Shane Leahy |
There has been talk of avoiding sharing the wrong information when it comes to using Fantasy Grounds, which I support. I do not want to get the FG guys in trouble, espically since thier software is so nice.
So what is Paizo's stance of those of us using FG to run AoW of sharing information amongst ourselves, or even posting it if it was allowed.
All I enter into FG for the games are the stat blocks for the monsters not in the SRD, and the boxed text. So if someone had my files, they would not be able to run the adventures. I do not include any of the maps, pictures or anything else I gather from the web.
Just asking for some clarification. Thanks
Festivus |
All I enter into FG for the games are the stat blocks for the monsters not in the SRD, and the boxed text. So if someone had my files, they would not be able to run the adventures. I do not include any of the maps, pictures or anything else I gather from the web.
You do more than I do. I basically include the room descriptions, pictures that I have made or are available for download, and the very basics of a creature not listed in the SRD (e.g. just the stuff I need to run the combat in FG, not the descriptions of special attacks, etc.)
I always play with the magazine sitting right there on the desk next to FG, so I can read the non-description text. The rest of that stuff would just serve to clutter FG for me.
As an addendum to this question, what about those of us posting up chatlogs of our sessions on our websites? Granted you can't glean much more than the story from it but is that ok?
Bumamgar |
I use the maps from the online suppliments, scaled to 50px per grid-square.
I also create tokens for all the creatures, using either images from the internet or from the online suppliments. These I scale to fit in 50x50 squares (or 100x100 for 10' creatures, etc).
I also pull in the hand-outs from the online suppliment, to share with the players online.
Everything else I just use straight out of the magazine.
However, my group uses Ventrilo alongside Fantasy Grounds so I actually read the room descriptions out-loud, etc. There is rarely any "chat" in Fantasy Grounds, just dice rolls and the movement of tokens on the maps.
For Three Faces of Evil, I experimented with typing in the description blocks and entering in stat blocks for monsters and prominent NPCs, but it didn't really add any value over just having the magazine open in front of me. That, and the fact that I rarely have the time to type everything in, keeps me from doing it for future modules.
One of my players posts an adventuring journal to our group website, which details, in-character, everything that has gone on in the campaign, but other than that, we don't have any chat logs of the sessions. These journal entries are available at: and are posted from the perspective of Tia, the group's Wizard and apprentice to Allustan.
Shane Leahy |
My group uses teamspeak, but we normally use it just for ooc and talking about combat. Most of the ic stuff is done on FG. I really like being able to 'change my voice' depending on the NPC.
I don't resize maps at all, just zoom in until the token fits and then lock the scale. Then again we are just using the tokens that come with FG along with another set of the same size but are more icons (hand, mask, etc).
Wizards site is great for finding pictures, with their art galleries from various books. This works quite well with so many different monsters being used in the AoW.
Here is a question, has FG changed the way you play, or empahisis different things? I have started paying alot more attention to light sources. Each player with a light source draws a circle to display their light source. Really drives home for some, just what they can and cannot see.
Festivus |
My group uses teamspeak, but we normally use it just for ooc and talking about combat. Most of the ic stuff is done on FG. I really like being able to 'change my voice' depending on the NPC.
We do likewise... but then we are all coming from Neverwinter Nights where everything was typed in.
I don't resize maps at all, just zoom in until the token fits and then lock the scale. Then again we are just using the tokens that come with FG along with another set of the same size but are more icons (hand, mask, etc).
Ditto here too, but we use 50x50 standard tokens and zoom out in on maps. I made a set of oversized letter tokens that fit this standard.
Wizards site is great for finding pictures, with their art galleries from various books. This works quite well with so many different monsters being used in the AoW.
I use something called Tokentool (google it) and create tokens from the WoTC site, as well as many other sources. I am looking at as a possible new route to go for tokens. Devinnight does a spectacular job of them, and you end up with a top down view of a table with minis on it.
Here is a question, has FG changed the way you play, or empahisis different things? I have started paying alot more attention to light sources. Each player with a light source draws a circle to display their light source. Really drives home for some, just what they can and cannot see.
What a great idea for light sources... hadn't even occured to me. With the "mask" of FG, it's a lot easier for the players to speak in character, so one could argue about getting more roleplaying time in versus kick the door time.