A DMs wish - an online NPC stat block "bank"


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Lilith wrote:
Added a "Defense Options" box under the "Attack Options" fields.

Hmm... as long as the options are open... what about a Spell Options field? And an Ammunition one right underneath the Ranged field? ... I think that's all the ones I add on a regular basis...

Oh, and Options is misspelled on the Def Options line, and "Eyes: No hair? Enter 'None'" (We won't tell anybody :-)).

Also, I don't know if it's just me, but the Random NPC Traits box is centered at the top of the page, rather than wrapped to the right.

Bad fingers! No typos! Fixed. :-P

Hey, Thanis, can you email me a screenshot of what you're seeing as far as the layout is concerned? It might help me fix that.

As for the other option fields, I'll have to think about those. For now, ammunition could go in either "combat gear" or "ranged". Spell Options could go in spells prepared/spells known, whichever is appropriate.

I just thought of a couple of cool ideas.

1.) Have links from the sourcebooks to perhaps the WotC or other appropriate information page, for those who might be unfamiliar with a certain book.

2.) This one's stretch, I believe, but wouldn't it be so cool if there was a drop-down menu with some stat blocks so that you could see an advanced version? Like, "Well, this half-silver dragon bat is nifty looking, but I need something that's CR 4..." *BAM!* Drop-down menu, half-silver dragon dire bat to the rescue. Or half-silver dragon bat paladin 2, or whatever... Obviously, it would be up to the original contributer to provide any upgraded versions. I myself would find this to be super nifty. :-)

3.) I've been asked to ask about providing images; so, what do you think about the inclusion of an image (hideable, maybe from the start) with stat blocks?

Bug-ish thing: In the sourcebook listings there are the entries Forgotten Realms and Player's Guide to Faerun. It seems you have adjusted those to the FRCS and FR: PGtF, but the dead links remain.

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:
Bug-ish thing: In the sourcebook listings there are the entries Forgotten Realms and Player's Guide to Faerun. It seems you have adjusted those to the FRCS and FR: PGtF, but the dead links remain.

Nevermind. I think I figured it out (has to do with works in progress).

Sovereign Court

Hello Lilith,

I had a look at your npc db when its development had just started. I just had another look into it and am thoroughly impressed! It offers way more choices to access single npcs, contains considerably more detail on the single npcs (that random trait side bar is ingenious!), and yet it is as easily usable and pleasing to the eyes!

Keep on working on this great project. I will try to add some npcs as soon as there is time for doing so!

Greetings from Cologne, Germany,

Saern made a good point (on the "Make your Claim" thread), we should have the make and view request links a bit larger on the main page so people see them better.

Faboo tool you've got there - I'm hooked! :)

I just started adding a few - I'm trying to flush out a rather large - and generic - thieves guild, so if any of you have any particular requests, do let me know. I'm trying to come up with a range of CRs to represent (eventually) the entire thieves guild organization, from the lowly pickpocket all the way up to the real head honcho (and the fake head honcho he has the rest report to, to limit people attempting to off him).

Hey Lilith....

Any comment on the ideas I posted above? *waits eagerly*

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:

Hey Lilith....

Any comment on the ideas I posted above? *waits eagerly*

1.) Have links from the sourcebooks to perhaps the WotC or other appropriate information page, for those who might be unfamiliar with a certain book.

I should be able to work something out for this.

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:

2.) This one's stretch, I believe, but wouldn't it be so cool if there was a drop-down menu with some stat blocks so that you could see an advanced version? Like, "Well, this half-silver dragon bat is nifty looking, but I need something that's CR 4..." *BAM!* Drop-down menu, half-silver dragon dire bat to the rescue. Or half-silver dragon bat paladin 2, or whatever... Obviously, it would be up to the original contributer to provide any upgraded versions. I myself would find this to be super nifty. :-)

Kinda like Amazon's "Customers also bought these" links? :-) Interesting...could be interesting...(I have to work on a similar project for work, so the learning process will bleed over a lot...)

