Twinsun |
Well my group is about halfway through the Champions Belt and last night was one of the funniest sessions we have had in along time. While exploring the arena they found the secret door into the Shrine of Kyuss located in the wine cellar. They disarmed the ward on it, and went down (lucky rogue). Out popped the 3 Spawn of Kyuss in the coffin room and then the fear saves started up...
3 of the 5 failled, 2 of those took off back up the steps running like mad men for 7 rounds, 1 of them took off down the hallway toward the training room but turned right before he got there into the pump room (all turns are randomly determined when under fear effects in my campaign). The cleric and the wizard were all that remained with the Spawn of Kyuss and they quickly realized they were out matched, the wizard took off running down the hallway to the pump room following the panicked ranger/thief (this greatly surprised me as I figured he was a goner) when he got the the cowering ranger/thief the wizard D-doored them out to the wine cellar room above. The cleric took off after the two runners (both straight up warriors in heavy armor can you say clang clang clang for the tank) who were ripping through the first level of the arena at runs with little heed where they were headed. One he stopped right outside of the storage with a hold person spell (another blown save) and the other he followed able to keep up with but not catch as he ran crazy through the arena. I thought this was going to come to an abrupt end when the fleeing fighter (with cleric in tow) charged through the guard chamber (the one that has two elites in it) but the cleric pulled out his Eversmoking Bottle and filled the area with smoke before the guards could make out who had charged into the room. At this point the fear has worn off and everyone hightailled it back to the wizard for a teleport back to the Cenoby except for ranger rogue who snuck his way back down...
I cannt wait to come up with rumors about what took place that night on the first floor of the arena
Would Love suggestions.
Oh as a side note, the Spawn of Kyuss stayed in the coffin room as Bozal would likely not want to tip his hand early if he can avoid it, since there was really no combat or damage he is of the opinion that should the party come back he can deal with them.

Twinsun |
After having regathered themselves, avoided the guards, and gotten themselves back into position in the wine cellar to make another trip down the secret stairs....
This time the party was ready for the Spawn of Kyuss, two Remove Fears covered the 5 members of the party with +4 saves vs fear, A Magic Circle of Protection from Evil (+2 saves), Recitation (not certain I spelled that right)(+2 saves), got them to the point that they were throwing a +8 on their will saves.... not to mention the AC boosts they got as well. The three spawn in the coffin room died in 2 rounds, the practice room with its 6 spawn and a Mohrag, was no more challenging again they tore through it and if I remember correctly no one was even injured. However one of the spawn did run away at the beginning of combat.....
Bozal was fully prepared and ready for the PC's in the room with the Scrolls and an interesting standoff took place...
Bozal was buffed fully including him anti-life shell which held the party back very effectively....most of his spells were touch spells such as Harm, Slay Living, Contagion, so until he broke the shell he was hampered as well.... He attempted to Monster summoning spells but the party was under the effects of Magic Circle against Evil which holds all evil summoned creatures at bay.... With protection from good he was up to a 20 AC against most of the characters but then the characters are 9-10 level and AC20 is almost a cake walk.... so after shooting missle weapons at him for a round he cast Divine Power and walked into combat he did put a hurting on one of the PC's the round he engaged but was at 4 hit points when it got back around to him and he released the Apostle, Monologed, and died under the parties blades... but the turn fun was starting now....
The party can hear the Apostle crashing around as it attempts to break through the ceiling, it takes it 3 rounds to do this while the party is healing and buffing thinking that its trying to come at them through the double doors. It take the Apostle 2 more rounds to break through the arena floor, during which time the party has gotten mostly healed and put up Legions Aid Spell, sheild on the mage, etc etc and they realize the crashing is getting more distant not closers, one runs forward to look and finds the worm above them headed into the arena, Wizard teleports the group up, a fight starts... long story short the Apostle really messed up one of the fighters biting it and grappling it and then the next round swallowing it, but the party put in 204 hit points of damage in 4 rounds, and the worm had a full round of misses against the cleric with the 29 AC and the Apostle perished freeing the trapped fighter who was down to a 3 con and 8 hit points remaining. That would pretty much be where we left off.

Russell Jones |

That sounds very similar to my campaign. The party waded through the sewer into the coffin room before the games started, but killed Bozal in one round after he Harmed the Ftr/Rog for 150 points of sweet, sweet negative energy. The Apostle was still trapped in his sphere, and the party still hadn't figured out what was going on, so I thought I would have a chance to release the Apostle during the Games.
(The campaign's in Eberron, so the thought of thousands of wights running around Sharn sounded too good to pass up...so what happened next kinda bummed me out.)
The wizard rolled a 30 on his spellcraft check to figure out what the containment sphere was, and after some discussion we agreed that "Identifies unique magical effects" would also allow him some insight into how to undo it. The cleric made his divine channel check, but the wiz failed on his only Dispel Magic. So he cast a Leo's Secure Shelter and they waited a day, memorizing a lot of Dispels. The next day they fared better; on the second attempt they released the Apostle, chased it up to the Arena and managed to kill it before it ate one of them.