HoHR - Your experience with doppelgangers..

Age of Worms Adventure Path

DM´s, lets hear how you did the PC replacement story? I will collaborate with one PC and let him play the evil part with all knowledge about the hideout. We ll play tomorrow and I ll let you know how it worked next week.

bromleylaerchenheim wrote:
DM´s, lets hear how you did the PC replacement story? I will collaborate with one PC and let him play the evil part with all knowledge about the hideout. We ll play tomorrow and I ll let you know how it worked next week.

My wife (who plays a rogue) and I conspired on how to make this work. When all of the characters went to their seperate rooms for the night, I had everyone roll a Listen check. This was to see if they would notice the scuffle between my wifes rogue, and the 3 dopplegangers in her room. She was knocked out and dragged away. Only one heard it and he thought the sounds he was hearing was some couple having some crazy sex in their room. (His thoughts not mine... I never said what the sound was... only that they heard some banging around)

The next day - the doppelganger pretended to be the rogue and no one knew the wiser. Through the several encounters with other doppelgangers I purposely had them not attack her, and no one even noticed. When they got to area D15, they were surprised to see themselves tied to chairs.

Now I had told my wife ahead of time that they may come to a room with other doppelgangers trying to impersonate the characters. I instructed her, that if the players did not believe the ruse, and if they attacked the doppelganers she was to attack the weakest member in the group. We agreed that the groups mage would make a good target. (Plus he made a huge fuss when the guards were giving them a hard time at the City Gates. He said something to the effect of, "Do you know who we are? We are the saviors of this world!")

She was going to say to the mage before sneack attacking him, "Lets see if the saviors of the world bleed?" However, things did not go as planned. The mage, cast Greater Invis on himself before any combat broke out so that he could observe what was happening, and attack if necessary.

Needless to say, the rogue had to attack someone else, and it didn't go so well. It was at this time I had her revert back to her character which was still tied to a chair.

The whole situation kinda felt anti climatic when it happened.

Also, they did something I did not expect. They didn't kill Ixiaxian, no, they tied him to a chair and tried to interrogate him. Well he didn't give them much information, just warned them that they were in over their heads and they should quit while they were still alive. The group, then starts discussing what they should do, so I had Ixiaxian turn into a halfling and slip through the ropes, at which time my wifes rogue ran to attack her, but the mage killed Ixi before my wifes rogue could reach the rogue.

My wife felt a little disappointed as she wanted to be the one to kill the one who impersonated her... but she eventually got over it... I think :P

I tried it, & it got a bit sticky.

Everything was okay until the bar fight with Elaxan & the commoners, that's when the PC/doppleganger decided to use lethal force, slaying four commoners. Luckily, one of the PC's saved Tarquin after he was attacked.

The watch came, arresting Elaxan (they found his daggers matched the one used on Tarquin) & the PC & haul them off to the watch station. Subsequently, Tarquin asked the PCs to leave his inn, as they attract too much trouble.

The next day, the remaining PCs go to visit the jailbird to try & post bail. It turns out Elaxan escaped overnight. As for the PC, it was Godsday, & the courts were closed, so they feared they'd have to wait. However, as luck would have it, Judge Porthos (from the CoG boxed set), one of eight Judges of Greyhawk, pops in to the Foreign Quarter Watch Station for a visit. One of the PCs pleads with Porthos, & he agrees to hold an arraignment & set bail (500 gp/ murder count--rather unlikely in Greyhawk).

While this was going on, another PC spotted Elaxan while visiting Fedroot's Daggararium in the Slum Quarter. Said PC follows Elaxan & is led to Sodden Hold. He goes back & tells the others, just as the arrested PC is released.

That night, the PCs stake out Sodden Hold. The only person they see enter is none other than Judge Porthos himself! They don't enter that night, but return to their new digs (Blue Dragon Inn), as they have an appointment with Souf the lizardman (to work on the Mistmarsh Accord) the next day.

After meeting with Souf & setting up an appointment to discuss the treaty with the City Directors for the following week, the PCs visit Eligos & tell him of their troubles. They also ask about what he knows of Judge Porthos. When Eligos tells them he met Porthos for breakfast Godsday morn (they both live in the Garden Quarter), they knew something was afoot. That night, they finally decided to enter Sodden Hold.

They've discovered they're up against doppelgangers (Martel & regim), but they've yet to discover the betrayer. Hopefully it'll be a sweet surprise.

Oh, here's an interesting little tidbit some of you may want to work into the plot. According to Greyhawk: The Adventure Begins (by Roger Moore), Org Nenshen, one of the Directors & Thieves' Guild Master, has a girlfriend who's a doppelganger. TAB is set in 591, 4 years before AoW, and the doppelganger seems to be happy living as Org's GF, so I doubt the authors of AoW intended for her to be one Zyrzog's minions. However, it could prove an interesting twist.

Paizo Employee Director of Games

Rob Bastard wrote:

Oh, here's an interesting little tidbit some of you may want to work into the plot. According to Greyhawk: The Adventure Begins (by Roger Moore), Org Nenshen, one of the Directors & Thieves' Guild Master, has a girlfriend who's a doppelganger. TAB is set in 591, 4 years before AoW, and the doppelganger seems to be happy living as Org's GF, so I doubt the authors of AoW intended for her to be one Zyrzog's minions. However, it could prove an interesting twist.

I had actually thought about tying her into the plot but in the end it was a bit outside the reach of the adventure and would have served only to confuse things. However, if you have the time, she certainly makes for an interesting minion of the Zyrxog. Should she be killed, it might invite other unintended wrath from the guild, which would make for an interesting side adventure.

Jason Bulmahn
Managing Editor of Draogn

Jason Bulmahn wrote:
Rob Bastard wrote:

Oh, here's an interesting little tidbit some of you may want to work into the plot. According to Greyhawk: The Adventure Begins (by Roger Moore), Org Nenshen, one of the Directors & Thieves' Guild Master, has a girlfriend who's a doppelganger. TAB is set in 591, 4 years before AoW, and the doppelganger seems to be happy living as Org's GF, so I doubt the authors of AoW intended for her to be one Zyrzog's minions. However, it could prove an interesting twist.

I had actually thought about tying her into the plot but in the end it was a bit outside the reach of the adventure and would have served only to confuse things. However, if you have the time, she certainly makes for an interesting minion of the Zyrxog. Should she be killed, it might invite other unintended wrath from the guild, which would make for an interesting side adventure.

Jason Bulmahn
Managing Editor of Draogn

Well, there is information in the planning room saying that the Directing Oligarchy has been corrupted by the doppelganger's influence, and Org is a director. . . .

Just imagine if the PCs found her name listed among the documents. I don't see the Thieve's Guild seeking revenge on the PCs, as Org's GF would likely simply "disappear"--no public execution or other displays, in order to save face. However, should the PCs know about her & start talking. . . .

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