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:

3.) I've been asked to ask about providing images; so, what do you think about the inclusion of an image (hideable, maybe from the start) with stat blocks?

Are we talking the image/portrait of the NPC? Yes, can be done, can be hidden. :-D

I've learned so much from working on this project, by the way. Lots of fun as well, so it's not as icky as *having* to learn something at work...which is generally not so fun.

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:

Hey Lilith....

Any comment on the ideas I posted above? *waits eagerly*

Thanis, I think I'm going to start referring to you as the "Official Beta Tester" for the Online Stat Block Bank, based on the volume of your posts...


Marc Chin wrote:

Thanis, I think I'm going to start referring to you as the "Official Beta Tester" for the Online Stat Block Bank, based on the volume of your posts...



TK: Official Beta Tester

*casts resurrection on the thread*
Yay! Updates!

* Added support for NPC portraits. You'll be able to provide a link to an image for your NPC. A thumbnail portrait will appear in the "Random Traits" sidebar (which is hideable).
* Added a PayPal support link. (Under the Support Page.)

All I had time for today, unfortunately. :-(

Lilith wrote:

*casts resurrection on the thread*

Yay! Updates!

* Added support for NPC portraits. You'll be able to provide a link to an image for your NPC. A thumbnail portrait will appear in the "Random Traits" sidebar (which is hideable).
* Added a PayPal support link. (Under the Support Page.)

All I had time for today, unfortunately. :-(


*shifty eyes*
...so.... how much would it cost for a commission to get, say, a picture of my shiny new Doom Gigant? (I loves it so... I got the most awesome random traits for it, too: Mannerisms - Loves parties; Odd behavior - Homicidal)

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:


*shifty eyes*
...so.... how much would it cost for a commission to get, say, a picture of my shiny new Doom Gigant? (I loves it so... I got the most awesome random traits for it, too: Mannerisms - Loves parties; Odd behavior - Homicidal)

All my pricings n' such is located here.

Here be a commission that I did for farewell2kings. :-D

The Exchange

Lilith wrote:

All my pricings n' such is located here.

Here be a commission that I did for farewell2kings. :-D

Nice stuff. She's got artistic talent, computer skills, plays D&D, in the SCA, and is generally very intelligent. Somebody better of swept you up, and thank the gods that they tricked you into taking them!

Seriously, how in the world do you find the time to have so much going on? I couldn't do it!

Good work, as always!


Fake Healer wrote:

Nice stuff. She's got artistic talent, computer skills, plays D&D, in the SCA, and is generally very intelligent. Somebody better of swept you up, and thank the gods that they tricked you into taking them!

Seriously, how in the world do you find the time to have so much going on? I couldn't do it!

Good work, as always!


I mentioned this in another thread; based on that description alone, Lilith is essentially a clone of my girlfriend - if only I had a photo to compare the other features... LOL!

*mighty glad my g/f isn't on these boards*

Hehehe... check out my Doom Gigant... muwahahaha!

FakeHealer wrote:

Nice stuff. She's got artistic talent, computer skills, plays D&D, in the SCA, and is generally very intelligent. Somebody better of swept you up, and thank the gods that they tricked you into taking them!

Seriously, how in the world do you find the time to have so much going on? I couldn't do it!

Good work, as always!

Aww, thanks FH!

And on a personal note...
Yes, I do have someone in my life who does appreciate me. Especially when I make him coffee and homemade biscotti in the morning. :-D . We met at a gaming store (it was Battletech night, with the minis, not the HORRIBLE RPG system they tried) and were very good friends before we actually hooked up. (Eight years in July, woo-hoo!) He lurks on these boards too, but isn't quite the forum junkie that I am. We've had many late night coffee discussions talking about playing RPGs, GM/DMing RPGs, how would you handle certain situations, character development ideas, lots of fun stuff. Oh, and he's interested in the same things I am, so that helps a bunch in keeping the relationship lively. :-D Not big into photos, so it's unlikely you'll find pictures of me anywhere (the closest you'll get is my deviantID, so there :-P ).

