Thanis Kartaleon |

Is the area effect of casting healing spells supposed to apply to one target or anyone in the area? The descrption isn't very clear.
The Improved Power does not change cure spells from a target to an area effect, it changes it from a touch range spell to a close range spell. That is, it still only affects one creature, but now that creature can be 25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels away. The Improved Power has no effect on spells that already have a close range (such as the mass cure spells).

Amaril |

The Improved Power does not change cure spells from a target to an area effect, it changes it from a touch range spell to a close range spell. That is, it still only affects one creature, but now that creature can be 25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels away. The Improved Power has no effect on spells that already have a close range (such as the mass cure spells).
Yeah after reading it again, I realized that it only changed the rang, not the target. Very cool power, by the way. I used in tonight's game and it worked really well!

Jonathan Drain |

Curing at range is a popular ability, given that the cleric will often be limited to 20ft speed (if heavy armoured or Small) or will want to avoid getting close to enemies (if lightly armoured, weak and a ranged weapon specialist such as an elf). If he spontaneously converts he can only move 5ft that round, too, so this is a great way of healing at range.

Craig Clark |

Jonathan Drain wrote:If he spontaneously converts he can only move 5ft that round, too, so this is a great way of healing at range.Why would he only be able to move 5ft that round?
The whole spontaneous casting requiring a full round casting time pretty much negates movement. Normally you would only get a 5 ft step. I know a lot of DM's ignore that rule but it does exist.
My thought was it certainly makes that new cleric spell Revivify (I think that's the name anyway) a lot more useful. It's the spell in this same Dragon that works like a raise dead (as long as it's used during the following round) without the icky side effects, like level loss.
Like the other Conjuration (Healing) spells it has Range: Touch which makes its utility pretty iffy in the heat of battle where its needed most.

Thanis Kartaleon |

The entry on spontaneous healing in the cleric writeup does not make any mention of it taking any longer to do so, and I've never heard of it taking an longer, so I'm inclined to believe that it indeed takes no longer than normal (1 standard action) for a cleric to spontaneously cure (or inflict, depending) or for a druid to spontaneously summon.

Craig Clark |

Craig Clark wrote:The whole spontaneous casting requiring a full round casting time pretty much negates movement. Normally you would only get a 5 ft step. I know a lot of DM's ignore that rule but it does exist.Where is the rule that dictates spontaneous casting is a full-round action?
Hmm... Now that I look at the SRD, that's obviously not the case. Was this changed from 3.0 to 3.5? I could have sworn that this was a rule at one point.
Maybe it arose from metamagic feats with sorcerers...[?] not sure now.
Anyway, Healing was always a weak domain for clerics so I still think that power is pretty cool.