Canon about creation of the Material Plane?


I'm developing an idea for a horrific adventure, and my bad guy is going to be a creature left behind from the primordial chaos, a la HPL.
Is there published canon I should be aware of for the Big Bang theory for Greyhawk? I've read the Races of.. series, so I'm familiar with each of the races' creation myths. I wanted to check to see if there was anything else I should know about. As always, thanks for the feedback!

Oh, yeah - H.P. Lovecraft, for anyone who may be wondering. Thanks!

Eleazar wrote:
Is there published canon I should be aware of for the Big Bang theory for Greyhawk?

There is no creation canon for Greyhawk. That's not to say that there hasn't been any deity-specific propaganda, but that sort of ancient pre-history is exactly the sort of thing that should be (and has been) left to individual DMs.

If you'd like to get my own take on the creation of the Multiverse (and how all the rules/laws of D&D came about), check out my "Life, the Multiverse, and Everything" page on my website at

Denis, aka "Maldin"
Maldin's Greyhawk
Check out the ton of edition-independent material on my website

This is my explanation for why there is a difference in cosmology between 2e and 3/3.5, and it includes a few things that you might be interested in.

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