As far as finding time...some things you just gotta make time for. The Stat Block Bank is one of those things that I made time for and committed to making it "mo' bettah."

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:
Hehehe... check out my Doom Gigant... muwahahaha!

I wouldn't to face Mr Gigant in melee combat...not unless I had a hetaconcheires from the Epic Level Handbook. :-D

lilith.. great work.. i should be adding all of my Npc's to your website soon.. that way i dont have to carry around my several dozen folders with random NPC's intertwined between them.

also.. what about the Leadership feat for villains? i have on 9 or so occasions given my NPC's that feat... do i just give them a rough outline of who they have as henchmen and followers? and what about their leadership number?

anyway thanks for building the site

look forward to seeing everyones brain-children.


ken wright wrote:
also.. what about the Leadership feat for villains? i have on 9 or so occasions given my NPC's that feat... do i just give them a rough outline of who they have as henchmen and followers? and what about their leadership number?

The "Special Abilities" and "Comments" fields are great for such things...

If you've actually got one of your villains detailed out, then you can add him as a servant of your BBEG.

Asking for comissions already Thanis? All you had to do was ask and maybe find an example of the weapons... geez.

Oh well... Lilith completely wins in the drawing domain... *sighes* I DA watched you Lilith, I'm Celiwyn on DA as well, I just don't post alot of my work because my scanner hates me with a passion.

I understand the remark about the significant other "lurking" instead of posting. Forever I just had Thanis relay the interesting things to me instead of posting myself because I thought you had to subscribe to the magizine to join the forums and both our mags where in his name.

Thanis wants me to upload my Shadow Dancer and to create a charater for my fire mephit drawing now.

Celiwyn wrote:

Asking for comissions already Thanis? All you had to do was ask and maybe find an example of the weapons... geez.

Oh well... Lilith completely wins in the drawing domain... *sighes* I DA watched you Lilith, I'm Celiwyn on DA as well, I just don't post alot of my work because my scanner hates me with a passion.

My mom saved the very first drawings I ever did. I still look at them and see how far I've come. I also go back through all my old sketchbooks as well and compare them. Gives me good happy feelings to see what I've been able to do.

And goodness, whatever you do, don't stop drawing, painting, doodling on cocktail napkins, scribbling on biology notes, whatever. You'll never get better if you don't keep doing it - and it won't happen overnight, either. *sigh* (I keep telling myself I won't get better by just *thinking* about it, either. Ya gotta do it, like Nike says.) Have put you on my watch list as well on dA.

Celiwyn wrote:

I understand the remark about the significant other "lurking" instead of posting. Forever I just had Thanis relay the interesting things to me instead of posting myself because I thought you had to subscribe to the magazine to join the forums and both our mags where in his name.

Thanis wants me to upload my Shadow Dancer and to create a charater for my fire mephit drawing now.

Yes, please do. Want to see pretty pictures!

Lilith wrote:
Thanis Kartaleon wrote:
Hehehe... check out my Doom Gigant... muwahahaha!
I wouldn't to face Mr Gigant in melee combat...not unless I had a hetaconcheires from the Epic Level Handbook. :-D

Technically, that's Mrs. Gigant... if you can even tell (or would want to)...

Woo-hoo! More updates!

Added a "Generators for DMs" section that will generate the following:

*Book subjects
*Meals (from Dungeon #133)
*Scroll appearances (from Dungeon #133)

Benign Encounters

More to come as I do them.

Nifty hack. I'd love to see a rating system, because I don't want to see a project like this pulled down under the weight of poorly designed and unedited NPCs.

Two bugs:

1) In Benign Encounters, Taverns, there is an entry "kindly to your type.'"; nothing else on the line. I'm guessing something involving quote marks is goign on here.

2) I am getting some duplicates listed in benign encounters. I know mysql lets you do "SELECT DISTINCT", but most of my command line SQL knowledge stops beyond that ;)

Lilith wrote:

Woo-hoo! More updates!

