died when i saw TIAMAT on toondisney which for my cable is 123.. but it does come on again sat and sun for me locally at 7pm everyone check your listings watch it!!! I'm in florida and use brighthouse good luck and good watching

Gericko |

I have a Panasonic combo VCR and DVD burner. Lets you play and record both VCR and DVD. All I use the VCR side for is so i can convert some VCR stuff to DVD.
Totally as easy to use as a VCR. Don't forget to go through the menus and finalize any DVD you've burned so you can play it on other DVD players besides the Panasonic.
Yes, there are some DVRs (TIVOS) that also burn, but I found it much more expensive and much more to go wrong in one single unit, so I bought my TIVO[DVR] and my DVD burner separately.
Use Monster cords or the best high end connections you can use so your copies don't lose quality from what you're inputing into the TIVO.