Ranged weapons for a "No Dex" Fighter


I am pondering what kind of ranged weapon(s) to use for my Fighter (Coda Tyburn, Journals are in the Campaign Journal section). He is very strong but has little dexterity (18 and 10 respectively). I have a longbow but rarely hit anything with it and do comparativley little damage with an arrow. I think I am a way off getting a Mighty bow so I was thinking about stocking up on throwing weapons. My main choice would be either Javelins or Throwing Axes. Does anyone have any recommendations or experiences with either. Or does anyone have another weapon that I could use?

First things last, you should not call having 10 Dex "no" Dex I used to play a cleric with 6 dex that is what I call "no" Dex.
Now back to the subject at hand, you should use splash weapons.

Well, your predicament isn't so bad. A normal rogue has maybe a 15 or 16 in Dexterity. That's a bonus of +2 or +3. You have no bonus, but you get your fantastic Base Attack Bonus that fighter's get. So, in the long run, you'll probably be better than that rogue for ranged attacks. Just hang in there.

And since you're a fighter, I'd stick with a hand axe which you could let dangle at your side (remember, as a fighter, your place is front row, where the action is). So before the battle starts (while the monsters are closing in), you throw your trusty hand axe (using your full strength bonus on damage), then move in closer while taking out your sword. Now you're ready to receive the incoming menaces, and already (probably) dealt a good half-dozen hit points of damage!


secretturchinman wrote:

First things last, you should not call having 10 Dex "no" Dex I used to play a cleric with 6 dex that is what I call "no" Dex.

Now back to the subject at hand, you should use splash weapons.

Sorry, meant to say No Dex bonus.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

There is a feat in either Complete Warrior or Complete Adventurer that lets you use your Str bonus in place of your Dex for thrown weapons. Your range will still suck, but it's something.

Sebastian wrote:

There is a feat in either Complete Warrior or Complete Adventurer that lets you use your Str bonus in place of your Dex for thrown weapons. Your range will still suck, but it's something.


Complete Adventurer
You have learned how to hurl weapons to deadly effect.
Benefit: You can add your Strength modifier (instead of your Dexterity modifier) to attack rolls with thrown weapons.
Special: A fighter may select Brutal Throw as one of his fighter bonus feats.
Normal: A character attacking with a ranged weapon adds his Dexterity modifier to the attack roll.

Complete Adventurer
You have learned how to hurl weapons to deadly effect.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Brutal Throw, Power Attack.
Benefit: On your turn, before making any attack rolls, you can choose to subtract a number from all thrown weapon attack rolls and add the same number to all thrown weapon damage rolls. This number may not exceed your base attack bonus. The penalty on attack rolls and the bonus on damage rolls applies until your next turn.
Special: A fighter may select Power Throw as one of his fighter bonus feats.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

dizzyk wrote:

Complete Adventurer
You have learned how to hurl weapons to deadly effect.
Benefit: You can add your Strength modifier (instead of your Dexterity modifier) to attack rolls with thrown weapons.
Special: A fighter may select Brutal Throw as one of his fighter bonus feats.
Normal: A character attacking with a ranged weapon adds his Dexterity modifier to the attack roll.

Complete Adventurer
You have learned how to hurl weapons to deadly effect.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Brutal Throw, Power Attack.
Benefit: On your turn, before making any attack rolls, you can choose to subtract a number from all thrown weapon attack rolls and add the same number to all thrown weapon damage rolls. This number may not exceed your base attack bonus. The penalty on attack rolls and the bonus on damage rolls applies until your next turn.
Special: A fighter may select Power Throw as one of his fighter bonus feats.

Exactly what I had in mind. Thanks.

Nermal2097 wrote:
...I think I am a way off getting a Mighty bow so I was thinking about stocking up on throwing weapons. My main choice would be either Javelins or Throwing Axes. Does anyone have any recommendations or experiences with either. Or does anyone have another weapon that I could use?

I'm partial to the mighty composite bows. You get to take full advantage of your Str bonus, and the range is unbeatable (it is supposed to be a ranged weapon, after all).

My feeling with the shorter-ranged weapons is that I'll usually be able (and prefer) to close with a melee weapon.



And for the record, I don't like Brutal Throw.

Weapon Finesse makes sense -- there are melee weapons for which grace and precision will pay off. But no amount of muscles will make you more accurate, and accuracy is the fundamental requirement of ranged combat.

Two more cents :)


The Exchange

Tatterdemalion wrote:

And for the record, I don't like Brutal Throw.

Weapon Finesse makes sense -- there are melee weapons for which grace and precision will pay off. But no amount of muscles will make you more accurate, and accuracy is the fundamental requirement of ranged combat.

Two more cents :)



Fake Healer wrote:
Tatterdemalion wrote:

And for the record, I don't like Brutal Throw.