Added a "Generators for DMs" section that will generate the following:

*Book subjects
*Meals (from Dungeon #133)
*Scroll appearances (from Dungeon #133)

Benign Encounters

More to come as I do them.

So awesome. Are you sure you can use those particular generators, though? Wouldn't want it to be a problem.

Did notice a typo with the meal generator - in some circumstances, meat is spelled emeat... so do the PCs download it? :-P

Lilith, have you talked with Bill Hendricks at all? He's got a few really cool excel sheet generators for magic items & npcs... I'm seeing some serious synergy here. ^^

mougoo wrote:

Nifty hack. I'd love to see a rating system, because I don't want to see a project like this pulled down under the weight of poorly designed and unedited NPCs.

So far, the quality has been good. There's a way to send a comment to the author if there's a question concerning the Stat Block entry.

mougoo wrote:

1) In Benign Encounters, Taverns, there is an entry "kindly to your type.'"; nothing else on the line. I'm guessing something involving quote marks is goign on here.

Fixed. The entry line got broken up onto multiple lines. (Oy.)

mougoo wrote:

2) I am getting some duplicates listed in benign encounters. I know mysql lets you do "SELECT DISTINCT", but most of my command line SQL knowledge stops beyond that ;)

That would be true...if I was using SQL for that part of it. The entries are all PHP arrays.

Fixed it so that entries would be more unique. There shouldn't be any duplicates now.

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:

So awesome. Are you sure you can use those particular generators, though? Wouldn't want it to be a problem.

I'll be posting a topic about that 'ere shortly. Have made the source more obvious on the Generator page.

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:

Did notice a typo with the meal generator - in some circumstances, meat is spelled emeat... so do the PCs download it? :-P

No more emeat! Though part of me wonders what emeat tastes like...

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:

Lilith, have you talked with Bill Hendricks at all? He's got a few really cool excel sheet generators for magic items & npcs... I'm seeing some serious synergy here. ^^

Don't know him or have talked with him...may have to talk to him and see if he wants to do a team up 'bout that...

Johnn Four of Roleplaying Tips emailed me today with a couple of ideas that I will be implementing...as soon as I figured out how to do it.

First thing that I did, was add a 5x8 export option.

The next thing that I'll be working on is....


Yes, I'm going to rattle my brain cells and figure out a way to import stat blocks. You'll get a blank template to use for importing, then you'll be able to copy/paste the whole thing and voila - import away!!

Oh.. here is a question for you.. i have some old school D&D cards with 2nd Ed. stats and stuff.. i have picked out a few of them i liked and upgraded them to 3.5

do you think that using the image of the character on the car along with their new 3.5 upgrade is acceptable for posting?

i have at least 50 character cards ive done this for. and well it already has an image of a character on it so the DM has something tangible to show the players...

anyway.. the question is.. do you want me to post that picture along with the new stats i created for them?


ken wright wrote:

Oh.. here is a question for you.. i have some old school D&D cards with 2nd Ed. stats and stuff.. i have picked out a few of them i liked and upgraded them to 3.5

do you think that using the image of the character on the car along with their new 3.5 upgrade is acceptable for posting?

i have at least 50 character cards ive done this for. and well it already has an image of a character on it so the DM has something tangible to show the players...

anyway.. the question is.. do you want me to post that picture along with the new stats i created for them?


Things I would do:

1.) Edit image and add artist's name and website (if they have one), if it already doesn't have it.
2.) Make a clear statement in your comments block where the stat block came from (converted or not), along with any artwork.
That way, you (hopefully) don't step on any toes and you'll have some brownie points for (possibly) directing traffic to said artist.


Things I would do:

1.) Edit image and add artist's name and website (if they have one), if it already doesn't have it.
2.) Make a clear statement in your comments block where the stat block came from (converted or not), along with any artwork.
That way, you (hopefully) don't step on any toes and you'll have some brownie points for (possibly) directing traffic to said artist.

this is all 1993 cards.. and now that i pulled some out into the sunlight they were the old AD&D trading cards.. all TRS trademarked and it doesnt offer any thing about the artists.. thought i know one or two of them are Brom since i have some Dark-Sun cards

but thanks for the info. and ill try to do some research on the idea about seeing who they had on the payroll for theses cards.

so ill send start pumping out some non picture characters and maybe stick in the comments section about Actors who i thought would fit the bill as portraiting said character.


