C'mon Paizo, This Should be Your Next Product

Age of Worms Adventure Path

So I had this thought while driving home from dinner, when I spied a van with the liscence plate "Kyuss." I did a double take, noticed his gaming bumber stickers and couldn't help but smile. My hat's off to you sir (or madame)!

So many people are playing the Age of Worms, I think we need T-Shirts and Bumper Stickers to tell the world. Picture it... "My character destroyed Dragotha, defeated Kyuss, and prevented the Age of Worms... and all I got was this lousy T-shirt (bumper sticker, coffee mug, whatever)."

Liberty's Edge

Rock on I want the shirt and the bumper sticker. I would order it the first day.

BigBubba wrote:
Rock on I want the shirt and the bumper sticker. I would order it the first day.

Well, the BAND Kyuss has some stuff out there, but it's hard to come by. The coolest ones I saw were on some German site.

Another guy made his own, with this funny message:


The Exchange

A worm dripping shirt that says "Become a Spawn of Kyuss, ask me how!"


Paizo should sell bumper stickers saying "I survived the Age of Worms!" You'd buy one for each player and tell them they can only have it if they manage to survive the entire way through without losing a character. Give them all a bumper sticker anyway at the end.

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