Weapon Finesse makes sense -- there are melee weapons for which grace and precision will pay off. But no amount of muscles will make you more accurate, and accuracy is the fundamental requirement of ranged combat.

Two more cents :)



Third point fived!

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Tatterdemalion wrote:

And for the record, I don't like Brutal Throw.

Weapon Finesse makes sense -- there are melee weapons for which grace and precision will pay off. But no amount of muscles will make you more accurate, and accuracy is the fundamental requirement of ranged combat.

Two more cents :)


True, but the same argument can be made about strength in melee combat. Being stronger doesn't equate to hitting more accurately. However, the to-hit/AC system is modeled in part on armor deflecting an attack from causing harm. The argument for str modifying to hit in ranged combat is the same as for melee - greater strength means greater ability to penetrate armor.

not seconded, although I know where you are coming from. I see that perhaps aiming a javelin or a throwing dagger is a fairly dextrous thing to do.
However tossing a 10 lb rock or a dwarf (hee hee dwarf tossing) or a caber is more of a strength issue. You have to be strong to throw these things otherwise you cannot properly direct them during the throwing action owing to their large inertia.
Anyway that is just my opinion.

EDITED - and Sebastien raises a good point

The Exchange

My own personal concern with Brutal Throw is its potential implmentation with all giants...clearly their CR does not take into account the possiblity of using this feat, and yet it could remain a tempting pick for any cruel/brutal/clever/minmaxing GM ;)

I do like the follow-up "Ranged Power Attack" feat, as one can certainly envision sacrificing accuracy for damage (and helps make such a throwing weapon fighter a more viable option), but Brutal Throw does seem to be a potentially unbalancing factor?

Do others think it a fair house rule to nix "Brutal Throw" and allow the follow-up feat to be taken w/o prerequisite? Should Brutal Throw have requisites to prevent its use by giants and other strong hurlers, or would the DM honor system suffice?

My apologies if this is a bit off-topic...

Just to play devil's advocate (because I can't see myself actually using Brutal Throw), those of you who can't see Brutal Throw working should take another look at the Princess Bride - specifically, the first time the Man in Black and Fezzik meet.

secretturchinman wrote:
(Some stuff that I didn't read because I was transfixed by the picture)

Gah! What the hell avatar is that?! Don't sacre me like that- put some warning in. That's just creepy. Looks like something from a nightmare I had when I was little. (shudders)

Liberty's Edge

Saern wrote:

Gah! What the hell avatar is that?! Don't sacre me like that- put some warning in. That's just creepy. Looks like something from a nightmare I had when I was little. (shudders)

Yeah, I just noticed that avatar also (I think the admin keeps adding new avatars without telling us). My guess it that it's an over-caffeinated owlbear under black-lights, but that's just IMO.

Some excellent suggestions, thank you. I will look into getting butal throw as it would fit in with the character (who is ALL about strength).

Magagumo wrote:
My own personal concern with Brutal Throw is its potential implmentation with all giants...clearly their CR does not take into account the possiblity of using this feat, and yet it could remain a tempting pick for any cruel/brutal/clever/minmaxing GM ;)

Thats a great idea! I wish I had thought of it. That ones definitly being utilized if my PCs go through my version of the G series.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Tessius wrote:
Saern wrote:

Gah! What the hell avatar is that?! Don't sacre me like that- put some warning in. That's just creepy. Looks like something from a nightmare I had when I was little. (shudders)
Yeah, I just noticed that avatar also (I think the admin keeps adding new avatars without telling us). My guess it that it's an over-caffeinated owlbear under black-lights, but that's just IMO.

It from the newest Dragon. Construct familiars, Erudite Owl.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

A mithral +2, returning Orc shot-put modified from the Arms and Equiptment Guide. That'd be a sweet weapon for a ranged/strength based character.

In addition to my masterwork Greatsword and my Longbow I am thinking of rounding out my armoury with a longspear and a handful of javelins. I will pick up the variety of splash items as and when I can.

My vote is for the "Splash weapons". I'm not sure what level your character is right now, but think of Hewars Handy Haversack stuffed with alchemists fire. Now think of a fly spell and turning the sack upsidedown...

"I love the smell of napalm in the morning. Smells like, victory."


Just, whatever you do, don't spring for a +1 distance javelin, unless it is also returning. Otherwise that's 4,150+ gp (sell value) that you just gave to the other guy in exchange for, on average with a *good* build, 10 damage.

Thanks for that tip, I will look out for that one.

Rothandalantearic wrote:

My vote is for the "Splash weapons". I'm not sure what level your character is right now, but think of Hewars Handy Haversack stuffed with alchemists fire. Now think of a fly spell and turning the sack upsidedown...

"I love the smell of napalm in the morning. Smells like, victory."


Only just third level now, dont think I will be Flying any time soon (at least not on purpose).

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