How would the Compendium be organized?

Age of Worms Adventure Path

In looking at Shackled City and the Age of Worms, the latter has received a ton more support than the former. The article in Dragon, the overlord download, and well, a better structure with a more coherent feel.

There's a lot of potential material for players in the Wormfood articles for example. Would that be a Companion for the Age of Worms compendium or would the Dragon material simply be cut out or made available for download?

i hope the hardbound release if nothing else when it comes out....i would cherish the image of that tiefling trying on the formal gown....her fists clenched as she stands in front of the mirror....

I think it would be cool to collect it in two volumes. one containing the backdrop articles, the wormfood articles, and the AoW overload; and the other containing the adventures. Those not interested in the adventure path could still buy the volume with the backdrops and use them as game aids for their own campaigns.

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