Scarab Sages

Lilith wrote:

Don't know him or have talked with him...may have to talk to him and see if he wants to do a team up 'bout that...

Well, here I am...

I haven't taken a look at the generators that you have done yet. I will try and do so later today.

Thanis was able to get a few of the generators that I have created on the following site: http://mikehost.homeip.net/dload.php?action=category&cat_id=3

You should take a look at them if you get a chance. They are excel based generators that work rather well. These include a fairly good "art item" generator, scroll generator, and magic item generator. I am trying to finish up some things on the magic generator before I send out an anouncement here, but these are at least rather good working copies.

If you would like to email me directly, my address is moffrimmer (at) viafamily.com. I would love to exchange ideas and thoughts with others that have similar passions and thoughts.


Lilith wrote:

Woo-hoo! More updates!

Added a "Generators for DMs" section that will generate the following:

More to come as I do them.

Great job on the additions, Lilith; I envision in time that we may have here, a DM resource site of practical use to rival any other.

Off topic, thanks also for the bio blurb; you have a lucky man - I'm sure anyone from these boards will tell him the same...feel free to remind him of that frequently ;-)

An Tir was well represented at Gulf Wars XV and I was honored to face them on the field. (...too bad my trebuchet broke after ONE shot) :-( I send both you and your lord greetings and best wishes from Trimaris. Perhaps one day, I'll run into you at Pennsic or other wars in the West.


Lilith wrote:
That would be awesome. I've done something similar with my personal wiki to keep track of NPC and player information. It's worked out pretty good, so far.

Arent you responsible for that very thing? I've posted a couple on there myself.

secretturchinman wrote:
Lilith wrote:
That would be awesome. I've done something similar with my personal wiki to keep track of NPC and player information. It's worked out pretty good, so far.
Arent you responsible for that very thing? I've posted a couple on there myself.

Not the wiki, no...but the Stat Block Bank, yes.

I no nothing about no wiki, but the Stat Block Bank Rules so thank you very much from the bottom of my cold heart that was warmed with a fresh island song.

*casts resurrection on the thread*

Updates! Everybody loves updates! For those that aren't regular visitors to the site, the following updates/fixes/additions have been made:
More Campaigns! The following campaign settings are available for your stat blocks:
*Age of Worms AP
*d20 Modern
*Dark Sun
*Forgotten Realms
*Savage Tide AP (mwah-hah-hah! Thought I'd get a jump on this one)
*Shackled City AP

If you want more, click your heels three times together and say "Expand your list, O Great Lilithid! I wish to see Hollow World in your list!" Seriously, just send me an email. T'ain't no hard thing to do.

Sourcebooks: In your user settings (yes, there is one now, "My Settings" at the top of the page), you'll find yourself with a list of the sourcebooks that are currently in the Stat Block Bank. Stat Blocks (and encounters and spells) that use a sourcebook that you don't have won't be listed.
Scroll Generator: As mentioned, it won't use spells that come from a sourcebook you don't have.
Encounter Generator: The one many have been wishing for - mind you, it's still very much in a beta stage, much tweaking to be done (example, it only generates single creatures right now). However, it does have some base functionality to it - use it, love it, break it, make suggestions!

As always, I'm always looking for feedback (thanks to all those who do - I know who you are...) and suggestions - drop me a line if you've got an idea, suggestion, or something you'd like to see.

Muchos gracias to Bill Hendricks - he's done a lot of the data footwork for the site via his Excel generators - they're awesome, get them, you'll love them!

Planescape!!! Gotta have planescape and nostalgic memories of DiTerlizzi artwork!

Do you need help with your cite or what? I sent email but you never got back to me.

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