Zlorf |
Im still trying to work out the best way to handle magic item purchasing and special metals item such as , mithril armor or adamantium weapons. Im looking for some advice. :)
With Skies Tresury, im happy to go with the list of magic items provided and change them based on what the book says.
25% cumulative chance the item is bought by a NPC per month and then 20% chance its replace during the week. Doing it this way seems the limit the variety of items the PC's can buy though. I mean do i replace them randomly or put items that the PC's want to buy, and if its the later than why run a store like this anyway, I could just say buy what you want from the book below 3000 gp and i'll roll 20% which is the non campaign suggestion.
I dont want to make it hard for PC to get items that they want, but i dont want it to be taken for granted that they can get any item they wish.
Some Idea i have, which may work..suggestions welcome.
1) Items changes as per campaign suggestions. If item isnt listed, there is a percentage chance that Skie can get it in the near future
<=1000gp....90% (1 day)
between 1001gp & 2000gp...80% (1d4 days via Maavu imports)
between 2001gp & 4000gp...60% (1d6 days via Maavu imports)
between 4001gp & 6000gp...30% (1d8 days via Maavu imports)
between 6001gp & 10000gp...15% (3d4 days via Maavu imports)
between 10001gp & 15000gp..5% (2d6 days via Maavu imports)
>15000gp...Order from Sasserine, other means..contacts etc
2)Other items that are non magical, ie mithral/adamantium,
Should they be available? ie 3000gp Adamantium sword? Would Gurnezarn have it in stock? Should i use a similar system to
Skies..will the players hate me :)
If you have any suggestion to improve the system or idea..i would like to hear them.

Chef's Slaad |

have you checked out the SCAP DM's resources page? if not, here's a link. The list of items available at Skie's treasdury is quite impressive. It should cover all your magical needs for the first few chapters of the campaign.
Because the cagewrights need a lot of mithril and admantine for the cages and the tree of shackled souls, these metals are going to be in short supply in cauldron. That means that weapons, or at leas the ore, will have to be imported. This translates into longer waiting periods and higher prices.

Zlorf |
Hi, i have looked at it and plan to use the fantastic descriptions of some of the items, but has the author just added magic items that his/her player wanted to buy? If so, then why have a dynamic shop like this? And if not, say as a player i want a +1 Amulet of wisdom..., do i make allowances for this and just say yeah Skie has it in the back room or use some sort time delay. I might just email Michael Farrell the author and see what he does.
Im still not sure which way to go..thats why im trying to get some input so other options that i havent thought about are available. I dont want it be over complex, but i dont want to just hand out magic items as if there using the DMG as a catalog.
have you checked out the SCAP DM's resources page? if not, here's a link. The list of items available at Skie's treasdury is quite impressive. It should cover all your magical needs for the first few chapters of the campaign.
Because the cagewrights need a lot of mithril and admantine for the cages and the tree of shackled souls, these metals are going to be in short supply in cauldron. That means that weapons, or at leas the ore, will have to be imported. This translates into longer waiting periods and higher prices.

Zlorf |
Strange.,.i had a chart on my initial post that didnt turn up.
Here it is again.
To buy stuff from Skies Treasury:
<1000gp ... 90% chance in stock otherwise it takes (1 day)
1001gp -> 2000gp...75% chance in stock (1d4 days)
2001->4000gp...60% chance in stock (1d6 days)
4001-6000gp...30% chance in stock (1d8 days)
6001-10000gp...15% chance in stock (3d4 days)
10001-15000gp...5% chance in stock (2d6 days)
All these can be available through Maavu imports
over 15000gp get from other source, contact ie Sasserine

Savaun Blackhawk |

In any game I run I have tried to limit the availability of items. This does not sit well with them. They feel, and I believe I concur, that being a magical, fantasic, environment that their needs should be met by someone, somewhere. They have money, people want that money and are willing to provide the services to them for the right price.
Ive found, even in Cauldron, if the item they want is not available they will, as a group, decide to head to another, larger, city in the hopes it would be there. This does not lend itself well to the story and keeping the time line moving. Baddies will not wait for the heroes to go off to purchase their items before they continue on their evil plot.
So, I make the items available, at a premium, that will take time and material to make. I find my group is more than happy with that.

![]() |

Hi all!
I dealt with this with my group -- as a DM, I'm inclined to limit the availability of *everything* that's in the WOTC books, but the players want the neatest, newest toys.
I used to charge double or triple for non-core spells or magic items, but my players complained that I was unfairly penalizing Wizards -- and I could see their side of things.
So, rather than saying "no" (other than town gp limits), I have assigned a Gather Information DC and time expenditure to find bizarre, rare things. If a PC wants a githcraft greatsword, no problem, spend the time, and make the Gather Information check ...
If anyone wants me to post my (Forgotten Realms) Gather Information check chart I use for my SCAP, I'm glad to share ...

jumpet |
In any game I run I have tried to limit the availability of items. This does not sit well with them. They feel, and I believe I concur, that being a magical, fantasic, environment that their needs should be met by someone, somewhere. They have money, people want that money and are willing to provide the services to them for the right price.
While that is the core assumption and what we have done for all the previous campaigns. For this campaign I am limiting magic items. I think something is lost with the free market on magic items. No longer is there a great anticipation for finding a useful magic item or any sense of wonder in magic. Its more a case of; does anyone want it? otherwise how much is it worth to sell?

Savaun Blackhawk |

While that is the core assumption and what we have done for all the previous campaigns. For this campaign I am limiting magic items. I think something is lost with the free market on magic items. No longer is there a great anticipation for finding a useful magic item or any sense of wonder in magic. Its more a case of; does anyone want it? otherwise how much is it worth to sell?
You know what? That is the best answer I have seen for something like this and Im going to take that to heart. Youre on the spot on that one. Its going to anger my group but...whatever. They can deal with it. :]

Cthulhu Dreams |
DMing campagins in general (not this one in particular) I'd say some stuff would be easily available (Cheap items) but most powerful wizards (Level 10+ people who can craft top end gear) are not going to be intrested in making stuff to commission - ask your wizard if HE'S making stuff to comission. Of course he's not because he's off adventuring. Likely most powerful wizards are going to have some scheme on the boiler.
So shopping around for a +1 longsword or a potion of cure medium wounds should be easy enough, but shopping around for, say, a staff of power is not going to generate any results.
My personala rule of thumb, anything thats on the "minor" tables will be easily avaible on commission (So, +2 armour/weapons, Second level wands, etc), Medium items (Up to +4) might be obtained, but service is unlikely to be paid in just hard currency (Ie the crafter will want you to pay him, and do him a favour or three), and will take a long time, while major items are just unobtainable, unless you make it yourself (or find it!).

Tatterdemalion |

My solution is simple: let them get anything they can afford from the PH and DMG, subject to the gp limits of the city/town (as given in the DMG).
If it's not in the PH or DMG, I figure it's particularly rare -- they'll have to go to extraordinary lengths to find it.
The rule is simple and supported by the core rules -- less player whining and less justification on the part of the (sadly overworked) DM.