What's the Source of Yug-Anark's Rod of Flailing?

Maure Castle


I have combed most of my WoTC books to find a description for Yug-Anark's rod of flailing, but can't find anything. In her tactics it says that when she activates its power it grants her a +4 deflection bonus to AC and +4 resistance bonus to saves.

Oddly, her cloak of chaos spell does this exact same thing, which leads me to wonder if the tactics description might have been intended to state "she casts cloak of chaos to grant a +4 deflection bonus to her AC and a +4 resistance bonus on her saving throws."

Still, the same question remains: what is a rod of flailing and what is the source?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

DMG, page 235.

The rod's better than the cloak since activating the rod is a free action. Once it winds down, she can use the cloak of chaos as a backup if she gets attacked a 2nd time in a day.


Hmmm. Right under my nose, it would seem. Got to go check my vision real quick...

Thanks, James.

Steve Greer wrote:

Hmmm. Right under my nose, it would seem. Got to go check my vision real quick...

Thanks, James.

Note that the flail lets you act as if you had TWF, giving you some room to play with Yug's feats somewhat. (Which is good, because although she has both TWF and ITWF, she doesn't have the dexterity to qualify for either one.)

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